
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · ファンタジー
104 Chs


The next day Liz and Roxy came to me after school to ask me out on a date, but I had something to do at home. In the middle of the way I realized that I was being followed by someone, it didn't look like it was someone from the government or anyone associated with a superhero. I tried to get rid of my stalker, but the person was skillful, so I decided to use the same method I used in the cinema, I went into the bathroom and then put the plan into practice. When there was no one outside I went home, at night I looked outside the house and noticed someone looking at my house, I thought about capturing the person but Joe warned that my mother called the police.

The other day I found out Liz and Roxy decided who would go out with me, Liz said she would take me on an unforgettable date while Roxy was angry. At the meeting I realized that the same person who was watching my house yesterday was at the amusement park watching me, Liz also noticed and we both decided to go to a place without many people.

"Are you sure this person is not from the government?" asked Liz.

"I have," replied Zoe.

We managed to escape, after that we went to a movie, on the way to my house Liz kissed me and ran away. I entered the house, outside the mysterious person was levitating a metal ball and then leaves. The other day I went to school the guys came to know how the meeting went, and I realized that Liz was not there, it seemed that Liz was late and I went to tell about yesterday.

"It was a normal date, I guess," Zoe said.

"Did you kiss?" asked Serena laughing.

"Liz kissed me and ran away," Zoe replied.

"You liked it ?" asked Liz, appearing behind Zoe.

"You didn't promise it would be fair competition, you couldn't kiss her," Roxy said angrily.

The two looked like they were going to fight, Jack and Steve stopped the two girls and Zoe ended up being hit by a door that opened. Zoe wakes up in the infirmary, then she went to class normally, at the end of class she meets with the group and apologizes for having talked about the kiss.

"But importantly, are you okay?" asked Liz worriedly.

"I'm fine," Zoe replied.

"So now it's my turn, Zoe meet me at this address, I promise our date won't be interfered with by my family" said Roxy handing over a paper and leaving.

Zoe goes home and then goes to the meeting place at the time marked on the paper, but the place was an abandoned factory. I saw that the door was open, I thought it was a kind of party inside the factory, when I entered I noticed that there were only 2 people inside. I quickly hid, I thought it was suspicious and tried to call Roxy, but it was always busy, I watched the situation to see what was going on.

"Where's the buyer?" asked the suspicious man with a briefcase.

"Don't worry, he'll be here any minute," said the other man.

"It was hard to get this gun, if he doesn't arrive in 10 minutes I'll leave" said the man with the briefcase.

"I think Roxy gave me the wrong card, I ended up in the middle of a negotiation, probably some heroes will invade this place at any moment, I have to get out of here" thought Zoe approaching the door.

"Hey who are you?" asked the suspicious man.

Zoe runs, the men go after Zoe and some heroes appear to arrest the men, later I got a message from Roxy looking for me and after explaining what happened Roxy came to me.

"I'm sorry" said Roxy hugging Zoe.

"Don't worry," Zoe said, laughing.

Roxy noticed that Zoe had a scratch on her arm, Zoe notices and reassures Roxy. The two decided to start their date somewhere else, after having fun at the amusement park Roxy pulls Zoe close to her and gives her a kiss. When I got home I saw Joe and my mother at home, they were talking when Joe came to know how the date went, after explaining the events Joe laughed and my mother wanted to know more.

"Have you choise?" asked Joe laughing.

"What ?" asked Zoe.

"You know they both like you and they must want an answer, in the end you're going to have to choose between the two of them," Joe said.

"I forgot about that," Zoe said.

"How did you forget something so important?" asked the confused mother.

"I was having fun, I wasn't even thinking it was a date. I can't decide between the two of them, they're both my friends. If I choose one it's going to be weird keeping friends with the other, do you have any advice?" asked Zoe.

"Don't look at me, I wasn't the one who got myself into a difficult situation" said Joe leaving the room.

"Get some rest and think about your feelings, tomorrow you'll talk to both " said the mother leaving.

"If that happened to Joe he would probably come up with an excuse not to hurt them both and stay single, if it was my dad he would keep the relationship with both people, if it was my mom she would probably talk to both of them until he got it an answer. I don't know what to do." said Zoe in bed.