
Rivalry with your Hero

"The Thousand Year War" has come to a close, but the identity of its hero remains a mystery. Grace and her friends, who survived the war, idolize the unknown hero. Grace, in particular, is a huge fan. Upon the end of the war, Grace's rival, Hisin, returns, but little does she know that he is the very hero she admires. Despite her admiration, Grace can only hate Hisin at the moment, as her friend Sophia starts to develop feelings for him. This novel is told from multiple perspectives, including Grace and her friends, as well as Hisin, making the characters the protagonists.

LostinWriting · 歴史
8 Chs

Chapter 8 Sophia and Lysia: Her Forest

Lysia and Grace's spoke but there was a girl in another room.

"Yes… I allow him to hunt in the deeper parts of the Lavdrianna forest."

She peeked through the gaps of the door. Her golden hair falling in waves beside her, she brought a finger to fix some strands upon her ear.

"Yes, that must be it! Otherwise why would he bother?"

So Lysia Loves Hisin as well…

She felt betrayed… she had told Lysia her feelings too.

It hurt more when Lysia had said, Hisin loved her.

How quick grace was to shut down her delusion. Sophia couldn't help but feel grateful for Grace, even despite how awful of a thought it was.

She breathed in relief when Grace grabbed at the core and tossed it into the trash.

The look of shock that ran over Lysia's features Grace did not see as she sauntered off.

Lysia stood, frozen for several seconds, staring off into space. Finally her gaze moved again, it was to the trash. It lingered.

Sophia swallowed.

Lysia turned away; a reluctant step then another.

Leave! Leave! Lysia! The door is right there!

Lysia stood for several more seconds, then calmly exited.

The slam of the door sounded and Sophia breathed in a sigh.

The door creaked as Sophia stepped into the living room.

She hurried to the trash sweeping her gaze around as if Lysia may appear at any second.

She picked it up from the trash.

It was cold, at the same time warm.

She smiled as she ran back into her room. The same room she'd been hiding in since morning.

It really was like Lysia's eyes.

She brought it against the light

Colors of green danced off and flourished like perfect auroras on its surface.

The thought that it may be given with meaning angered her.

Such foreign feelings… Jealousy… and… no she didn't want to feel that way towards Lysia.

Sophia closed her eyes. Letting the emotions calm gently. They were always there, but they were calmed.

They took the horses out. She ran her hands over its dark mane.

"Has Emma arrived?" Elizabeth asked her.

"No she hasn't…"

"Her territory sits opposite the deeper parts of the Lavdrianna from the Powfrien Estate."

A somber Lysia spoke, "it is my fault, I've sent words late. It will be a day before she arrives."

"It is fine, when the ladies leave we can stay for Emma."

Lysia smiled.

"That is a nice thought. I Haven't seen Emma in so long…"

She ran a hand through her brown hair.

Emma's hair was a light azure blue like finely threaded strands of ice, and her eyes. Her eyes were the colors of ice.

Lysia gaze onto Elizabeth carefully. The amethyst girl tilted her head. Her flowing hair trailing down in a river of purple.

Grace moonlight silver.

Sophia golden.

Her… boring brown and green.

He would never like her.

She scoffed at herself.

Yes Grace had put her in her place. Jokester Lysia. Lysia the clown.

"Stupid stupid stupid!" She muttered lightly.

"What was that?"

"Nothing." she gave Elizabeth the friendliest smile she could muster.

She climbed onto her horse, calling behind her at the ladies getting on their horses, "Ladies, is anyone in need of assistance?"

Miss Mornoon rode to their sides, "the ladies are fine, Miss Vissaye. Oh yes and Miss Advan, thank you for the invitation."

Lysia nodded, "Tell her I'm glad she can make it. I like her gown at the ball."

"Your gown was very pretty as well," Miss Mornoon answered.

"Yes… thank you, we will set off."

"Elizabeth… tell Grace I am sorry for earlier."

"What happened?"

"Just tell her."

They traveled through the well trodden areas of the forest. Lysia felt the wood of the bow in her hand.

These areas were her favorite parts.

That was why she always hosted these gatherings.

Being here with her friends was all that she could ask for.

"What is that?"

Smoke rose from the forest.

Lysia gazed in bewilderment at the billowing shrouds of soot and ash.

"No no no!"

She rode off.

It was impossible, the forest was too humid and too wet for fires.

Lysia rode as fast as she could towards the billowing clouds.

Her heart raced with fear and concern.

The thought of anything happening to her beloved forest…

She smelt it before she saw it, it was the charred smell of burning wood. It crackled, Blazing. It was blazing.

The heat hit her like a wall, the flames twisting and writhing.

The trees of her forest, consumed by their anger.

She dismounted from her horse and ran, trying to find a way to stop it. She searched for a nearby stream or river, anything.

The small creek… the same small creek that she frequented as a child.

There was nothing. There was nothing for her to use, only a small empty canteen hung limply on her shoulder.

Despite it she quickly filled it with water. She made her way towards the pulsing heat of the flames. Grace and Elizabeth pulled her back.

Staring blankly.

Who? Who would do this?