
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · ファンタジー
104 Chs

Apology and gift

In the morning Snow woke up early, she was excited that today she would go back to her hero routine, when she went to see her twins and their girlfriends noticed that they were both sleeping. Snow went to make breakfast, turned on the television and watched, when she realized that Joe had left the lair door open, she quickly closed it so that no one would see. Everyone woke up and went to have breakfast, when the girls were getting ready to go to school they noticed that a white limousine arrived at the door of the house. 3 people get out of the limousine and head towards the door, Star runs to warn her mother and Joe opens the door.

"Good morning," said Joe.

"Hello, is this the Smith residence?" asked the man in the suit.

"Yes, what do you want?" asked Joe.

"I'm from the Moon company, my name is Jack Pierre Martin, I came here because we learned that one of our teams we financed caused a problem for your family and we want to solve this problem" replied Jack.

"Come in," said Joe.

Jack asks the other two people to wait outside, Jack sat down and talked to my mom, we were on our way out when Jack got up, introduced himself and said he could offer a ride. Jack asked one of the security guards who was outside to take the girls to school, after we accepted the ride he went back to talking to my mother. We entered the limousine, when we arrived at the school several students were watching, when the girls left they noticed the looks, the 3 Zoe were embarrassed, Liz and Roxy acted normally.

"Why did you guys ride a limousine to school?" asked Steve.

"I'm more interested in how they got a limousine, could you tell me what happened?" asked Ed.

Liz explains what happened at Zoe's house, the limousine leaves the school and Ben who was at the school door goes towards Liz, he asks to talk to her alone and they both go somewhere.

"That was weird," said Jack.

After school everyone goes to their homes, Snow tells the other 2 Zoe that she was going back to the superhero routine and when they get home they ask about what happened, her mother tells what happened and shows the 2 gifts they delivered, one one of the gifts was a super portable power generator that could power the house for 2 years and the other was a car. At night Snow leaves the house to fight crime, she passes through some cities until she meets again some of the super heroes who helped during the flooding of the cities, she goes down to find out what they were doing, she helps them fight some bad guys and stays talking to them, then goes to other cities to fight crime and before dawn returns home, meanwhile the other 2 Zoe who were sleeping were watching everything Snow was doing. In the morning at 3 Zoe woke up early, watched television and saw that some criminals had escaped from prison, some of the criminals were highly dangerous super villains.

"You're not going after them now are you?" asked Star.

"I'll go after them after school," Snow replied.

After school Snow goes to the lair to get some equipment and research about the super villains that escaped, she flew with her car and went to the possible locations of some super villains, but she didn't find any clues about them. Snow decided to team up with Positive Girl, Griffon and a new heroine with fire powers named Ember who were also hunting the criminals, Snow gave them a ride when he found one of the criminals, Positive Girl kept filming their adventures with them to put on the internet and Ember was watching Snow throughout the trip, arriving at the place they saw the criminal we found some more criminals and we easily managed to defeat them, when we asked about the location of the super villains they simply replied that they didn't know. I decided to leave the rest to the police, said goodbye to the super heroes and left, before going home I faced some kidnappers, I ended up saving a senator and her children.

"Hard day," Snow said.

"I saw it, it looks like the super villains are gone and they've only managed to arrest normal criminals," Star said.

"Did the police say any new information on television?" asked Snow.

"No new information," replied Heart.

"What have you two been doing all day, have you had fun?" asked Snow.

"I stayed with my girlfriend and then I went to Steve's house to play with Ed, Star, Serena and Jack," replied Heart.

"My girlfriend said she was going home to solve a problem and said she was going out with me tomorrow," Star said.

"Is Liz up to something?" thought Snow.

"I don't know," Star said.