
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · ファンタジー
104 Chs


Today was a strange day, I got home after school and went straight to the lair.

"Uncle, I think something happened to my friend," Zoe said worriedly.

"Calm down, tell me what happened," Joe said.

"I went to school and realized Roxy wasn't there, I asked Liberty and she told me Roxy wouldn't show up for a while. I tried to find out what happened but she kept trying to change the subject all the time, even my friends got worried" said Zoe.

"Don't worry, like you told me once, she's been training with her parents," Joe said.

Zoe calms down and Joe gives her a new type of distraction training. After 2 days Zoe returns home still worried about her friend's disappearance, when she turns on the television she realizes that she was having an attack in a nearby city, but what caught her attention was that one of the villains attacking was Roxy. Zoe picks up the phone and calls Liberty.

"Hi, are you watching the attack on television, why is Roxy with villains attacking people?" asked Zoe.

"It's complicated, my sister disappeared when she went out with our parents on a training trip with 2 other students" replied Liberty.

Suddenly I saw that Roxy was facing some heroes including her father, a super villain appeared with a green mask with a horn in the middle.

"This is going to be troublesome," said Joe, appearing with my mother.

The call hung up, I saw that the battle was getting difficult, I thought about trying to go there to help but Joe stopped me.

"I guess I better wait and see what happens," Joe whispered.

My mother left to go to the market to do the shopping, I tried to convince Joe to take me there.

"Why can't I help save my friend?" asked Zoe.

"You'd just get in the way, this villain is on a completely different level" replied Joe.

"I can, please take me into battle," Zoe said.

"I know you have the ability to win, but to face someone like that villain you must forget about holding your powers so you don't hurt others and go with the will to kill. As I know you don't have that intention you would only be an obstacle, it's best to let her dad and his friends do the work," said Joe.

"But I can't just watch," Zoe said.

"So get dressed and go train," Joe said.

"I'm not in the mood for it," Zoe said.

'Okay, so how about this if you beat me I'll take you there" said Joe.

"Are you sure about that ?" asked Zoe.

"In 20 minutes, in the lair" replied Joe heading to the lair.

After 20 minutes I saw Joe with a strange outfit, I got ready to fight. In 5 minutes Joe knocked me down, I got up and tried to attack but ended up being thrown against the wall. I woke up on the couch, Joe was watching television and I went to ask what happened.

"Hi, you're fine," Joe said.

"Just a little pain, what happened in that time I was passed out?" asked Zoe.

"Looks like the battle is over, your friend has been rescued" replied Joe.

"That's good," Zoe said in relief.

"I'm here" said the mother opening the door.

Zoe ran to her room before her mother realized she was wearing a uniform.

"Zoe, I'm here," her mother said.

"I'm coming down," Zoe said.