
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · ファンタジー
104 Chs


Zoe starts to tell Joe what happened, then Zoe went to wake up Roxy who was still sleeping. When Zoe opened Roxy's room she saw that she was sleeping, as she approached Roxy pulled Zoe into bed and gave her a kiss.

"Do you kiss all your targets?" asked Zoe angrily.

"What ?" asked Roxy.

"I heard you and your sister talking at the movies" Zoe replied getting up.

"As you heard, you had left the cinema?" asked Roxy.

"I faked it to make your friends stop bothering me," Zoe replied, leaving the room.

"Wait" said Roxy going after Zoe.

Zoe sits on the couch and Roxy appears all dressed up.

"Let me explain," Roxy said.

"Nobody's stopping you from talking," Zoe said angrily.

"It's true that I came here to investigate you, but we don't want to hurt you. Actually my father wants to train you to become a super hero, with the incident in the other city my father said you could have been trained to be a super villain, he wanted me to get closer to know more about you" said Roxy.

"I heard you saying you wanted to use me against my father, I don't want to be coached by your father, and I think it's time for you to come home," Zoe said.

"Please forgive me, I didn't mean to betray your trust" Roxy said crying.

Zoe is silent, Roxy tries to convince Zoe to understand her situation. At school something was going on, Liz was restless and the group was acting strange, Zoe tries to find out what happened and Roxy went to talk to her sister.

"Hi, what happened to Liz?" asked Zoe worriedly.

"Her father is in the hospital, looks like he was in a car accident," Jack replied.

Zoe goes to Liz, Liz was using her cell phone researching a super heroine, she was so focused that she didn't notice Zoe. Zoe hugs Liz from behind, Liz is startled and drops her cell phone.

"Zoe" Liz said crying.

"We're all here," Zoe said.

After a while Liz comes out of the hug and thanks, all our friends decided to meet at Steve's house to cheer Liz up. Liberty and Roxy approached me to talk, Steve and Ed noticed that the two sisters were weird and Liz was with Jack talking about something.

"Zoe" said Liberty.

"Hi," Zoe said.

"I want to apologize for what I did," says Liberty.

"What did you do?" asked Serena appearing along with Ed and Steve.

Liberty and Roxy explain what happened, Zoe was more worried about Liz, she saw Liz getting angry and leaving, Zoe goes after her but she didn't want to talk and left.

"What did you tell her to get so angry?" Zoe asked Jack.

"I just said that her father will recover, I told her to keep calm and everything will be fine" replied Jack.

Zoe is walking home and realizes that Roxy was with her father at the door, I called Joe who was sleeping in the lair, after opening the door the two enter and apologize for their recent actions, Joe appears entering the garage door.

"Hello," said Joe.

"Hello, my name is Rox" said Rox introducing herself.

"I know who you are," Joe said.

After that Rox and Roxy left the house, Joe notices that Rox dropped some eavesdropping devices while moving around the house, Joe takes an instrument to locate the devices and destroys them all.

"This guy came apologizing but he's no different than a villain," Joe said.

Zoe agrees and goes to the room to rest, at night Zoe while having dinner saw on television that she had a super villain attacking, for everyone it was a normal situation, but the super villain was screaming Ice ray's name. Zoe said she was going to study, goes to the lair to change and then flies to the place where the super villain was attacking.

"You were looking for me Lady fire I'm here" Zoe said putting out the fire that was on the street.

"You, I'll kill you" Liz said throwing a fireball towards Zoe.

"I don't know why you're angry, but I'm going to put out your fire" Zoe said creating a wall of ice defending herself from the attack.

"You attacked my father, it's your fault my father was in a coma," Liz said, increasing the size of the fire in her hands.

Zoe realizes that her fire is spreading, she saw two children in the middle of the fire and jumped in front of the flames to save them.