
Riser Phenex: Flaming Chicken to Burning Phoenix

A story of a man from Earth reincarnated into Riser Phenex, the cannon fodder of a villain. With the help of the Company that put him into this world, he will become the strongest and get as many Waifu as he can. !!! This is Waifu Catalog Fic !!!

LuxVonDeux · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Chapter 7

"Riser! Let me introduce you to Sona! My best friend!"

I look to the side and see Rias walking toward me while dragging a black-haired young woman along. I smile at her and say.

"Good evening. It is nice to meet you, heiress Sitri. My name is Riser Phenex."

"Riser, why are you talking like that? Sona is my best friend! You can talk like usual."

The young woman next to her sighs and says.

"This is his official Ceremony, Rias. He needs to be formal when he meets someone for the first time. You know this."

Sona shakes her head and looks at me.

"It is nice to meet you, Riser Phenex. Just like Rias said, you can speak to me without formality."

"Of course, Sona."

She nods and says.

"Congratulations on officially registering on the Rating Games, Riser."

"Thank you, Sona. How about you? Rias wants to join the Rating Games circuit but what about you?"

She looks at me for a few seconds before shaking her head.

"I did not want to join the Rating Games circuit. I want to open up a Rating Games school for all devils in the underworld regardless of their status.'

"But you did not want to join the Rating Games circuit."

"I will still join the competitive Rating Games but I will not put all my effort into Rating Games."

"Ah. I see. Opening a Rating Games school, huh? That is a great goal to have, Sona."

I can see her smile a little and about to say something. However, before she can do that, Rias walks forward and says.

"Riser! Why are you only talking to Sona?"

"Hahahaha, sorry about that. How are you, Rias? How about your future peerage member? It has been two days since I saw them."

"They are doing great! Koneko is a cutie pie! A little bit quiet but cute nonetheless."

"That she is. Anyway, how is it, you two? Are you two enjoying the party?"

Rias nods her head and takes a piece of brownies on the table.

"It is great, Riser. However, many people look at us weirdly."

"Rias is right. I don't like to be seen as if I am a piece of meat."

And I understand the reason why. Rias is the little sister of Satan Lucifer and the heiress of one of the wealthiest families in the entire underworld. She is a prime target for everyone who wants to elevate their clan to a higher degree.

Sona is also the same. She is the little sister of Satan Leviathan and the heiress of a family that owns the best hospital in the entire underworld. The latter alone makes her the prime target for many nobles, but combining it with the first makes her even more desirable.

"Do you want to go to the garden after the announcement?"

"It will be great! Wait. What do you mean by an announcement, Riser?"

I look at Rias and say.

"I don't know. My father said something about an announcement that will be made at my party."


And as if being summoned, my father arrives in the room and gathers the attention of the others. I can also see my mother, Lord, and Lady Gremory coming alongside my father.

"Thank you for coming to my son's Coming of Age ceremony! Other than celebrating my son's Coming of Age, this is also a celebration for a union between Phenex and Gremory family!"

I can see Rias widen her eyes and look at me in surprise.

"From today onward, my son, Riser Phenex, will be engaged with Rias Gremory of the Gremory family."

I look at Rias and smile at her. She looks at me for a few seconds before hugging me. I blink for a second and hug her back. I can hear a cheer coming from all the guests and even catcalling.


I release a sigh and look at the peaceful face of Rias sleeping. I smile a little and let her sleep. I slowly get off the bed and leave the room without making any sound. I get into the bathroom and start to clean myself.

When I leave the bathroom, I can see Rias sitting on my bed, naked. Right. That is one of the quirks of Rias. She cannot sleep with clothes on her body.

"Good morning, Rias. How is your sleep?"

She looks at me with sleepy eyes and nods.

"I sleep great, Riser."

I pat her head and start to put on my clothes. After putting on my clothes, I look at her and say,

"So, what do you want to do today, Rias?"

She yawns and says.

"I think I need to go back home, Riser. My mother said that I need to learn more from her with my Coming of Age near the corner."

"Such a shame. Will you call me when you are free? I want someone to take me around Akihabara."

At the mention of the sacred place of an Otaku, she perks up and says.

"Of course! I think I am free on Friday and we can go to Akihabara there!"

"That is good. Anyway, you should take a bath. I know that Lady Venelana will take you back home early in the morning."

"Urgh. Yeah. Mother is strict when it comes to education. I envy you, Riser. Lady Sienna looks like someone who did not push her children regarding education."

I can only give her a strained smile as I remember how my mother pushed me to the limit regarding etiquette, noble behavior, noble bearing, and even a noble way of walking for the past two years.

I wonder if Canon Riser has the same kind of study in his life because he behaves so horribly.

"Yeah. Let's not get into that kind of thing."

"No way! Really? Is Lady Sienna strict in her training as well?"


"But she looks so sweet."

I hold myself back from saying that Lady Venelana is the same. She looks sweet, but behind that mask is someone who will torture you in the name of study.

"Anyway, what will you do now, Riser?"

"I will continue to train to prepare for my first match in the Rating Games."

"Oh! When will it happen?"

"In a month. It happens in the first week of next month. The exact date is not yet to be decided but it will happen in the first week of next month."

"Then I will come and cheer you up!"

"Thank you, Rias. Anyway, should you not take a bath?"


I shake my head and see her quickly get into the bathroom. I leave my room and get to the training ground where I can see my peerage member already waiting for me.

"Ah! Good morning, master!"

"Master, nya~"

"Morning, nya~"

"Good morning, Lord Master"

I smile at them and say.

"Good morning, guys. It is good that you guys are up and about. Let's start the training with a spar. After the spar, we will learn the things we need to improve. How is it?."

The others nod and jump to the other side of the training ground.

"Great! Let's start now!"

I dash forward and appear in front of Ni, the blue-haired nekomata, then thrust my fist. However, a shield appears before Ni before my fist can hit her. I look to the side and see Mihae create a barrier to block my attack. The barrier is strong enough to block my attack but gets destroyed when my fist hits it.

However, it is enough for others to take action.

I can see a small light from my left and quickly create a barrier around the light. A second later, an explosion happened inside my barrier. However, while I concentrate on the barrier, Li, the red-haired nekomata, appears beside me and punches me with a Senjutsu-powered punch.

I get thrown away, but I manage to land on my two feet. I grin and clap my hand. Thirty blue lights appear around me a second later, and I command them to fly at my peerage member. I can see they create a barrier around them to block my attack.

And that is a good choice because the light explodes when the light gets close to them. My smile gets bigger when I see their barrier manage to block my attack.

"Great! You guys have grown far! Let's increase the intensity!"

If you want to read more and support me, you can visit my P@treon: P@treon.com/Luxvondeux

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