
Rising Heroes: The Beginning

"In a world where everyone has superpowers, five teenage boys enroll in a special academy to learn how to become heroes. Among them is a young man who struggles to find his place, feeling like he doesn't quite fit in with the others. His loyal friend tries to reconnect with him, but he pushes him away, causing him to make new friends. Meanwhile, another student is determined to prove himself despite his initial lack of strength. Another young man was adopted into a family and grew up like a brother to the family's biological son. As they navigate the challenges of their training, these five must learn to work together and harness their strengths to become true heroes."

Dread_Hunter · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Chapter 5: Mergen Gorin

Jaden forgot to sleep all night due to him being busy with reading about different lightning element abilities and Jaden has been trying to get super speed using his lightning element, Jaden has only got three days left until the entrance exams and is very close to reach Mergen Gorin but needs to push even more in order to make his energy levels spike.

Jaden starts his morning by doing 20 pushups and 15 sit ups and eats bread for breakfast and jogs all the way to the academy and once he gets there he is greeted with a glad and happy Zenu who says "Well, today is the day. You're lucky because there's a huge storm today with thunder and lightning. You're going to meditate under the wisteria tree and your going to draw on the storm's power to make your energy levels spike and then I'll kill you, allowing you to access Mergen gorin."

"No way." Jaden laughs and screams out of excitement and happiness and says "IT'S HAPPENING, I DID IT!" Jaden is overjoyed and Zenu is even happier after seeing Jaden's reaction.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Zenu says. " Oh and you might get a little wet" Zenu says

Jaden rushes outside and sits under the tree, he meditates for around three hours until he can feel the first rain drop. Zenu doesn't want to disturb Jaden so he doesn't say anything and just hopes that Jaden starts drawing energy from the storm, Jaden starts drawing on the storm's power and energy and heavy rain starts above Zenu and Jaden.

Jaden start getting surrounded by electricity and the wind gets extremely strong, the sky is dark, nothing can be seen and there's chaos everywhere around Jaden, three branches are flying, rocks and stones are flying around and exactly five hours later Jaden is struck by lightning and Zenu can sense Jadens energy level, Zenus energy detector has stopped working due to the horrible weather and Zenus hand is surrounded by lightning, he creates a chain of lightning and directs it towards Jaden and cuts through his heart, killing Jaden.

Jaden wakes up under the wisteria tree the next day and sees Zenu sitting and reading a book in front of him. "How did it go?" "Did it succeed?" Jaden says. "Well the fact that your still here and alive means that you were revived by the wisteria tree and there's one thing I didn't mention about the wisteria tree, it only revives those that it thinks are worthy of a second chance and clearly you are worthy"

Jaden is glad to hear this but is confused, what does it mean to be worthy. "Your training with me is finished Jaden, I hope you pass the entrance exams and we might see each other again." Jaden is crushed and sad, Zenu disappears in the blink of an eye and Jaden is left there, alone. " Nah just kidding" Zenu says as he appears behind Jaden. Jaden is surprised and smiles. "Well we won't train until you're done with the entrance exams but after that we will continue. Even if you don't get in."

Jaden walked home that day, happy and excited, there was no way he was going to fail the entrance exams. To his surprise he doesn't see Felicia on the way home. Jaden wakes up at 6 am, It's the day he's going to take his entrance exams to the academy. Jaden stands up and simply meditates, he finds his focus, concentration and peace. He was ready to take his exam and become a hero, in order to protect those who cannot protect themselves. That is Jaden's new reason.

Jaden reaches the academy where he's supposed to do all of the tests. The first test is simple for Jaden, it's a written test with a couple of questions. He's the first one to finish all of them and an hour after everyone is done with the written test they all get their results on it, if they passed the written test then they get to move on to the next one. Jaden passed and had every single question right.

The next test is reflexes, everyone will enter a room alone and different things will come flying at you, if you show a high level of reflex they will start throwing sharp things at you, and if that's too easy then they throw swords and knives at you, but in order to continue you have to sign a contract where it states that it's not the academies fault if anyone is harmed or dies. Jaden is somewhat shaken by this but he signs the contract.

Jaden enters the room and the first thing that comes at him is a big rock which Jaden dodges, Jaden continues dodging things and evading attacks and to his surprise he reaches the stage where knives are thrown at him and swords. If he can survive for a minute then he passes with a very high score. Jaden succeeds and passes this part as well.

Next test you don't need to do anything, they will just scan you with their energy detector in order to check your energy levels, but the problem is without Mergen Gorin Jaden has very low energy levels. Jaden's turn isn't up yet and he has no choice but to enter Mergen Gorin, Jaden sits down and concentrates, but he has no idea how to enter. Jaden had unlocked Mergen Gorin but he had no control.

All of a sudden Zenu appears behind Jaden and says "Don't worry, I talked to the people responsible for the tests and you get to skip this one, oh and you can't enter Mergen Gorin by will, it only activates when there's enough adrenaline in your body. I brought you this book about different lightning elements to keep you busy." Zenu says this and disappears and Jaden doesn't get the chance to say anything. Jaden was now left with nothing to do. So he decides to sit down under the Wisteria tree and read the book Zenu gave him.

Two hours later the next test is up and is about showing your combat skills, everyone is allowed to watch through a glass window and Jaden being tired of reading decides to go check out the other students and walks in at the perfect moment, he gets to see Felicia showing her combat skills on a dummy made of wood. She shows off her knife combat skills and after 30 minutes it's Jadens turn, Jaden has nothing but his hand to hand combat and starts performing different combos, kicks and punches, it was relatively simple and Jaden hopes he passes.

He sees Felicia with her friends and is afraid of approaching her when she's with her friends, but he faces his fear and walks over to her and says "Hey, whats up."

"Nothing much, we were just talking about what we would do if he didn't get accepted" Felicia says.

"Oh, it's my turn now, I've got to go." Felicia's friend Aurora says

"I'll come and watch you" Felicia's friend Luna says.

"So, how are you feeling, last time we met was pretty rocky, but well at least I don't owe you anymore" Jaden says and chuckles as he says the last line.

"Well I never wanted anything from you and to be honest I was annoyed at you for a couple of days because what you did was reckless and is not a sign of a hero, you are supposed to make people safe but I didn't feel safe, especially when you got so proud of beating up a couple of thieves, you should be glad that you managed to protect yourself and me" Felicia says

The words somewhat hurt Jaden as he thought that Felicia would see him in a new light "Well, I just want you to know that I will be there for you if anything ever happens again, I'll get better and stronger just know that I won't fail again. That's a promise" Jaden says.

Felicia doesn't say anything and just walks away, her silence leaves Jaden in a limbo, not knowing the status of their relationship. After another 30 minutes Jaden finds out that everyone is allowed to leave now and that all tests have been completed. Jaden could only hope that he got accepted.