
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · ファンタジー
104 Chs

Investigation, plans and good luck

Snow refused to use her father's equipment, she decided to investigate further into her father's situation when she noticed a paper on the table.

"This is the letter they sent me, please I need the protection of the heroes" said Snow's father.

"The assassins who are attacking the city don't send letters, can you tell me how you received this threat" asked Snow taking the letter to read.

"I got it at my door yesterday and I searched my security cameras for any clues, I discovered the image of one of the killers" replied Snow's father showing the video from the security cameras.

"First of all, none of the assassins are that big, besides the assassins wear clothes that are different colors from each other, this one is just like the assassin who was killed by a villain" Snow said.

"So you're telling me that someone is impersonating one of the killers, does that person want to scare me or kill me by impersonating one of the killers?" asked Snow's father.

"I don't know, but I asked Joe to hack all the cameras on this street and I'm going to ask him to give me all the videos from his security cameras," Snow said.

"Why ?" asked Snow's father.

"I want to see if I can find out who sent it and arrest this person before nightfall," Snow replied.

After a few hours watching security videos Snow determined the mysterious person's escape route, followed the path looking for clues and then searched the security cameras of some stores nearby if there was anyone of the same size or any suspicious characteristics close to the company. Snow identified 2 suspicious people, these people worked for her father and were dissatisfied with their positions in the company, Snow sent for the 2 to that room and asked her father to wait in the next room. Snow asked the 2 suspects to wait for her father, meanwhile he was talking to the 2, Snow had proof that the mysterious person was a smoker and that he was right handed.

"My father is busy, but he wants to talk to you, but don't be afraid," Snow said.

"Who's afraid, I'm not afraid of anything" said suspect number 1.

"If you want, there are cigarettes on the table he left, you can take it if you want, a question how long have you been working for my father and do you like to work for him?" asked Snow.

"I'll take a cigarette, but I won't answer your questions" said suspect number 2 using his left hand to take the cigarette.

"I quit smoking a while ago, but I don't think it's bad to take one for later," Suspect Number 1 said, using his right hand to reach for his cigarette.

"Do any of you use both hands or just one, I saw a television report that people who use both hands have great mental capabilities?" asked Snow.

"No, I'm right-handed" said suspect number one.

"I didn't like being called a donkey" said suspect number 2.

"I didn't call anyone stupid, I just talked about the reportage I saw," Snow said.

"Snow" called Snow's father.

"Why did you put that threat on my father's door?" Snow asked suspect number 1.

"I didn't do any of that," said suspect number one.

"I have evidence to the contrary, I want to know why you put that letter on my father's door," Snow said.

"There's no evidence linking me to anything" shouted suspect number 1 angrily.

"You have reason, there are security cameras showing you passing near the hotel where he was staying and some evidence in the cigarette you threw away before leaving the hotel through the emergency door where there would not have been cameras on at that moment, I believe you destroyed it. the cameras," Snow said.

"You're not going to take me to prison" said suspect number 1 pointing a gun at Snow.

"Look behind you" Snow said pointing to his father behind suspect number 1.

Suspect number 1's weapon is destroyed by the punch that Snow's father gave, Snow's father grabbed suspect number 1 by the neck and tried to strangle him but Snow stopped him. After Snow and his father began interrogating him, they released suspect number 2 and discovered that it was all caused by an enemy who placed a bounty on Snow's father's head. Snow's father thanked him for his help, fired the man who had put the threat on his hotel door, and gave Snow a ride home.

The next day Snow was woken up by Star, Snow went to breakfast and got ready for school, while leaving for school Star and Heart went to talk to Snow.

"Nervous about today?" asked Star.

"Why, today is someone's birthday?" asked Snow.

"No, you forgot that today you start teaching at the hero school," said Heart.

"I forgot about that, I thought I had more time," Snow said.

"No, Roxy told me it starts today," said Heart.

After school Snow returned home, Snow if prepared to go to hero school, but before leaving she was stopped by Star and Heart who were worried about her.

"You still have 2 hours to go before your class, you don't have to go now," Star said.

"May we know about your lesson plans?" asked Heart.

"I didn't do anything too complicated, this is my 2 week lesson plan" Snow said showing his notebook and notes.

Star and Heart read it all, then looked at Snow.

"Are you seriously going to put your students to fight robots on the first day of school?" asked Star.

"I want to know each student's skills and fighting level, but first I want to know if they can handle a surprise attack and if they can work together," Snow said.

"Now I'm worried about your students," said Heart.

"Don't worry, the robots don't have lethal weapons and I'm going to ask the infirmary to be on alert in my room," Snow said.

"I really feel sorry for your students," Star and Heart said at the same time.

"Don't worry, I have to go to put my plan into practice, wish me luck" Snow said leaving.