
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · ファンタジー
104 Chs

Good news and wedding invitation

After a while, it was about 1 week before the storm ended, Jack delivered a transport car to his father and everyone at home was excited to go back to their homes, all the friends promised not to tell anyone about the secret of Snow. Snow was watching the city in his car, when he received a call from the mayor of another city, who was the father of the baby being cared for by his mother. The mayor explained that they managed to arrest the villain who was threatening his and his son's life, so he asked to return his son, Snow came home, took the baby and returned it to his father, before delivering she scanned the mayor's face to find out if he was the real mayor, after he saw that he was the real mayor, she return the baby. When Snow was returning home, he noticed that someone was watching her, flying close to the car, with some equipment that made it invisible, Snow telepathically alerted the 2 other Zoe about the situation and used the superior speed of the car to lose his pursuer, suddenly the Snow's cell phone rings.

"Hello," Snow said, answering his cell phone.

"Hello, am I talking to Ice ray?" asked the mysterious voice.

"Who speaks ?" asked Snow.

"This is the president," said the mysterious voice.

"It's a prank, who's talking?" asked Snow not believing he was the president.

"I am the President of the United States of America," said the mysterious voice.

"Are you serious?" asked Snow, still in disbelief.

"I'm serious, I'm contacting you because I need you to come to the White House," the president said.

"I'm coming," Snow said, changing the car's direction and accelerating.

Along the way Snow, Star, Heart, Joe and Susan received a message, Zoe's older half brother was getting married and that message was an invitation to the wedding.

After 15 minutes she arrived in Washington, D.C. When getting out of the car government agents were waiting for her at the door of the White House, she entered until she reached a room, it was the oval office, the president was with some security guards and his vice president.

"Sorry I called you without explaining why, sit down," said the president.

Snow sat on the closest sofa, she was very nervous thinking about what was going on.

"Maybe something bad has happened that only I can do, maybe direwolves or giant eagles are attacking some city or he wants me to help solve some problem in another country or maybe a dinosaur with super fire powers appeared from inside a volcano and is destroying cities" thought Snow.

"I want you to follow me" said the president getting up from his chair.

I followed the president along with the security guards and his vice president, I arrived in a room with some journalists and photographers, I was very nervous without understanding anything, until the president spoke.

"We know we are going through a big problem because of a super villain, but because of the heroine Ice ray we were able to save many cities and lessen the damage caused by the storm, for that reason I am awarding the Congressional Gold Medal", said the president.

Snow panicked, everyone at Zoe's house was watching Snow on television, the president handed the medal to the heroine, but Ice Ray had leave quickly because of a problem that was happening in another city. Meanwhile somewhere , some teams of heroes were getting together, Metal hawk was on a stage along with 2 members of his team.

"We are honored to start this meeting, as you all know with this storm many of you couldn't even leave your homes to solve crimes. With the technology I'm presenting everyone could help each other in this crisis, as you can see in this graph, because of the storm the number of superheroes has greatly diminished, while the villains still remain high," said Metal Hawk.

"But the storm will be over in 1 week, we won't need it" shouted a hero in the audience.

" The equipment I am offering will improve the performance of your teams, as you can see, my colleagues are wearing a new uniform with technology capable of resisting temperature and increasing strength, you can see other types of technology that I am offering through their cell phones , accessing the website that is appearing at the end of the slide" said Metal Hawk.

Suddenly a hero took the stage, the hero was dressed as a ninja and challenged the 3 who were presenting, no one knew the mysterious ninja but Metal Hawk believed it was a good idea to show the efficiency of their technology and accepted the challenge. The ninja simply defeated the 3 with ease, 4 heroes that were near the stage tried to stop the fight, but the ninja defeated the 4, after that he presented himself as a Shadow and left. Metal Hawk and his colleagues felt like failures, when they got up, each put the blame on the other for the defeat and then decided to separate, a few days later there was the news that the team assembled by Metal Hawk broke up. Later Snow discovered that Positive Girl recruited the members of her old team to form a new group without Metal Hawk, also discovered that Liberty and Roxy were going to join a team of heroes formed by her parents.