
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · ファンタジー
104 Chs

Giant flying squirrel

A week had passed since the trip to space, the weather was improving and everyone in the house was excited to return to their homes, but their happiness was short-lived.

"You saw the news, you stole a weather control device that belonged to an old villain," Ed said.

"No, not again," Steve said dejectedly.

"I can't believe anyone is going to mess with the weather again," Serena said.

"Can't you do something?" Ed asked Snow.

"After school I'll look for it, let's get ready so we won't be late," Snow replied.

"How can we be late if you're the one taking everyone," Liz said with a laugh.

After school Snow goes to her car to investigate the theft of the weather control equipment, during her trip she realizes that there was someone inside the car, Snow looks back to see who it was and discovers it was Serena and Jack.

"What are you guys doing here and why are you wearing these halloween costumes?" Snow asked confused.

"It was really boring at home so the 3 of us thought we'd help you out" Jack replied.

"3 ?" Snow asked confused.

"Hi" said Liberty appearing.

"Don't worry, we won't get in your way and it can be a big help to have more people" said Serena.

"Okay, but be careful you guys don't reveal your identities with these costumes and if any problems happen call me," Snow said.

Arriving at the place where the robbery took place, everyone went looking for clues, first Liberty and Jack went to the security room to see the recordings while Serena and Snow were looking for DNA and other clues at the crime scene. We put all the clues we found on the car's computer, while waiting for an answer we noticed a suspicious movement in another area of ​​the building. It was a laboratory, when we got there everything was destroyed, some people were running in fear and there was a giant squirrel with wings, flying and destroying the entire laboratory.

"Looks like we have a rodent with wings out of control, we need to get him down " Liberty said.

"First of all we need more information," Serena said.

"How are we going to deal with this, does anyone have the ability or some weapon to stop his movement, there's a giant cage over there to hold him in," Jack said.

The 3 were discussing how they should act, Snow was talking to a scientist who rescued about the squirrel, realizing that the 3 friends were not paying attention to the battle, she had to do everything herself. First she froze the floor creating a ramp to the cage, then she caught the squirrel's attention, the squirrel came flying towards her, she took the opportunity to freeze the squirrel's wings, causing it to fall on the ramp and stop inside the cage, after that Snow closed the cage with the squirrel inside.

"Let's get out of here" Snow said talking to the 3 who were arguing.

"But there's a giant flying squirrel attacking," Jack said.

"While all 3 were arguing I broke up with him" Snow said pointing to the cage.

The 3 realized that the fight was over, they went to the car and asked what had happened, Snow replies that the car analyzed the tracks.

"Sorry, I didn't end up helping to face the squirrel," said Serena, Jack and Liberty at the same time.

"Don't worry, it was a quick fight," Snow said.

Arriving in the car we saw that the suspect was a villain known as Rarity, with powers related to stones and her group of bandits.

"Looks like we have to find this Rarity, does anyone know where she could be hiding in this ice storm?" asked Liberty.

"She's probably close," Jack replied.

"With this storm, I think we should look for the houses nearby," Serena said.

"We're already looking," Snow said as he drove.

"In the meantime, how about we talk about how we're going to face this villain?" asked Serena.

"I have her and her group's information here," Liberty said.

After a few minutes we arrived at a house that should have been abandoned, with the drones that Snow sent we discovered the criminals and the stolen equipment, there were 17 criminals in total. We created a plan to invade, arrest and recover the equipment, but there was a big problem with our plan. The villain, rarity was very difficult to face, her earth manipulation powers added to the space to fight made the situation complicated, we decided that we should lure the villain out of the house, deal with the bad guys in the house and recover the equipment, then we face the villain.

"Who will be the bait?" asked Jack.

Everyone looked at Jack, Jack realized he was going to end up being the bait, Serena handed Jack a fireworks grenade that would serve to draw everyone's attention out of the house.

''Are you sure we can't use a drone with this grenade to lure them out of the house?' asked Jack.

"We can do that, they can see it's a trap and we'll end up in a battle in the middle of the storm and in case you don't remember, only I have a suit that protects me from this cold" Snow replied.

"Do we have a backup plan in case this doesn't work?" asked Liberty.

"Don't think we're going to fail, think positive" Serena said trying to cheer everyone up.