
Rise of the void prince

"Am I going to die" He thought as he looked at the sky that was dyed red. Raindrops fell on his body which was covered with blood and injuries which looked horrifying. He looked around to see mountains of human corpses. Whether it was strangers or allies, he felt sorrowful as humanity was going to be extinct and he wasn't able to stop it. He felt his consciousness was leaving his body as he couldn't keep his eyes open for much longer. He closed his eyes as his heartbeat rang slower and slower. The only thing valuable on his body that hasn't been broken to pieces seemed to be the silvery, white ring that was adorned on his right hand's middle finger. As his heart was about to stop beating, white light started to appear around him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter length-1000~3000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The_King09 · ファンタジー
19 Chs


He was now in his room. After he had eaten, he immediately went into his room. He first took a bath since he was sweaty from the training this morning. After he got out of his bath and wore his clothes, he sat in front of the computer to research some things.

He searched for Sanctuary and found it. WIll release on 'December 1, 2042'.

It was the same time as his previous life. The game that would change the lives of many people. The bigger change was not the game but what came after the game.

He didn't think he had a photographic memory to know every single thing from his past life. It was only the small details, of course, he had a good memory so he remembered most things. He thought only with his past life's body that he would be able to remember all the things but he could remember most things clearly. If it had been his past life's body, he could remember every single thing, of course with a little bit of a hint of course. It was like a maths problem, with his past life's body he could even know the answers to each problem, but with his current body, he could not know the answers with a single glance but he knew the theorems to them.

He then checked his bank account. He had more than 100000 ICS.

10000 ICs would be the yearly earnings of a normal family. The reason for this amount of money was also because of the success of his mother. But, something terrible would happen some months later. Money is essential in the strength of a family as well. The problem made the bearings of the family to half, Though, they could still work with that much, even greater trouble would come.

"That should be enough for my plan"

He researched some other things for the next few hours. His sister brought him his lunch.

He then went to lie on his bed. Before he lies on his bed, he set an alarm on his phone. He was very already tired from the training and the research made him even more tired. As soon as his head touched the pillow, he went to la-la land.

__ __ __

A few hours later,

*beep beep.....*(Phone alarm rings)

He moved his hand to close the alarm. Then he got from his bed and stretched a little and slapped his cheeks a little to make himself wake up. He felt rejuvenated. He needed to go out again so he wore clothes that would suit where he was going and he went out of his room. When he arrived at the front door of the mansion, he felt that someone was looking at him and as he looked behind he saw his sister looking at him with a questioning gaze and her arms together.

'Does she have sixth sense or something?'

"Lihua, I was just going to the mall"

"When will you be back"

"In like two or three hours"

"You can go"

Now that he had finished his report, he went out of the mansion and went to the garage. Inside, there were tens of luxury cars. He chose one of his favorites which was a white Ferrari-like car.

*Vroom Vrooom*

Inside the mansion, there was a confused girl left behind.

"The mall, when did he ever go to the mall"

"He has been really weird"

"Maybe he wanted to buy some adult things"

She imagined that and her face became red.

__ __ __

The reason why he wanted to go out was that he wanted to buy some weapons. He didn't lie to his sister. He was also going to the mall after ordering his weapons. For ordering his weapons, he was going to a specific shop and that shop was not in a good place so he didn't want to tell his sister.

He parked his car in a parking lot and went to the place on foot. He didn't want his only way of transport back home to be ruined because of his journey to this place even though bullets couldn't even break through the glass if they wanted to.

He took out a black face mask from his pocket and put it on. He also pulled down the black hoodie to cover his head.

He went through the alleyways as if it was his hometown. He then arrived at the door to a building. He walked through the door and went inside. The room had cobwebs and dust everywhere as if it had been abandoned. His jacket had a hoodie so he covered his head with it, He then pulled a book from the old bookshelf. The wall moved and opened a door. It was a stairway leading down. It was dark but he still kept walking. Then he moved his hand to grab a doorknob and opened it. There was light everywhere as if there was a sun shining and there were people everywhere as if it was a festival and there were many people selling their products on the streets.

All the people were wearing hoodies or black robes. This was the night market. This place had low, medium, and high-level districts. This was the low-level district of the night market. He passed this place and arrived at the medium-level district. Unlike the lower level, the medium level was more modernized and had stores instead of street vendors. There was still the high-level district but his destination was not there but in this medium-level district.

Though there were customers in most stores, there were still some stores that had few to no customers. He went to one of such stores. The name of the store was 'Nightmoon workshop'

The inside of the store was fairly clean. The reason why this store was unpopular was that not only that there was already a weapon shop in the high-level district but there was also a weapon shop in the middle district as well. The other weapon shop was more popular and it was also a bit cheaper than this one.

He went to the back store of this place. There was the sound of metal clanging and loud yelling. He saw two shadows on the wall in front of the slightly open door to where this was happening. He opened the door slowly to see a boy with a small structure with a face that looked very young using a metal hammer that did not fit his size and there was also an old man who was guiding him through this, though a bit too loud in the voice. The old man was in a wheelchair and one of his hands was missing. He was disabled.


"Yes, yes, father"

Though he knew that his father was yelling at him, he knew that his father just wanted him to learn so he yell. He would not be this hot-blooded in any other things than in blacksmithing. After he had lost his mother, the father and son had only each other to depend on.

He looked at the father and son pair for a while before knocking on the door which had been opened. They both stopped and looked at the door.

"Oh a customer, "the boy said

"I will go and see the customer"

"If I see you slacking off when I come back, you are gonna be dead"

"Yes, father, I will not slack off"

He made way for the father to go out and followed him. Before following the father, he had one last look at the boy who was relentlessly hammering the iron. He was completely drenched in sweat as if a bucket of water had poured onto him. Though the tiring process, he still had a smile on his face as if he was enjoying this. Looking at this scene, Zhou Li had a mysterious smile before leaving.

[Note: He's not gay]