
RISING of the SWORD HERO(seeker7246)

REAL NAME OF THIS STORY IS TEN THOUSAND SWORDS. (pls don't hate me) (I am here with another story hope you all will like it. same as previous stories it was collecting dust on FF.net and is not completed. this is shield hero fanfic.trickshot is ongoing but author's focus is not that fanfic so chapters will be updated after long intervals.) synopsis:- There is no victory without sacrifice. This was a truth that Adrian had known all his life, his father sacrificed himself for the city he loved, his mother sacrificed her time, her future for her children and Adrian had chosen to sacrifice what meagre things he could offer to try and help his family. He did not want to be a sacrifice for another world. He did not want to be a Hero. (once again i am not the creator of this story all credits goes to seeker7246 and if author did not like me uploading this story here I can just erase the chapter.)

whitethief274 · アニメ·コミックス
76 Chs

Chapter 61.

It had taken less than a week for his dream to shatter. First, the Sword Hero had proven himself to be a cowardly, lustful piece of trash. Then, the Bow Hero had been kidnapped by an unknown party and on top of that, the Church had proven their incompetence by killing the Shield months earlier than even his most optimistic plans. Aultcray was glad that the Hero was dead, but he had not wanted the Shield removed so early. Faubrey had the means to check whether or not the Heroes were alive and once they verified that the Shield was dead there had been no delay in Siltvelt's declaration.

The only surprise was that Shieldfreeden had not joined them but he was certain that it was only a matter of time. Those so-called democratic beasts thought themselves cunning. He did not doubt that they planned to let Siltvelt suffer losses first before bothering to interfere. It was something he had to plan for.

Still, despite a small part of him, that was pleased that he would have another chance to deal with the beasts directly, the colder-more rational aspect of him was furious. Mirellia and Melty had been in Faubrey when the Shield had died. Negotiations had broken down immediately and it was only due to the support of the Whip Hero and Mirellia's skill at diplomacy that they had managed to leave the nation peacefully.

Aultcray was glad that Mirellia was safe. He was pleased that Malty was out of the way and well protected. Happy that she would return from the accursed cesspit of a nation. And he was elated that Melty was slated to stay in the capital for at least the next couple of months...but he could not deny the chill he felt at the thought of what his wife would say about the horrific mess their country was in.

Had he successfully managed to leash the Heroes and set up the conditions for Melromarc to dominate the world then he was quite certain that Mirellia would only be slightly annoyed by his actions. She would insist that he crush the Three Heroes Church but little else. It would have been perfect. A victory over the world.

Now, it was likely to be remembered as his most foolish mistake. Aultcray pressed the bridge of his nose in an attempt to push away the headache. Genius and ridiculous stupidity were only separated by success and he had failed. All he could do was hope that Malty would not suffer anymore and that Melty would inherit an intact nation.

It was the least he could do for them.

Aultcray heard a knock on the door of his study and saw it open slightly. His guard captain poked his head in and gave him a brief bow.

"Your Majesty," he said, "your guests have arrived and have been seated in the second meeting room."

He nodded, glanced at the clock on his table and felt a surge of irritation, they were late by more than an hour. The insult was obvious. He felt his frustration rise. It would seem that Balmus was not willing to put aside their troubles if he was going to be this petty. Aultcray signalled Amycus to follow him and strode out of the room. His guards followed, the sound of their heavy metal armour making their movements obvious.

The King glanced at the young lord who was walking a single step behind him, the boy had his eyes on the ground, and was nervously looking around. When he found Aultcray staring at him the flinched and looked anywhere but at Aultcray himself as if the portraits around them had anything fascinating to see.

He shook his head. Glad that his heirs were nothing like this young man.

The meeting room he entered was fairly large and the high ceiling and large pillars just enhanced the feeling. Even the group of twelve men who were seated at the table that was placed in the centre of the room looked as if they were small in some intangible way.

"Good evening, Your Majesty. Thank you for having us here," they said after they stood up and bowed to him. Their greeting went without acknowledgement as Aultcray observed the man who was in the centre of their formation. Bishop Sceiler. A competent man who was among Balmus' trusted advisors and in this case a very deliberate insult.

Aultcray chose not to answer and moved to the head of the table. His guards moved into position around the room while Amycus hesitated and took a seat to his left after Aultcray sat down. A wave of his hand had the servants leave the room. This meeting would not last long and he had no intention of offering refreshments to a collection of people who were meant only to mock him.

"Sceiler," he said, keeping his tone light, but not permitting them to sit "It is an unexpected pleasure to see you here."

The man smiled blandly but Aultcray could sense the subtle pride hidden beneath the flat expression.

"It is my honour to represent the Church here today Your Majesty," he said, carefully not commenting on the absence of his leader even though Balmus had agreed to this meeting just yesterday.

Aultcray paused, wondering if he should just remove them from the Castle and command them to set up another meeting with Balmus. For a long moment, he stared at the Bishop and the guards that followed him. Guards, he suspected were at least level 70, that would be enough to overwhelm the men he had present with him unless they were spectacularly incompetent. But only If Balmus knew that he could not use the Star Cane. The thought was disquieting. He reluctantly dismissed the idea of brushing them off. Melromarc needed the Church to be pacified for now. He needed their wealth and their support.

"Take a seat," he commanded, "I assume that Pope Balmus is well?"

The representative smiled as most of the group sat down. Five of them kept to their previous position. A silent threat and possibly defence should Aultcray mean them harm.

"By the Grace of the Gods he is." said the man, clenching his rosary and chanting a short prayer, "he is merely busy blessing some holy items. These troubled times have caused a great demand for them."

Aultcray snorted but said nothing. Too busy to meet a King because he needed to enchant some throwaway toys. The message was clear.

"I see." he said, keeping his tone pleasant, even as his frustration peaked, "I hope that the Pope had the time to accept my proposal."

The bishop smiled even more widely, carefully keeping a calm expression on his face, but the others around him were not as controlled. He could see their displeasure. It did not bode well.

"I'm afraid to say that we cannot support such an expense," he said, sorrow colouring his tone, "Our humble coffers are insufficient and many of our donors are...reluctant."

Aultcray smiled, even as he raged at the pathetic answer, "Reluctant to restore our greatest defence against the demi-human hordes that are already mustering their forces?"

"They are reluctant to restore a structure that the Sword Hero himself choose to destroy," corrected Scelier.

The King grit his teeth. His mana flared against his will and both sets of guards started to prepare for a fight. Aultcray spared them not thought. He had no focus to spare when it was taking everything he had not to rage at these fools who worshipped the Heroes to the point that they were willing to ignore or even worse sanction any atrocities that were committed by them.

The Sword Hero was a rapist. A coward who had fled justice and then thrown a temper tantrum when he had been forced to pay a price for his actions. It infuriated Aultcray that he would be forced to let the man live even if he was captured but it was even worse when no one was willing to see what a monster that man was simply because of the weapon that was bound to him. Even now, long after he had spread the word of the monsters' crimes, most were apathetic. And many were supportive of the man. It was something that he understood but hated. Aultcray himself had been subject to adoration after he had claimed the Cane. Even now, after losing the support of the Cane, the reputation, the lie of him being able to wield its awesome power kept his enemies at bay.

It wasn't a surprise but it was still disgusting. Nonetheless, he calmed himself and waved his knights back. Aultcray felt a spark of irritation pierce his deliberate calm as he noted Scelier's smile. The man hadn't even flinched at Aultcray's anger. The King carefully considered the possibility that Balmus had sent this man for his skill rather than merely as an insult as he had first assumed. Of course, the most likely possibility was that Scelier was meant to be both.

"That is unacceptable," he stated, as he stood up, his patience exhausted, "We must restore order to the border for the sake of our great country. Tell Balmus that I expect him to match every coin that we spend."

"Your Majesty-"

"Don't test my patience any further," said Aultcray, savouring the flinch from some of the less composed members of the Church delegation, " Leave and Inform Balmus that I expect him to arrive here tomorrow at noon."

Scelier nodded with a smile even as the other members looked offended at the way he addressed their leader.

"I apologize, Your Majesty," he said, after bowing, "clearly this is a topic that you are very passionate about. I will be sure to tell His Holiness about your concerns. Thank you for meeting with us today."

Aultcray glared at them, "Leave," he commanded, his head starting to pound.

The smug smile on Scelier's face as he left the room with his head held high was burnt into his memory. Aultcray sat down without fanfare, glared at Amycus who was sitting frozen at his side and said, "Amycus. Finish your studies for the day. I don't have the time to entertain you any longer."

"Yes, Your Majesty," he said, his voice shaking. He stood up, bowed clumsily and then scampered out of the room.

Aultcray leaned against the comfortable chair and closed his eyes. He had a great deal to do. Agatha was in the palace restoring some of the defensive arrays that had fallen into disrepair after their creation nearly twenty years ago. He needed to meet her, ensure that she had done her job right, and bind the defences to himself. There were dozens of projects, both minor and major that needed to be managed carefully and hundreds of petty concerns that only he could resolve. There was no denying the fact that he had no time to waste but his thoughts were centred around the disastrous meeting and its implications.

"Damn them all," he said and began to curse under his breath, apathetic to his personal guards who were still in the room.

His wife was going to be furious and she had every right to be.

Aultcray took a deep breath. Reached out for his Cane and felt the familiar bitter sensation as it failed to respond for what was probably the thousandth time this month. He had not felt the need for his staff in years but nowadays he found himself absently reaching for it. The familiar weight of the Cane that had supported him in his youth was something he found himself craving.

He sighed and stood up, he ignored the fatigue and the way his head felt like there was a mountain on top of it. Agatha would have finished with the cardinal arrays by now and he would be needed to open up the gates to the central array.
