
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · ファンタジー
104 Chs

Training and plans

Snow left school for home, arriving home received a visit from Rox along with her daughters, Rox came to talk to Zoe's mother about the school of heroes. Snow had forgotten about that, when Roxy and Liberty came to talk to her about recent events and asked if they could help.

"These weeks I will be training and helping some heroes, but if you want you can participate" Snow said to Roxy and Liberty.

Rox, who was paying attention to the conversation, approaches to want to talk to Snow as well.

"Our school offers a great training center, you can go there to train. Taking the opportunity you could get to know the school better and choose to teach" said Rox.

"I decided to accept teaching, but not every day and I would like to take advantage of these weeks that are still left until the beginning of classes to train in my own way. Could you tell me the days and times that I will teach through my email?" asked Snow.

"I will," replied Rox.

Rox and her daughters left, Snow and her sisters went to lunch and told about her day, Snow was worried about the possible destruction that would happen as the villains declared war against the team of assassins.

"You are very nervous daughter, has something happened?" asked the Zoe's mother.

"I'm worried about the group of assassins and villains, there were many deaths yesterday and 2 villains escaped, I decided to train" Snow replied.

"Do you want help?" asked Heart.

"No, I've already created a good training plan, besides that I'm taking 3 more people to train together" Snow replied.

"Who are you taking, Liberty and my girlfriend?" asked Heart.

"No, 2 superheroes that I was helping yesterday asked me to train them. I'll take this opportunity to improve my teaching methods, when I get to the hero school I won't be confused with the things I have to do" replied Snow.

"But are you sure they are trustworthy?" asked Star.

"I don't know yet, but I know they are rookie heroes looking for a chance to shine. I'm going to give them training, with Joe's help I'm going to improve their equipment and hopefully they'll become great heroes," Snow replied.

"You said 2 of the heroes were the ones you worked with yesterday, who's the third hero you're taking?" asked Star.

"Positive Girl, after she became leader of a group of heroes she got nervous, she told me that she needs to improve to be a good leader, so go along with us" Snow replied.

Snow finished his lunch, went to Joe's new lair, Snow realized that everything in the lair had changed and went exploring. Suddenly Joe showed up, Snow talked to Joe asking to borrow his car, in addition she asked to improve her car and some training equipment. Snow left to fight crime, she met again with the 2 heroes from the night before and with Positive Girl to talk about the training that will be held, the place and time of the meeting was decided. The next day Snow left with the car to meet with the heroes to train, arriving at the agreed place realized that there were 5 people waiting for her, Snow was confused and got out of the car to find out what was happening.

"Why are there 2 more people here?" Snow asked confused.

"Sorry, I know I had to let you know but they ended up following me," said Positive Girl.

"Since we're here, why can't we attend, is it a secret meeting?" asked Griffin.

"Sorry to bother you, I just wanted to participate if it's not too much trouble" said Moonlight.

"Since you're here, you can get in the car, we're going to another location, but first I think you'd better change into more appropriate training clothes," Snow said.

"What clothes?" asked Cloud.

"You didn't bring training clothes, do you know that you might end up ruining your hero uniforms?" asked Snow.

"I'm sorry, we didn't bring training clothes" replied all the heroes.

"Get in the car, I'll sort this out," Snow said.

Snow took everyone to Joe's lair, there she used a measuring machine and made clothes that Joe built to make sturdy training suits, it took 2 hours to make all the clothes, then they went to the car to go to the training site. Snow took everyone to a strange place, everyone was confused, Snow put the car down and everyone went outside.

"Where are we, I don't recognize this kind of forest, maybe we should be in another country?" asked Cloud.

"How do you know that ?" asked Blue Star.

"My parents work in a flower shop," replied Cloud.

"We're not in another country, look up," Snow said.

All the heroes look up and see 3 moons in the sky, they all hear a noise and are startled to see a huge frog the size of a dog, Snow explains that they are on another planet to train without being bothered.

"Everyone ready for training?" asked Snow.

"Ice ray, where are we?" asked Moonlight.

"Don't worry, there's no problem with training here, any problem has a base that Joe built here" Snow said pointing to a cave.

"Cool, so there are planets like that in the universe," said Cloud.

"Let's train soon, I don't want to get home late at night," Snow said, pulling some equipment out of the car.

"So are we going to train with this equipment?" asked Blue Star.

"These equipment will indicate your location, in this forest there are some very resistant animals for you to train, you will face the animals that are on these lists. Then we will meet in this cave to rest and later we will train each other" replied Snow, delivering 2 bracelets for each person.