
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · ファンタジー
104 Chs


It was 2 weeks after the perfume incident, during those 2 weeks Lady fire was attacking random cities, she kept calling me every time and it was getting tiring.

"Why don't you try to convince her that you didn't cause her father's coma?" asked Joe.

"You know I don't have proof, I'll take care of the situation" replied Zoe.

"I think you better stop going to her to fight, otherwise people will blame you the damage Lady Fire causes" said Joe leaving the room.

Zoe went to school normally and saw Liz with someone at the school door, Zoe comes close to her friends and asks who the person was, suddenly Liz kissed the boy and entered the school.

"Look who's dating" Liz said pointing to herself.

"Tell me, who is it and where did you meet?" asked Serena curiously.

Zoe was thoughtful, thinking she knew this guy from somewhere. Roxy approaches and scares Zoe, making everyone laugh, and then curiously tries to talk to her.

"What's bothering you?" asked Roxy.

"Just a weird feeling," Zoe replied.

"That was my boyfriend Stuart, we met at the hospital when I was visiting my dad and we've only been dating for a while," Liz said.

"I know the guy, he's a nice person," Jack said.

"How about we all go over to my house in the afternoon to meet him," Liz said.

"Zoe, what did Roxy come to talk to you about?" asked Ed.

"I wanted to know if I was okay," Zoe replied.

"Did you by any chance forgive her and her sister for what they did to you?" Ed asked angrily.

"Liberty didn't hurt me, so I have no reason to be mad at her, I understand why the government and some superheroes keep an eye on me, after many messages and several apologies Roxy beat me to the fatigue" replied Zoe.

In the afternoon everyone went to Liz's house, when we entered the house we saw that Ben was with Stuart having fun and Liz's mother was not home. Stuart gets up and comes towards us, after he introduces himself everyone goes to the living room and we start having fun. During the games, Jack tells a joke that makes everyone laugh, Zoe notices that she had heard Stuart's laugh from somewhere.

"Guys I have to go home" Zoe said leaving Liz's house.

"That was weird" said all the friends.

Zoe went home and left again with her car, she was watching Liz's house from afar, Stuart left the house and Zoe started following him.

"Bunch of idiots, you're all going to die when I managed to complete my goals" said Stuart, changing into the villain's uniform.

"I knew it, it's the villain who put Dragon in a coma" thought Zoe.

"Zoe, if what you told me is right, maybe your friend is Lady Fire," Joe said over the phone.

"What, but I'm not sure I actually saw sparks coming off Liz, maybe it's just a coincidence that he's Liz's boyfriend," Zoe said.

''But it's a possibility,'' Joe said.

Zoe was in doubt what to do, she decided to go after the villain and saw that he was going to destroy one of the cities that was being rebuilt, Zoe puts on her uniform and goes into battle.

"Stopped," Zoe said.

"If it isn't the ice idiot," Stuart said, pointing his gun at the building under construction.

"What are you doing ?" asked Zoe.

"Let's see if you can support a building," Stuart said with a laugh.

Stuart shoots and destroys part of the building, causing the other part to fall on Zoe.

"If anyone asks it was Abyss Gear that killed Ice ray" Stuart said on top of a rock to some people on the street.

Zoe emerges from the rubble, and fires a blast of ice at the villain's belt, which makes it impossible for the villain to pick up his weapons, causing him to despair and flee. Zoe goes back to the lair, Joe was waiting for her and the two start talking.

"I did some research, your friend's height is the same as Lady Fire's, there was no car accident the day Liz's father was in an accident and you know she's dating a villain" Joe said.

"So what do I do, I can't face my friend, we've known each other since childhood," Zoe said.

"And if she puts someone in danger, she's also completely focused on killing you," Joe said.

"I'm going to make them stop being villains," Zoe said.

"How do you do that?" asked Joe curiously.

"First I'm going to find and heal Liz's father, after he's healed he'll resolve the situation with Stuart and Liz, then I'll send a letter the same way we did with Ben's family," Zoe said.