
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · ファンタジー
104 Chs


Zoe explains her plan to Moonlight and Shockwave, after they prepared we set the plan in motion. Moonlight distracts one of the villains by causing him to fall to the ground, Zoe creates walls of ice to separate the villains so they can't help each other, and Shockwave stands on the opposite side of the fire hydrant.

"Now!" yelled Zoe.

Moonlight shoots a blast of energy at the fire hydrant causing water to spurt up near the villain, Shockwave used his electrical powers on the villain causing him to fall to the ground in a faint. Another villain saw this and ran to help the fallen villain, Zoe freezes the ground causing him to slide and hit the wall, the villain who was fighting sees that and tries to run away, Moonlight uses her energy blast on the wall causing the villain that was near is buried. The other heroes manage to deal with the fugitive villain, after it's all over Zoe says goodbye and leaves.

"I hope no one noticed that I left the house" thought Zoe flying back to the house.

At home Zoe changes in the lair and goes to her room, she realizes that there was someone sleeping in her bed, when she gets closer she sees that Roxy was sleeping. Zoe goes to the living room and sleeps on the sofa, in the morning she wakes up and goes to her room to get ready for school.

"We have to talk" Roxy said waking up.

"You don't think you better get up," Zoe said.

"Where were you last night ?" asked Roxy.

"Roxy, that doesn't interest you," Zoe replied.

"I'll tell your mother" threatened Roxy.

"Tell me, you don't think she knows" lied Zoe leaving the room.

"Wait, I know you don't trust me, but please believe me, I don't want to cause you anything bad," Roxy said.

"Get ready, or we're going to be late," Zoe said as she walked down the stairs.

At school I noticed that there were people talking about yesterday's fight against those villains, Liz showed up wanting to talk to me alone but I said I had things to do at home. Liz started talking about how sinister some villains were and the pros and cons of becoming one, Roxy who was on my side laughs at that and talks the pros and cons of becoming a hero.

"Guys, did you see this?" shouted Jack showing his cell phone.

"How to cook any pie easily and quickly" read Zoe confused.

"It's not that," Jack said, fiddling with his cell phone.

Jack showed his cell phone again, the news was about yesterday's fight against those villains, it seems that people filmed the entire fight and under the news there was a poll about who agrees with what I said and who agrees with what Metal Hawk said.

"On this site there's this vote on who's right Metal Hawk or Ice ray, but on other sites there's a vote on who's the best leader on that team Metal Hawk or Ice ray" Jack said.

"What ?" asked Zoe.

"You didn't know, there was a famous youtuber who recorded the fight and the conversation yesterday in the middle of the fight, this morning he posted the video that went viral" said Ed.

"Then there were sites that put up polls asking who was the best leader and who was right during the battle," Jack said.

"Since I didn't realize there were people around filming, I have to pay more attention" thought Zoe.

"So do you think it's better for the hero to fight the villain first and let people help each other or rescue people and then fight the villains?" asked Ed.

"I think Metal Hawk is right, he must first face the villain. Imagine if he escapes, how many other people can get hurt or die" Steve replied.

"But what if there's someone badly hurt or in the middle of rubble in need of urgent help, I think Ice ray is right," said Serena.

Zoe saw that she had a lot of people voting, she didn't care about it, but her friends looked like they were going to fight over it.

"Guys, I think I better forget about it and pay attention that the class is about to start" Zoe said.