
Road to God

Look If you had One shot Or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted In one moment Would you capture it Or just let it slip?

Frogkun · アニメ·コミックス
119 Chs

Chapter 11

They walked slowly toward the parking lot through the entrance. Not far from the entrance Saeko stopped walking and looked at Yoru.

"There's a group of students up ahead. And they're fighting zombies. What should we do?" Saeko asked.

"Saeko, Rei, Takashi, you go first." Yoru gave directions.

The three of them immediately ran to help the group of students up ahead.

Yoru and the rest of the members walk slowly toward the entrance. On the stairs, Yoru saw Saeko and the others with five new students. And Yoru can see that Takashi squeezed his hand.

"We're trying to get out of school. If you want to come along, follow my instructions. If you can't, don't follow us." Said Yoru a little serious.

The five students looked at each other. Yoru, didn't care about them and just walked right past them.

"There will be a lot of students at the entrance. Which means there will also be a lot of zombies. What are you going to do?" Takashi ask.

Yoru looked at Takashi and smiled. "We will see later."

Yoru immediately looked into the trash bag and took some cans and threw them at the glass door, causing the door to shatter.

"Saeko, Rei, Takashi guard the back. Tell me when zombies approach." They immediately walked to the back of the group and stood guard.

Zombies around the lobby and outside walked towards the broken door. They pushed each other and some fell and were stepped on by other zombies.

After that Yoru threw the can 3 meters away from the door. The zombie that had been in front of the door walked away toward the can. Yoru repeated the process several times until he didn't see any zombies around the door.

"We're safe. Follow me slowly. Don't make any sound." Everyone was silent and motionless.

"Whoi what's wrong? Come on, we can get out now." They realized and followed Yoru slowly from behind.

"Rei, Takashi, you guys stay behind. Saeko, you come here." Saeko walked over to Yoru.

"What's wrong?" Ask her.

"Just in case." Yoru give a short answer.

We finally got out of the school building and could see the parking lot.

"The minibus is over there." I was reminded of me by pointing where the minibus was.

"Don't run, just walk quietly."

"You and you" I pointed at 2 students.

"Take this bag" I handed them the trash bag that full of cans.

With trash bags carried by someone else. Yoru could move a little bit comfortably. He immediately took the can and tied it at the end of the arrow. After that he fired the arrow at the zombie but without killing the zombie.

The zombie that was hit by the arrow immediately moved and made a commotion with the can attached to the arrow.

Everyone was shocked by what Yoru did.

"While the zombie focused on that thing." Yoru invites everyone to run faster.

After a few minutes full of tension they arrived near the mini bus.

"Shizuka, open the door" Yoru tell Shizuka to open the door, because she's the one who has the key. After Shizuka opened the door and went straight inside the others followed one by one.

After everyone is in and they are ready to go. Yoru hear voices from a distance. There he saw a man and some students running chased by zombies.

"Who are they?" Ask Yoru.

"Shidou. Class 3-A homeroom teacher." Saeko answered.

"Shidou!" Rei looked very angry.

'Rei is angry, and Saeko looks disgusted with that person but why are Takashi and the others so normal?'

"What are we waiting for?" Shizuka asked.

"Wait a minute, someone ran here." Takashi tried to get out of the bus but was stopped by Rei.

"We're not going to save him! People like him deserve to die!" Rei shouted stopping Takashi.

But Takashi broke away from Rei and try to run outside.

"If you go out. I will not let you in." Yoru said in a cold and serious tone.

Hearing Yoru voice, Takashi stopped moving.

Yoru than close the door. Seeing the door is closed, the students and Shidou were shocked. But then Yoru open the minibus window and stick out his bow. He realest some arrow that distracts the zombie. He then threw another minibus key at Shidou.

"Shizuka" After Yoru call her, without to much thinking, Shizuka started the engine and stepped on the gas and lunged at all the zombies in front of the mini bus.


Along the way, Rei looks very annoyed.

"Why are you helping someone like him?" Rei asked Yoru with annoyance clearly visible on his face.

"I don't care what your problem with that guy was. But, it seems to me that guy can be used a little bit." Yoru replied in a slightly cold tone and a little creepy smiles.

Everyone was confused by what Yoru said and a little scary looking at him.

'Right. That man, I can use him. That man had mana. Unlike Saeko and the others. And according to the FAQ, I can increase the amount of mana I have. One way is to take someone else's mana'

[Actually you should kill your victim first. That way, you can take an organ called a Mana Core. By consuming mana Core, you can increase the amount of mana you have.]

'Oh... I have to kill him?'

[Why? Feel bad?]

'Not really, I'll still do it. But maybe I should choose my victim properly later on.'

"Don't think too much about it. If he is of any use, I will take advantage of him. Otherwise, Rei, you are free to do anything to him. I allow you to kill him." Yoru's cold voice made everyone feel goosebumps.

However, what Yoru aid after that made them all a little confused.

"Shizuka, we stop at a convenience store not far from here." Yoru said to Shizuka who was driving.

"Why?" Shizuka was confused.

"I'm hungry. Thinking too much makes me hungry." Yoru slumps his body.

"I need sugar. Chocolate. Ice cream. Give me rice." Yoru sounded like a very hungry person.

"Didn't you eat a lot in the teacher's room too?" Saya scoffed a little.

"Concentration takes energy too. My body may not have much trouble. But my mind is tired. I need a nap. Wake me up when we get to the convenience store." Yoru then closed his eyes.

"Seriously. He's already fast sleep." Said Saya.

"Just leave him alone. After all, he was running around the school grounds to look for the contents of those seven backpacks, right." Saeko reminded Saya.

"But he…" Saya was about to say something but was cut off by Shizuka.

"He's under no obligation to help you. But he's been helping you from the start, isn't he. He's gathering the food in that backpack before he even thinks about what he should do." Shizuka spoke a little seriously.

"Imagine if you didn't meet the three of us earlier in the teacher's room? What would you do?" Shizuka added.

Everyone silent after hearing what Shizuka said and looked at Yoru who was fast asleep.