
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · ファンタジー
104 Chs

Solving the situation

Zoe realizes Liz is breathing, Liz suddenly wakes up punching Zoe and runs away. Zoe puts out the fire in the movie theater and asks the cops what happened, after hearing the explanation Zoe decides to go later to the super villains' hospital. Zoe wears the same uniform she used to invade the first time, but this time Zoe had to wait for someone to use the elevator, arriving at Dragon's room she injected the cure with a syringe into Liz's father's arm. After a few minutes Dragon wakes up, Liz who was with her mother were approaching, so Zoe presses a button and destroys all the mini cameras in the room and runs away. Liz and her mother arrive in the room and are very happy to see their father standing, Liz runs in giving her father a hug and the doctors run to see what was going on.

"Joe, I ended up here in the hospital, did you do what I asked?" asked Zoe getting into the car.

"Yes" replied Joe.

The next day Liz was cheerfully apologizing for all the bad things she did, it looks like her father was released from the hospital. When Ed asked about her boyfriend meeting her father, Liz was sad and later said it was over. She said that it was her boyfriend who caused the accident and didn't tell anyone, everyone was surprised and wanted to know more. Zoe was sleeping in the chair and Liz approached her, after telling her everything and apologizing Zoe hugged her.

"Guys, why was Liz's boyfriend acting weird?" asked Serena.

"Where is that liar?" asked Liz.

"He was in front of the school," replied Serena.

Jack told the story to Serena, Zoe saw Liz heading towards the door and towards her before anything else happened. Stuart was outside, he pulled a gun out of a car in front of him and shot at the school, but the school's defense activated and had no effect.

"Students, don't worry, the principal is calling the police," said the teacher.

Liz calls her parents, while Roxy calls her parents, after a few minutes Dragon and Rox arrive almost at the same time and face each other in front of the school. Stuart laughs and leaves, Zoe looks thoughtful and Liberty asks what was bothering her.

"Looks like he just wanted to get attention, he went somewhere laughing," said Zoe.

Liz panics and calls her mother, Zoe realizes something is up and watches the situation. After a while the fight is over, Dragon runs away and Rox enters the school, the principal decides to send all the students home and is talking to Roxy's father. Zoe sees Liz, Ben, Jack and Serena running, she goes to the house and gets dressed in her uniform, Zoe leaves with a car and goes to Liz's house, arriving at the house, Zoe ve Stuart who was in front of the house with a robot Giant, Dragon and other villains go out to battle, Zoe is watching and sees that the young people who were fighting were her school friends.

"Looks like they can handle this, I'll call the police," thought Zoe.

Stuart is defeated, the police arrive a few minutes later, Dragon and the villains disappear, Zoe leaves and goes home to sleep. When she wakes up she notices a message from Liz, when reading she finds out that Liz was going to visit her aunt for a week, Zoe thinks something was going to happen and goes to talk to Joe. After a week Liz came back different, she was calmer and came to talk to the group.

"I'm back," Liz said, laughing.

"How are you?" Serena asked.

"It was a shock to find out that my ex boyfriend was a super villain, but now it's all settled," Liz said with a laugh.

Zoe who was tired notices Liz approaching, Liz asks if she could talk to me alone, I say to go to my house later and she says she will. At home Liz sits on the sofa while Zoe gets something to drink.

"Is anyone else here?" asked Liz.

"No," replied Zoe.

Liz suddenly creates a flame in the palm of her hand, Zoe watches and Liz approaches.

"You don't seem surprised, is it because you already knew?" asked Liz.

"I already knew, I saw a spark during the love potion incident," Zoe replied.

"You've been lying to me this whole time, I thought I knew you, but you surprise me," Liz said, putting out the fire and sitting up.

"Is that what you wanted to tell me?" asked Zoe.

"Let's stop pretending, I know you're a super hero and you know I'm a villain" replied Liz.

"What ?" asked Zoe.

"Sit next to me," Liz said.

Zoe stood still, looking at Liz and unbeknownst to Liz pushing a button on her watch.

"Sit down now!" Liz yelled furiously.

Zoe is scared and walks slowly to the sofa.

"You must be thinking how I found out, don't worry, I didn't tell anyone. You made a mistake, any superhero would arrest turn us in the moment they found out the truth so I spent a week, observing over my closest friends," Liz said.

Zoe tries to say something, but Liz won't let her.

"You will leave my family alone or I will reveal the truth about you to the world" threatened Liz.