
Rising Gods

In a World where being Weak is the Greatest Sin. A world where the strong eats the weak. "Yee foo" the strongest Human. the most Talented in medicine. alchemy and the only person who managed to reach Legendary Realms in cultivation. back to his great Palace in the Holy Dimension after defeating one of the strongest humanity's enemies. finds his most beloved ones killed and slaughtered by his own trusted Disciple what led him to lose control of his powers and destroy his phisical body and at a rage moment. then he Opens his Eyes inside the void after a long time

Zithmane · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Chapter 8: The Comeback!

After he started walking on the Cultivation Path again. Yee foo Knew that he's gonna have to walk through a lot of Challenges and a lot of Life or Death Situations, the opponents and enemies he was about to face are going to be much more powerful than him considering his shallow and weak cultivation, the only solution is to breakthrough the Realms as fast as possible!

However, Yee foo didn't want to, he knows that the most important thing in the path of cultivation is the Foundation. With a weak foundation, one is gonna always have Difficulties throughout his entire cultivation. Yet, someone with a strong and solid foundation can easily shake and crush even mountains with the most casual moves!

In the Holy Pheonix Empire, everyone must have an Identity Jade Indicating their Sect or clan with their name on it. Slaves have another Type of identity jades called 'The Slavery stone' with the name of person or clan they belong to with a spiritual Print, the same spiritual print is printed on the slave's soul so he can't run away, once the slave or his owner dies the print disappears and the slavery stone breaks!

People who don't have any Identity jade are treated as wild animals, even killing one of them is like slaughtering a normal chicken, when he wanted to enter through the gates that day, Yee foo showed the guards his Slavery stone with the 'Mo Clan' name on it to let him pass-through.

When he left the Auction House he headed towards the Mo Clan's Mansion inside the City, Since now he got a fortune he can easily pay a hundred Spiritual Crystals to buy his freedom and the right the have an Identity Jade, as well as to buy one of his friend's Freedom as well "Yun Cheng" since the first day Yee foo came to the Mo Clan as a slave the only person who took care of him was Yun Cheng, he always protected him and was always saying that somedays he will buy their freedom and escape from the Mo Clan!

Since most of the Mo Clan Gate's Guards were at the Initial Breakthrough levels, once he reached the Mansion's gates, he jumped over the wall and easily entered the Mansion, once he entered a specific room he was headed to, he found Pieces of cloths lying on the floor and some straw here and there, a few Kids sleeping on the ground, it was very awful to see such a thing in front of him but Yee foo entered and walked through them!

He Suddenly Stopped when he noticed someone, he quickly jumped towards him and lifted him with both his arms and said:" Brother Yun Cheng, Hey, Brother Yun Cheng What is happening, why are you all gathered inside the Slaves hall....."

When he heard someone calling his name, the little guy slowly opened his eyes and lifted his head and kept staring at Yee foo" l..little.....b..brother..Yee foo" Yun Cheng could barely let these few words out of his mouth!

Once he saw this view Yee foo began to Clench his teeth" Don't talk, where's your Slavery stone? give it to me we're finally gonna get out from here" yee foo slowly said, then search Yun Cheng's body to found his Slavery stone

After he got Yun Cheng's Slavery stone, Yee foo lifted him on his back " g..glad....I'm really glad you are still alive...I'm really glad..." just when he was getting ready to get out Yun Cheng repeated the same words over and over again as a few tears stream down the edge of his eyes

"Brother Yun Cheng Don't worry! you've always taken care of me and protected me, you've always put my life before yours, you've always tried your best to make me feel better! From now on, I, Yee foo will bring down the most severe and ugliest disasters on whoever dares to look down on us! And believe me this is not a threat, it's a PROMISE!" Yee foo Said and then quickly got out while carrying Yun Cheng on his back.

when they got out, Yee foo directly headed towards the Slave affairs house in the Mo Clan's Mansion. Once they got in, Yee foo kept searching around when he saw a Mid-aged man next to the large reception desk taking a nap on a chair with a straw hat covering his entire face.

"UUghhh.... what the hell do you want both of you?? as I said there's no food for you for the next 2 days until someone starts talking, otherwise the next punishment might be more severe then this one.... wait, who the hell are you???" the Mid-aged man took the straw hat off his face as he said.


"We are both slaves from the Mo Clan,I'm here to buy our freedom and want you to destroy the slavery print in our slavery stones, there are exactly two hundred spiritual crystals in this bag" Yee foo threw a bag and two stones on the desk as he was saying

"Umm... these are indeed good quality spiritual crystals..... I know every slave we have in our Mo Clan including Yun Cheng, but since i started working here last month I've never seen you before, where did you get this second slavery stone? are you sure you are a slave in our clan?? Moreover, if you are a slave where did you get that many spiritual crystals??" the mid-aged man took the bag, once he saw the spiritual crystals, Some signs of greed began to appear on his face full of wrinkles, he then picked the slavery stones and kept examining Yee foo's one


"Here are another hundred spiritual crystals to speed up the process, are you going to take it or should we go searching for another chief for help??" Yee foo threw another smaller bag towards him and said

"No no, no need to look for anyone, with this amount it's gonna take just a few moments to finish the process hehe... once you feel an impact in your soul that means you are both freemen and no longer slaves hehe...." The Mid-aged man quickly took the second bag and put it away as he picked up the two slavery stones in one hand and covered it with the other

Tchh... Tchhh..

His Hands started glowing as a 'Mo' Word appeared in one of his hands, Moments later he opened them again but the two stones disappeared, Both Yee foo and Yun Cheng felt like something broke up inside of them

"He he. Young men, you can Consider yourselves freemen from now on, hope you face nothing but wealth and good luck from now on! here are two Identity Stones, i printed Yun Cheng's name on the first one and since i don't know yours you can print it yourself, if you want you can add even your sect or clan's name on it and make sure you don't lose it....." the Mid-aged man took two small stones from the desk and gave them to Yee foo

Yee foo didn't wanna waste any time and directly headed towards the exit

"Hohoho, look who's back to our doorstep, I myself never thought i would see you once more, it must be my fortune to meet you again hehe....." Suddenly a before he could reach the exit a young youth appeared at the Exit as he joyfully said

these words for anyone else might sound like words from a young kid who finally met his friend after a long time, but for Yee foo they were as sharp as Blades cutting through his skin and flesh, he would never forget that voice even if he wants to! He knows that the Youth in front of him was a wolf disguised as a sheep! He was "Mo Gang" the young Master of the 'Mo Clan'!

"Ahhh, so It's the Mo Clan's Young Master... It's a shame to meet you again after so long" Yee foo said as he formed a cold smile up the edge of his mouth

"Yeah, it's indeed a ple.... what did you just say to me you lowly mortal! Yee foo you better watch your mouth instead of losing it" Mo Gang was about to say something and keeps his sweet face when he realized that he was being Insulted, both his eyebrows shrank and his entire face deformed

"Huhh... can't believe I'm being pissed by a mere slave" Mo Gang Suddenly stood formally and started smiling " since my last breakthrough i didn't have the time nor the opportunity to test my new strength, i actually think you've come at an excellent timing hehe...."as he was talking, Mo Gang waved his right hand and a fine and long blade quickly appeared out of his spatial ring


"I'll be a bit gentle with you, so don't die very quickly" Mo Gang Quickly jumped towards Yee foo and Yun Cheng, in an instant Mo Gang closed the distance between them with a terrifying speed, once he reached them he raised his sword and fantastically waved it towards Yee foo with his right hand


"Huh... Next time you better know who you're talking to before you.....uhh..ahhhhhhhhh Ahhhhh!" when he finished his attack, and Blood was spread on the floor he was happy that both his speed and strength improved, but what he didn't know is that the Blood on the floor wasn't Yee foo's and when he turned his eyes towards his arm, he didn't found his sword nor his right hand!

When he realized the blood was getting out his right hand, His Entire face deformed again worst than the last time as he held his right hand with his left arm and started screaming While rolling on the ground like a mad dog"Ahhhhhh..... my hand..no..noo.my...ahhhhhhh..!"

"W..what did you do to the clan young master" the mid-aged man at the reception desk quickly jumped towards Mo Gang and held his right arm to stop the Injury with his spiritual energy


"you dare to cut our young Master's right hand, you're a dead man!" the Mid-aged man jumped in the air then bursted towards Yee foo and Yun Cheng, he quickly closed the distance between them, upon reaching Yee foo, a light green aura surrounded him as he lifted his right arm and punched towards Yee foo



"You...you.....!" Just when the Mid-aged man was preparing his punch, Yee foo dropped Mo Gang's hand and held his blade with the edge of three of his right hand's fingers, he then raised his eyes towards the mid-aged man and threw the blade towards him!

the mid-aged man's body dropped off the air like a bag of bones and skin, then crushed against the ground

Even though the Distance between Yee foo and him was more than twenty feet, the blade flew in the air like a spear of lightning and pierced through his forehead like a hot knife through the butter!

The mid-aged man wasn't weak at all, to hold a position such as the slave affairs chief, one must at least break through the fifth layer of the Initial Element level! However, in front of Yee foo he didn't even have the chance to react or even make a complete move against him, at the End he ended up staring at Yee foo cold eyes till he passed out on the floor!

"Ugly Man with an ugly End" Yee foo took a look on him then turned his eyes towards Mo Gang

Wooosh.... woooosh....wooooosh...woooosh.....woshhh!

However, Before he could make any moves, a few Strong Auras started getting out of the Mo Clan main Mansion, Few moments later a few strange men quickly appeared with a fierce look on their faces!