

aloukika · LGBT+
11 Chs

Ep 6

Niel: Yes… it must be... it should be… I stood up from my chair and ran towards the east wing announcement room where she mentioned earlier. It has to be her voice my angel.

Neil… (Others calling him)

As I passed through many noisy food stalls, cafes, music stalls and many fliers but only her voice is what was ringing in my ears.

Neil sempai…(some one calling)

I may be confident that it is her voice but what if it's not. As I am crossing the building steps only a few rooms ahead to meet the voice. I am able to meet her voice even if it's her or not I have to confirm. Gasp gasp. I reached the broadcasting room. It is in front of me… I opened it gasp…. Hahn silence… its empty… the broadcasting room is empty gasp. Sigh… Even though I ran out hurriedly I can't have a glimpse of that voice.

Excuse me. (A voice from behind called him)

I turned back to see.

Oh hello. What can I do for you? (A random student)

Ah nothing it's just who is that just announced a child lost in the broadcasting room. Do you know?

Hah I don't know Neil. I just came from the washroom. If it's an announcement we are speaking...? only our group is allowed. Maybe it was just a junior one of us… why what happened Neil.? Is something wrong?

Oh it's nothing. Forget it. I am going back. I turned and walked away.

Oh hey Neil. (Voice from background)

Movement later

As I am going in the hallway... my friend stopped me.

Hey Neil I want some candies.

Oh okay. Give me 5 candies then. I just smiled.

(Kya kya. Such a handsome smile. Oh I will die.) fan girls near the stall who saw him.

Oh dear... please enjoy everyone. Smiles and leaves. I bought candy from my friend's stall and am returning to the club room. But still why is it that the voice is exactly similar to my Akira. Who could it be?

As I am licking the candy to release my anxiety and thinking of Akira I reached the club room to help others.

Hey guys I bought some candies….

Neil did you run away just for those candies asks shin. one is enough for not working but you also gone?

Shin…. Let me help you okay. Let's complete it by the time of 7 pm okay.

You better be a class rep.

Tik tok 7 pm on the clock.

Oh everything completed on time. Thanks guys. It's my treat to drink whatever you want at the barista bar stall okay. Niel Smiles.

Oh we will gladly take this offer neil but please take that dead body out of here and point out at ash.

Smirk oh who wants miggu miggu latte?

As Niel asked ash replied from out of his coma stage and said "I want".

Then let's go guys.

All of us came downstairs near the entrance where the barista bar stall is.

Oh looks like it's packed with professors and lots of students are here since its last day. Well there looks like a little free seats are there Let's go there guys.

 Hey what do you want I will bring them and you guys go there and spare my seat until I come.

I want beer that says ash.

I want chilled Americano says shin.

I want beer to sempai says the junior.

I will bring them now said niel.

Okay come fast niel says ash.

They walked to the 10 seat table which is already half packed with few students. They sat down.

(Neil came with drinks on a drink stand and saw on the table in the middle. Ha is in'it he the junior from before.) Here you go guys and give out and sit down and start drinking his orange juice.

So then the professor please dink this shot too. (Someone said from other party students.)

As niel listened to the professor, he choked it.

Cough cough cough.

Hey man are you alright niel, asks ash.

I…. I … am fine. Says niel. But who is that person and asks ash.

Oh he is one of our college music professors. he is cool right says ash..

Mr. ran who sat in the middle of the 10 sitting table and niel who sat on the 10th chair within a few chairs away scared to listen to the junior he thought was actually a music professor.

From When? Asks niel to ash.

Well I too don't know well I heard that it is around our joining before, maybe 2-4 years less or more.

Thump thump

Shit I hugged and offended a professor. No actually I saved him. So no worries come down heart.... Niel starts drinking his juice again.

But if I clearly see he can listen as he is drinking after their requests right. Then why did he act like that time? Well whatever I shouldn't involve any more than this.

Hey what a coincidence Akihito ranzaku san you are here all the time and I am searching for you all over the stall says the old looking professor from management who just came.

Oh hello professor everyone on the table stand and greet him along with Akihito san.

You should stop now being informal. be formal Akihito san.... you are also a professor just like me.

No sir you are one of the professors whom I admire and look up to the most says Akihito by using a phone app.

How much longer have you been here The students asked the professor from management.

Well it must be my 30th year by now. As I am teaching here and the past 10 years I saw Akihito san study here and getting a degree then higher studies now teaching as a professor a lot of happened. But still I think it is just yesterday that Mr. Akihito running the hallways for tests as a student but now sits along with me on board professor meetings.

Akihito becomes shy as he is listening. It's nothing sir it's all your supervision that I am here. Thanks for everything sir.

Oh tell us more about the professor ran sir asks the crowded group.

Heh heh giggles he is a bright and diligent student at his time. You should learn more from your professor okay.

Hey is that really our sadistic professor who gives us chills that smiling and showering compliments on a person whispers ash to niel.

And you management students too learn from your professor okay says the management professor with anger on ash, niel and others points out on them.


Oh my.... professor ran passed out due to over alcohol. What do we do.( crowd speaking)

Oh no kid. He is exhausted. Hey niel. Said management professor.

Niel: I stopped drinking my orange juice and stood to respond… Yes sir.

I am getting old, maybe… or due to alcohol. I can't see it clearly. I entrust him to You. You have a car right. I will yes chat you the address of Professor Akihito. Get him to his home very carefully and come back to report me. He is too delicate, can't hear and can't see anything so be careful.  Such a poor kid...(says the professor while carrying akihito head)

Niel:... Okay professor.

And everyone enjoy yourself and prepare for the exams okay.

Ah yes professor. (students crowd)

I am going now says management professor and leaves.

Crowed clears.

Hey niel are you really dropping the professor asks ash.

Yes it's an order from the professor so yes. Says niel. While going near the professor ran.

Do you need my help asked ash and he was worried.

No need to go home we will meet tomorrow.

Brrrr brrrrr

I checked my phone management professor had sent some address on yes chat. We need to get going now.  Shall we go professor. He lifted the Akihito professor who was unconscious and went to the parking lot.

I opened my car door and put him in the seat then seatbelt. I drove him to the labeled address.

I Carried him to his house which is shabby looking like an apartment. Haha. A house lock... are you awake sir.. hmm professor ran.. what is the pin code of your house.

hmmm he opened his eyes and put his right finger.

scan complete welcome akihito.

oh house lock opened.? I opened the akihito prof house door and went in with him. he put him on his bed.

I am thirsty.... says akihito.

hmm. i will bring water sir. i went to the kitchen besides his bedroom.

hmmm ahhh ahhh ahhh hmmmm

As I entered the near fridge a slightly trembling moaning voice was coming. i picked up a water bottle and gave him then went back to my house....

blushed akihito relieving himself from stress by ejaculation.

ahhh ummmmmm.

ring ring ring brrrr

akihito phone is ringing.

akihito picked up his phone and said hello...

Niel: what?..... this voice..?