
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · ファンタジー
104 Chs

New day and inquiries

Star woke up early and went downstairs for breakfast, as she was walking down she saw Heart watching over Liz. Star offered Heart a juice, Liz wakes up and goes to Star, Snow comes down from her room and sees Liz hugging Star apologizing several times.

"Liz, are you okay?" asked Star.

"I'm sorry," Liz said.

"Heart, call Snow to take us to the shrink, I think something's happened, she's not responding to me and she's squeezing me hard," Star said.

Snow who was in the kitchen appeared and said that the psychiatrist would only be available later, but she said she knows someone who could help. After 45 minutes a car appeared in front of our house, a lady got out of the car and came towards our door, Snow opens the door and introduces the lady as an acquaintance of the school of heroes.

"Could you tell me who the patient is?" asked the lady.

"Could you tell me who you are?" asked Star.

"I can't, as your sister knows, no one who works at the superhero school can use their real name, you can call me nurse" said the lady sitting on the couch.

"Your patient is her," Snow said, pointing to Liz.

"I believe I already said that I don't treat psychological problems, I don't see any problems or illness in her" said the lady.

"Please use your powers to see what happened, we need to know what really happened to her to help her" Snow said.

"Since I'm here I'll do it, but next time you call me I'll charge you" said the lady putting her hand on Liz's head.

"What is she doing ?" asked Heart confused.

"She has the power to see the memories of others touching people, she uses that power to know what happened to the patient and treat" Snow replied.

The lady takes her hand off Liz's head and is shocked by something, she sits down again and asks everyone to sit down.

"What happened, what did you see?" asked Star.

"This girl went through a terrible trauma, I think you will want to know what happened to her to be in this state and why she freaked out last night" said the lady.

"You can tell me," Star said.

"I saw her memory, last night when you were watching the movie she saw a scene that sparked a memory in her. She was eating with her father, there were some people nearby, they were talking about business and their victories, the stranger person appears giving everyone a meal, after many speeches that I couldn't hear people get up from the table and say goodbye laughing, her father gets angry about something, the stranger opens a portal that led to somewhere and turns to the girl's father. The stranger laughs and points to the last dish on the table that was in a box, he says that all that food came from somewhere and that the head of the meal is in the box, the girl's father goes towards the box and when he opens he is startled dropping the box. The girl looked at the box and saw her mother's head, she kept repeating mother several times and then fell on the floor" said the lady, then she drinks a juice that Heart offered .

"My God, she ate her own mother," Star said.

Liz who was having breakfast runs up to Star and jumps on top of her, laughing and clinging to her. Star looks at Liz and doesn't react, she hugs her and starts crying, thinking about how Liz must have suffered. The lady says goodbye and leaves, Snow takes her to the door and says goodbye, everyone in the house looks at Liz who was laughing in Star's lap and thinks about what to do.

"I don't think we can do much other than stand by her side to help her," Snow said.

In the afternoon, everyone was gathered for lunch when someone starts knocking on the door. Snow gets up to see who it was and is surprised to see Jack and Serena on the other side of the door, Snow is unsure whether to open it or not. Snow asks Liz and Star to go upstairs, she opens the door when she realizes Liz and Star are upstairs and asks what they wanted.

"We want to know if Liz is here," Jack said.

"She's been through recent trauma and isn't thinking very well," Serena said.

"I know we've betrayed your trust but please we want to know if you have any information," Jack said.

"She's here, but I think you better know that she's not what you remember," Snow said.

"What do you mean?" asked Serena confused.

Snow explains what happened to Liz, but the two wanted to talk to Liz and Snow ends up letting them into the house, Snow asks Star and Liz to come down. Jack and Serena are happy to see their friend, but Liz is paralyzed, the two hug Liz, Liz starts crying and then hugs them back, Jack says that her father is worried about her and asked them to look for her, Liz said that she told her mother where she was going, the two are confused by this and Jack ends up saying that her mother died. Liz starts laughing and said it was a bad joke, Snow asks Jack and Serena not to say that because the psychiatrist asked to take it slow.

"She needs to get over it, Liz your mother died for real, it's not a joke. Please come home, your father is worried about you" Jack said.

"Jack" said Serena.

Liz starts crying, she starts to catch fire, Jack and Serena run while Snow uses his ice powers to put out the fire, Liz passes out and Star catches her before falling to the ground.

"I told you not to," Snow yelled.

"She needs to be strong, we're having a hard time too, we can't waste time looking for her every time she loses control again" Jack yelled.

Snow and Jack are arguing, meanwhile Star, Serena and Heart take Liz to the couch, after some time Serena says Liz better stay here getting treatment and takes Jack away.