
Chapter 19 - Savanna

A sudden gust came from his hand. It was so light but the effect was insane. In just a second, they started choking, gasping for air. "Let's make you guys hallucinate for a bit," Drake was clearly cutting off their oxygen. 

The Sora then started craving for something to release their suffocating need. 

"Disgusting bastard," Drake then made them able to inhale amount of oxygen barely enough to keep them alive.

As they would started to hallucinate because the lack of oxygen, Drake took this opportunity to escape from them.

Meanwhile, the master of that tower was still gritting her teeth. With the tiny seed of anxiety resting in the pit of her stomach, she kept asking the update form the alliance. "How long until they come?" 

"Master Savanna, we haven't received the update from our massage," Said one of her subordinates, always keeping in check with the crystal ball they had. 

Savanna, the owner of the Sora Tower in Zone West. She's not exactly owning the place, but the association of Sora gave her the opportunity to handle the West Zone.

How lucky for a Sora like her to be able to control the area. After all, not a high rank Sora had the opportunity. 

And during the time she controlled the Zone West, nonetheless multiple times of surprise attack had existed in the past. But she would never imagine an over aggressive ambush like this could overpass her protection barrier. 

In fact, as soon as Lara and Faryal spread the sleeping cloud, Savanna sensed there's something wrong with her barrier. And after checking with the connecting crystal ball that was installed around the area, it confirmed her instinct of the ambush going on. 

How could they attack so quickly right after the incident two days ago. The area of destruction was not yet being perfectly restored.

How ignorant those people were to not consider any possibilities of back up. The West Zone was a neutral zone. Other alliances Sora wouldn't be calm after this.

"Check it, again!" Savanna ordered. Right now, her wrath was pent up on the head. If no one came, she would act on her own.

Right after a couple of minutes passed, They finally got the reply. "Master, here's come the message."

"Move away!" She impatiently grabbed the crystal ball, hoping to speak with the other Sora alliance, only to receive a letter message.

It was informed that others were already on the way, but they got distracted with thick purple cloudy sleeping drugs around the Zone West.

Even they were trained to handle those kinds of drugs from valerian flowers, it was troublesome for them to not be able to see what happened inside. The thick purple cloud indeed hiding everything inside.

When Sora fought, they had to make sure they could win. No chance was being taken if the winning part was dubious. And the drug cloud around the area was surely proved the one that came to her was a high tier Sora. This made her feel the restlessness she no longer felt for a long time.

"How could they!" Savanna bit her lips. In a way, she had to clean this mess up by herself. "Tell the guards, we're moving the materials to the underground!

Sora tower was made perfectly for training and testing the power. It had a dungeon that contained the 'material' they had collected with effort. When Savanna told them to move it to the underground, it was a different hidden location under the dungeon.

Drake finally entered the main hall. Marven had told him the main office was on the highest floor of the building. His purpose was to bring down the master of this tower, and destroy anything related.

When overrunning one area, it couldn't be avoided that they had to erase the remaining power from the last regime.

This crossed his mind one at a time. He just had to call it their bad luck irking a powerful chanter like him. With the slavery and so on, this town was treating their people like shit in many ways, it just a matter of time before they met their fall. Drake only made it happen faster.

When he was about to climb the stairs, a powerful wind was blown from the floor above. It then appeared in front of him, a woman in her thirties with slender figure. 

"Well, it seems like I have to clean this myself." Savanna said. She was sure this man was a man from the crystal ball she saw. 

"What's your purpose in doing this?" No sane person would attack the neutral zone.

Drake smirks, "I want something, you just happen to be in the way."

In a second, Savanna opened a small tube. A gray mist gas was released from it, roaming around the room.

She thought the gas should make this person die right at the moment. They use a rare plant to make this poisonous gas. And only some high tier Sora was trained with the antidote. That's why she was confident enough that the man before her would die right away.

"Arrgghh!" The sound definitely did not come from Drake. It was from the person behind her.

This woman could even betray her own people to win over Drake. As strong as she thought the poisonous gas could kill Drake, her subordinate could't escape the poison as well.

This drug was like a mastercard for her. She didn't want to prolong any fight. Who knows how strong these people were. 

Well, Drake was surely stronger than her. Just in a second when she thought it was over, a sharp blade was touching her neck, making her slightly bleed.

This time, Drake's laugh echoed inside the hall "Do you think you could ever kill me with that shitty gas?" 

"Ho.. How??" Savana eyes were dilated, as her crimson blood dripped from the edge of Drake's swords.

It was the time he had to end the life of this woman. But before his sword went deeper through her skin, a sound of ruckus came out from the back of the hall. 

As he turned his head over the origin of the voice, a little girl came out running.

She looked so thin with her bone showing under the skin. She was running for her life, escaping from the two guards that were chasing her. 

When she saw the unknown man shoving his swords towards Savanna, that little girl was screaming asking that man for help.

She surely knew who Savanna was. In the end, it was that woman's fault a little girl like her had already met the hell.

"Please!" She screamed running toward Drake. But just before a little more steps reached her only hope, her life was brutally taken from her. 

A long blade was thrown out, piercing through her skin from the back to her chest. It was a direct hit to her heart. 

Her blood splatter everywhere.

What a dunch-like display these people were showing. "How audacious you had," Drake laughed.

His slightly better mood went directly to the south. There were rules to becoming a criminal, or even the most notorious villain. But abusing children to their death was not in his rule book.

The deeper Drake pierced his sword to Savanna's neck, the more crimson blood running through the blade.

As he boosted his mana, it was the first time Savanna felt a person could snap her neck just the time. The real cold sweat was forming on her forehead. "I.."

Without finishing what she was going to plead, Drake was back using his power, cutting out the oxygen from the guards.

This time, he cut it entirely so how many times they gasped for air, they were never be able to breathe. It was also a shocking view for Savanna

Both of the guards were falling to the ground. Grabbing their neck. "Master… the material… " one of the guards said before he lost his life.

That moron! How could he utter the 'material' before his last breath. Savana had never found out how stupid her person was.

"Material?" Of course Drake catched what the guard said. He firstly thought that was some stuff for research, not interested in that kind of thing. 

However when he was about to ignore it, the little bunny monster suddenly came out showing his face. 

"Elmon." Drake regarded him.

Elmon then spoke with his raspy voice. "Drake, ask her about the material. I know for sure it had a different idea from what you think of."

"How.. How could a monster escape the forest?" Savanna asked, eyeing Elmon with her scared eyes. 

"Why do you think they can't?" Drake curiously asked, testing the woman. Though no monster had come out from the west forest, no one knew about the reason. 

"But.. the barrier…" Savanna definitely knew about the barrier circling the forest.

When no normal human could see the tinny safety barrier that heaven had made, how could the owner of Zone West know about that. 

She was still amused yet trembling in scared with the monster before her. How many times they tried to bring out some monsters from the forest, they never succeeded.

That monster vanished into a dust right after they took the step out. Not to mention no one of them was able to speak like this.