
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · ファンタジー
104 Chs


We entered the house through the secret passage, when I went up to the living room I noticed that my mother was in the kitchen. I thought about running up to my room quickly when she was having a drink, but Joe ended up showing me another secret passage that leads to our rooms, I didn't get much sleep that night because of my first adventure.

The next day

"Daughter wake up, you're going to be late" my mother said.

I woke up sleepy, ended up missing the bus and going to hitchhiking with my mother. I saw Liz at the school door, she looked worried about something.

"Hi" said Zoe startling Liz.

"Zoe" Liz said hugging Zoe.

"What happened?" asked Zoe in surprise.

"Steve got into a fight with Ben and he's in the infirmary," Liz replied.

"Why did they fight?" asked Zoe.

"I don't know," Liz replied.

"Let's go inside, then we'll find out what happened," Zoe said.

The school day went by really fast, I realized that Liz was weird, maybe she hadn't told me everything. Steve showed up in class with a black eye, I tried to make a conversation, but he decided not to tell anyone. I decided to trust Steve and not talk about it anymore, after school I went home to sleep.

At Liz's house a mysterious figure was talking to Liz's parents through the mirror. Liz arrives home and notices the silence, she searches the house for her parents until she finds them laughing in the secret room under the kitchen.

"What are you doing here?" said Liz.

"Good news, finally a new opportunity has appeared," Liz's mother said with a laugh.

"Really," Liz said.

"Yes, tomorrow you will attack the bank in the next town," said Liz's father.

"I hope there's no catastrophe like last time," Liz said.

"How was the school?" asked my mother walking up the stairs.

"It was weird, Zoe was late, Steve had a fight with Ben and the new girl Roxy was watching Zoe," Liz replied.

"Probably Roxy is interested in your friend" said a strange voice in the room.

My parents and I went into the living room and found Ben with his family.

"What are you doing here?" asked Liz.

"It wasn't my decision," Ben replied.

"We have a problem," said Ben's father.

Our parents decided to talk in secret, I stayed with Ben and his sister in the living room.

"What's the problem ?" asked Liz curiously.

"We were discovered, they attacked us last night," Ben replied.

"So you're moving out," Liz said, sitting on the sofa.

"It hasn't been decided yet," said Ben's sister.

"What else could you guys do," Liz said.

"Actually the people who attacked us weren't heroes or the police, they just attacked us, threatened our father and left, they didn't look like they were going to give us up" said Ben's sister.

"You're really wanting me to go, remember I know that secret" Ben said laughing.

"Which secret?" asked Ben's sister.

"Nothing you need to know," Liz said irritably.

"It's about Zoe," Ben said.

"Ben," Zoe said as her hand caught fire.

"We'd better talk about something else," Ben said, turning on the television.

After a while our parents return to the living room.

"Then ?" said Ben, Liz and Ben's sister.

"They will live here until there is no more danger," said Liz's father.