

aloukika · LGBT+
11 Chs

Ep 7

Niel wanted to check whether the professor was alright or not so called him.

Hello professor....

Akihito took the call and unknowingly spoke HELLO and cut the call...for a second in Akira female radio jockey from cool f.m.

This voice... Neil instantly recognizes the voice and wants to confirm if it's just an imagination or phone problem. But Akihito cut the call. Again tried to call Akihito, but the phone was switched off due to low battery.

Neil reached home and waited for the Akira show but due to some inconvenience the show was cancelled is what they said on the radio channel.

Neil was disturbed due to this incident and wasn't able to sleep all night.

Morning came.

He got up and went directly to meet professor Ranzaku San on entering the college.

Akihito was in the empty classroom preparing for the classes.

Good morning professor greeted niel.

Hmm. Who Is this.? Asked Akihito using the phone.

Do you remember a few days ago we crashed into each other because of a skate board professor.

Yes. Neil from management dept, senior major right.? Asked Professor Ran.

Yes, professor. I replied.

Thank you very much for that day. As you know I can't talk nor listen. I forgot to put my hearing machine on that day and couldn't listen to what you said at that time. I couldn't hear you to reply back then or else I would have replied to you back through the phone says professor Ran San.

Hmm, the professor is right. He can't speak, so it's just my over imagination or phone problem. Neil was disturbed and disappointed. Right Akira was a female anyway why her voice could come from prof. Ran...

I parted ways with the professor and got back to my day to life.

Night falls

I ate dinner and waited for Akira to go ON Air.

Hi It's 9.00 pm time for our show. Hello How are you all. Hope you are doing well. This is your RJ Akira from Cool f.m.

Pop up


Ring ring

I am sorry everyone. I didn't come yesterday due to the running cold, Miss Hassana alias R.j Sana took the yesterday show. Well now I am back so shower me with all your love to us. Well truth to be told actually I really love R.j Sana's voice which is really cute, and she is so bubble and lovely, beautiful that I wish I could take her as my girlfriend. But she always rejects me anyway. What do you think of today's theme of us?.. Any guess?

Niel: Ha, so due to the cold she didn't come. Hmm. Her voice is mesmerizing so much that I got to relieve myself by listening to her voice.

I got into the washroom. I ran a cold water shower and refreshed myself by listening to her voice. Sigh such cold nights, empty rooms, your warm voice, its always heats me up. How can I get to you Akira.

As our theme of love going today anyone wants to propose or want to tell others on your behalf call me. I will talk to them and let others know about the lucky ones. So call me now.

Neil tried to call the radio station… It put him in waiting due to the rush of other calls.

After a while the call didn't connect.

Hi hello this is your RJ Akira. Who is on the call…?

Hello my darling this is my Love to you.

Oh. Hello Mr. My love. What is your name and where are you from..? What do you want to say any message or confession...? Asked Akira.

I am from ... Prefecture. I have a confession to make that I love your voice and your shows. It was really enjoyable. All I want to say is I.LOVE.YOU AKIRA.

Giggles. Thank you very much for loving me and also liking our show thanks a lot.

Then let's wrap it for today. Don't worry who couldn't connect we will be sure to run this show often so stay tuned.

Congratulations on those lucky ones who got to spend their time with me. Stay connected keep smiling listen to this last song for today from RJ Akira. See you, good night, sweet dreams. Bye everyone.

Ha it didn't connect. How can I meet you Akira. When... Niel was in despair.


A shadow came out from the radio room.

Phew, Tired Akihito ranzaku AKI. RA san asked by a girl who approached the Akihito.

Ran: Not tired but a bit exhausted Miss.Hassana.

Want some water. Here is your water bottle. She put it into his hand.

Ran examined and drank water by opening the cap.

So when are you going to propose me to become your girlfriend ms. Akira San asked Sana.

Giggles. Your husband and son will kick me. Even though others don't know us if they see us they will come to hate us. Except this humor which is lacking in life can bring life for someone through this it is all what we are doing right Sana San.

And also you always reject me when we want to go for dinner so that's what I told them.