
RISING of the SWORD HERO(seeker7246)

REAL NAME OF THIS STORY IS TEN THOUSAND SWORDS. (pls don't hate me) (I am here with another story hope you all will like it. same as previous stories it was collecting dust on FF.net and is not completed. this is shield hero fanfic.trickshot is ongoing but author's focus is not that fanfic so chapters will be updated after long intervals.) synopsis:- There is no victory without sacrifice. This was a truth that Adrian had known all his life, his father sacrificed himself for the city he loved, his mother sacrificed her time, her future for her children and Adrian had chosen to sacrifice what meagre things he could offer to try and help his family. He did not want to be a sacrifice for another world. He did not want to be a Hero. (once again i am not the creator of this story all credits goes to seeker7246 and if author did not like me uploading this story here I can just erase the chapter.)

whitethief274 · アニメ·コミックス
76 Chs

Chapter 37.

Adrian shot the boy an annoyed look which silenced him, "Wait until we can be certain that this is safe. It will cost us some time if I need to pick you up before retreating."

"But we don't need to run!" said Alvin.

Adrian sighed, "Alvin just entertain my request," he said.

The boy pouted but conceded. He still looked around, excitement in his eyes, but stayed quiet. Though Adrian was certain that at least a part of the reason for that was the damage that his town had suffered through.

It didn't take them long to reach the line of sight of the guards.

"S-stop!" said the fox demi-human holding a spear, trying to move into a ready position, while the guard, a wolf demi-human woman, got her sword at the ready.

Adrian did as he asked, wondering just what these poor fools would have done if he had been a hostile force. He winced a little as he realized that in that case they likely would not even have gotten a chance to realize that they and their entire town had been decimated. After all, a Single Sword Beam would wreck this little place utterly.

"Who are you human?!" asked the same guard. He could see that they were quite displeased with his presence...displeased and terrified in the case of the wolf-demihuman who was actually shaking.

Adrian looked towards Alvin who quickly spoke up, "Aunty Em! It's me, Alvin."

The fear was erased rapidly as the woman looked away from him and towards the child in his arms.

"Is that really you?" she asked as if staring at an illusion, she quickly looked towards the fox who also looked stunned and then turned back towards Adrian and the kid.

The kid who was currently struggling to make him let go of him, Adrian sighed but placed the boy on the ground. Alvin didn't hesitate to run towards the woman and cling onto her. It didn't take long for the waterworks to start from both participants of the hug. It was quite touching but it left the other guard looking at Adrian in confusion. The awkwardness was terribly amusing.

"I'm Adrian," he said, "I rescued this kid and another named Razieh from a slaver," no need to mention that said slaver was a dead nobleman.

The guard seemed even more confused and looked to the woman for guidance. Unfortunately for him, she was far more occupied in hugging the breath out of Alvin. Adrian waited patiently even as the fox guard began to fidget, he ignored the spear that was still pointed at him, feeling rather apathetic regarding the weapon. Hard to feel scared of someone when you could annihilate them within a fraction of a second.

After nearly a minute of her asking Alvin questions with the occasional glance sent his way she walked up to him, her weapon out of the way and Alvin's hand in hers.

She bowed deeply before she said, "Thank you for returning Alvin to us."

Adrian nodded, but got straight to the point, "You're welcome Miss but I wished to speak to your leader and bring in the rest of my party if possible."

She hesitated here but nodded, "Of course, please bring Razieh and your companions here. Our hospitality will be lacking due to our...unfortunate situation but you are an honoured guest."

That last phrase meant something. The fox demihuman looked a little surprised and Alvin smiled brightly. Still, his goal had been achieved. Initial contact had been positive...now it was time to leverage that.

Adrian smiled, "Thank you. I'll be right back."

He vanished in a Dash. The fear and shock that the two adult demi-humans showed was something he savoured. After all, he had just shown them that if he had so desired they would have never seen him coming.

That fear would keep them in line even if gratitude soured.

The old wolf type demi-human was deceptively simple looking. Adrian could tell that he was undoubtedly the strongest person in the village in terms of mana reserves thanks to his Blindsight, though it was not very impressive, and the man was quite well built. All of this served to distract from his shrewd intelligence.

Under normal circumstances, if the power dynamic between them was more equal, he would have been a difficult opponent. Now? With his town in ruins, his people in trouble and him being in debt to Adrian for saving his grandson and adopted granddaughter...well let's just say Adrian had the advantage. And both of them knew it.

Adrian ensured that he was aware of the whole town, there hadn't been any hostile movements even after he had taken his leave, and his arrival with his party had actually relaxed the people in town after it became obvious that they were all demi-humans of one kind or another. The people still looked at him suspiciously but did nothing more. And if they did choose to act then Adrian was quite certain that it would be the work of mere seconds to crush them all with ease.

"Thank you for helping the children," said the old man after they had finished greeting each other, Adrian, Raphtalia and Isis were seated in a small room near the centre of town with the old man and his daughter, the guard who had greeted him at the entrance to the settlement.

"It was incidental. Raphtalia here," he said pointing to her, "wished to aid her friend and it was in the process of doing so that we were able to aid Alvin and Razieh."

"Then our thanks extend to you as well young lady," he said with a smile, "Thank you for freeing them and bringing them home. I'm afraid that we cannot provide a suitable reward for your bravery but please rest assured that you have our gratitude"

Adrian smiled at the man, "Actually there is something that I think you can help me out with." he said, noting that the man was apprehensive and that his daughter was wary, "I am rather new to Melromarc and need a lot of information. If you help me out I'll be glad to consider any debt we have settled."

The old man smiled, a genuine one unmarred by worry, and said, "Of course Mr Adrian,"

Their conversation began to flow after that and Adrian was quick to ask about the current situation and about the notable nobles both here and across the border. Raphtalia and Isis were silent for most of the conversation though eventually, they left along with the old man's daughter.

The hours he spent with the wolf demi-human were enlightening and they steeled his resolve. He would help these people and they, in turn, would be the start of his power base in Melromarc. Adrian didn't intend for them to fight for him or anything like that but simply having a place where he could retreat to without the constant worry of betrayal would be worthwhile and this remote town might serve as a wonderful position for such.

"Thank you," said Adrian, taking a bite out of a plate of food that he had served himself, the old man had a similar plate in front of him that was quite empty.

"Not at all," said the old man, "a short conversation is hardly something onerous. But" he started, hesitating for a moment before continuing, " where did this food…"

Adrian smiled at the man before waving his cloaked hand, where his sword was in the form of a small knife was hidden, over the table, making a small feast appear from nowhere. It was simple fare, grilled meat with some spices and meat, but the old man just gaped at the meal.

"I have fairly powerful magic that lets me store food and medicine. More than enough to feed thousands if need be," he said, making a small bottle of medium quality medicine appear alongside a healing potion, "I can also store healing potions. I'd be happy to give them to you in exchange for some more information."

The man looked uncertain but nodded grimly, he recognized that Adrian was offering a very unbalanced deal. Adrian didn't smile but it was a close thing, this old man was the honourable sort. He didn't treat debts lightly by simply giving him food and medicine he had practically ensured that no one from his party would struggle here.

Make no mistake, Adrian didn't think that they would turn on him anyway, but it was better to be safe. Plus, he did want to help these people and ensure that Razieh and Alvin had a decent place to stay.

Raphtalia smiled. The people were talking to each other, dancing to the music that some of the townsfolk had started playing and not worrying about their meal for once. The children were running around excited, taking a bite before starting to play again and no one was stopping them.

It was nice to see the town come alive again.

When she had first entered the town with Mr Adrian and the rest of their group they had been greeted with suspicious looks, the children had been hidden away and fear. She'd felt a little bad about that but after Mr Adrian and Trystan had healed most of their injured their mood had changed. Some of them were still worried but the ambience had improved a lot. The feast that Mr Adrian and Mr Oldrin had set up just enhanced that good mood further. Everyone was celebrating, it was like a festival, just without any games or merchant stands.

Raphtalia had been staying at Rifana's side, making sure that she ate something, hoping but not expecting that she'd feel a little bit better. For a time her expectations had come true, until Trystan had dragged Rifana and Isis towards the town's children, asked Adrian for a ball, and started playing.

Raphtalia smiled a little as Rifana played with them, the shadows on her face vanishing for once. She almost looked like what she used to before.

"Miss Raphtalia," said Mr Oldrin, walking up to her with a glass full of water, "Have you seen Sir Adrian?"

Raphtalia greeted the man and found herself looking around to see if Mr Adrian was nearby. She checked at the tables where the food was laid out, it had been where he had been standing in the beginning, but found nothing. A quick look around the rest of the area confirmed her suspicions. He wasn't here, or to be more accurate, he wasn't visible here.

"I'm sorry," she said sheepishly, "I'm not sure where he went but he'll be back soon. I'm sure of it. Is it something critical?"

The old man shook his head, "Not at all young lady. I just wanted to thank him," he said, "I haven't seen my people like this in...weeks. It's more than I could have hoped for. Please ask him to meet me when you see him."

She nodded and he gave her a deep bow before walking towards a small cluster of people. Raphtalia frowned, scanned the area once more, and then checked on Rifana, Trystan and Isis -they were fine- before starting to look for Mr Adrian.

Raphtalia started to move, trying to think about what Mr Adrian would do. She knew that for all that he could talk to people, he didn't like doing it. He would be away from most people in the party so she started to move away from the centre of the celebration, nodding at the greetings and thanks sent her way and tried to figure out where he could be.

It was when she was reasonably far from everyone else that he found her.

"Looking for me Raphtalia?" he asked, appearing next to her without warning.

She didn't react beyond turning towards him. At this point, his sudden appearances and disappearances were something comforting.

"Mr Adrian," she said, "Mr Oldrin wanted to speak to you."

He raised his eyebrow, "I assume that he wants to thank me again," he said like it was ridiculous.

She nodded and waited for him to disappear, but he just turned to look at the celebration, the flickering fires giving his expression a very sad look.

"Is something wrong?" she asked, it was a question without thought, but it was one that she was happy to have asked. Mr Adrian had helped these people, dozens of injured people were well again, they had a medicine and food stockpile and Mr Adrian had promised to hunt down the nearby monsters. Ayrith would be okay soon but despite this Adrian had looked very sad and quite angry as he looked around town.

He sighed and turned towards her, "I don't understand them." he admitted, "no, I suppose its' Oldrin that I don't understand. How can he be even slightly happy with this, his people are still about to die. All we've done here today has delayed it slightly...it just doesn't make sense. Hell, shouldn't he be suspicious about the human who just decided to help him for nothing?"

Raphtalia felt a little odd realizing just how cynical Mr Adrian really was. A lot of things made sense, his caution when it came to entering both this town and the previous one, the reason why he always made sure that she never faced a living monster that was truly dangerous, even why he didn't want her to fight despite leveling her up. She didn't think he was scared...but he was someone who was always thinking about the worst.

"You're not going to stop helping them," she pointed out after a moment of thought, "Mr Adrian, I know that you must have at least some ideas on how to help them in the future as well. Maybe he's happy because he knows that."

He snorted and then waved his hand dismissively, "Ideas? Sure I have a few, but it's nothing concrete and even then I can't imagine anything that can keep them safe from the Slave Hunters in the long run. Not when they've got the King and practically every nearby noble family prepared to hunt them down."

Raphtalia felt a little off-balance, "the King?" she asked.

The Sword Hero turned to look her straight in the eye, "Rabier confirmed my suspicions. Aultcray gave a direct order to see the Demi-humans in the Seaetto Region executed or enslaved. It's why there was such a massive response and why the Lord of the Region found himself killed," his voice was calm, but she could hear the undertone of fury, "combine that with the monsters from the wave and, well...it was basically is a death sentence for every single person in this territory. I have no way to stop that right now...well, not without going to extremes."