
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · ファンタジー
104 Chs

The friends

These events occur during Chapters 3 and 4.

Liz's story

After rescuing the victims of the cinema, I panicked when I found out that Zoe was one of them, I went to the hospital with my friends to find out about her condition. I was reassured knowing she was going to be okay, Zoe's mother arrived a few minutes later, it was the first time I met her mother.

"How is she?" asked Zoe's mother.

"She is fine, according to the preliminary results she is not at risk" says the doctor.

Zoe's mom finds Joe sitting and starts arguing with him, I thought I'd go over there with the group and introduce ourselves.

"Hello, you must be Zoe's mom?" asked Liz.

"Yes I am, who are you?" asked Zoe's mother looking at us.

"We're her friends, we were together at the Fire Lion event" replied Liz.

"What happened at that event?" asked Zoe's mother.

"A group of villains attacked," replied Liz.

"I think you guys better go home, your parents must be worried" Joe said.

Joe took us to our houses, when I opened the door I saw my father and mother talking about their business.

"I'm here" says Liz heading into the living room.

"How was the day my dear" my mother said.

"I went to that event and Fire Lion was attacked by mysterious people," Liz tells her parents.

"Did they manage to kill that wretched?" said my father.

"No, but some people were attacked by a mysterious gas and are in the hospital," replied Liz.

"Did you have anything to do with it?" asked Liz.

"We only offer the movie theater plants and a place to hide," my mother replied.

One peculiar thing about my family is that my parents are super villains known as Dragon and Fire Queen, they belong to the group known as Dark Lords.

"I wanted you to get in touch with them, to find out what kind of gas they threw at the movie theater people," Liz said.

"Why?" asked the father.

"My friend was one of the victims," ​​Liz replied.

"I'm sorry about that, but they're already gone," my father said.

"Don't worry, from what I've heard on television none of them are life-threatening, just focus on your training," my mother said.

"Remember you can become a great villain like us, but you need a lot of training to control your powers" my father said.

When I finished dinner, I decided to train my fire powers a little and go to sleep. The other day I found out that my parents were planning some crime, but to my surprise that would be my first act of villainy. I was excited about it, I would finally become a super villain and be able to attend secret events my parents went to or be part of some important group. Thanks to that I can forget about my worries about Zoe and I was more motivated to train.