

From a very young age, Kristen cin was shown the dark part of the world. Where his family was murdered in front of him cruelly. Driven by hate he goes up the tower of vengeance and villiany while conquering the underworld of the world watch as he defeats powerful foes while establishing himself as the biggest and baddest crime lord

sin_god · 都市
9 Chs


"Boys are you ready"

In the the apartment that housed one of the Tri-state' gang.There was a carefree air about the place. They were happy to receive this little job with a big reward.

It was no big deal to kill a couple of human being who they kill on a weekly basis.

For this operation they took only 10 men because it would be a waste of resources to was manpower which they could use to solidify their position as owners of this turf

After all their preparations, Don said

"move out"



Kristen felt his brain shift a little from that punch as his body was disoriented for a moment before a thought went through his head


he was punched back about 4ft before he fell on the floor and spat out a bit of blood.

He looked at the robber then he thought

'NO I can't die here. I still have to give mom,dad and Debby a good life and also care for mark's

"You shouldn't have done that c*nt"

Mr robber said with a smile on his face but in the next moment his smile waned as Kristen stood up from the ground as the atmosphere around him changed and he looked at the robber with cold eyes unbefitting of a teenager

He felt less like a teenager and more like a primal beast hidden behind a cage

Mr robber seeing this rushed towards Kris while raising his fist.

kris instinctively side stepped and then gave a punch of his own.It was a mighty Punch but there was only so far that his physique could take him.


The fist landed squarely on Mr robbers face but his malnourished body did not allow it to have more power

when Mr robber saw this he smiled cruelly before giving an elbow towards Kris who used his size to his advantage and delivered an upper cut to Mr robber which also landed on it

The upper cut did damage to his jaw as his teeth clashed together cause a shock to go to his brain

But before Kristen could continue his assault a fist landed on his chest sending him flying

"Hahahaha c*unt you do pack a punch but now's the end for you-"

Mr robber was about to gloat when a fist landed on his face

"You forgot about me m*therf*cker!!!!"

Mark stood their with his fist lifted and a dignified expression which was ruined after his swearing.

the robber stood up then wiped the blood off his mouth the me smiled and before mark could regret his actions, fists rained on him from all corners as the rubber manhandled him for 10 secs

"NOOOO" Seeing his friend being beat to a pulp in front of him, Kristen could not help but scream. He disregarded everything he knew about fairness and human rights and rushed up to the robber

"ha little c*nt want some fist food" Mr robber smiled but not for long as a fist came towards him. He smiled and taught

'this trick again, let me show you'

He was about to block when he he realized,he fucked up

because that punch was a faint as the real punch just landed on his family jewels

he was silent for a second before scream like a baby


He fell on the floor and wailed like a child and who wouldn't.Am having goosebumps thinking of what the Mr had to pass through.

But it wasn't over as Kris continued to pummel him over and over again till he was satisfied, and when he was, Mr robbers face was disfigured and disgusting as his eyes where blackened and blood was all over his face

After satisfying his rage Kristen realized what he had done his eyes glazed for a bit before he said to mark who just got up from the ground

"Grab the bag and let's go"

At this moment police sirens played in the background as the noise from the brawl alerted the residents and they reported to the police.

mark quickly put the items back in bag and ran away with Kristen as they ran home.


As they walked home there was silence between them before Mark said

"It's not your fault you where acting on self defense"

"don't worry am fine I could not let anything happen to you my friend and I would do it again if I had to"

Kristen replied with a straight face.

They walked home somewhat peaceful in the dark night of the city illuminated by the lights....

But nothing was going to prepare them for what they were going to see when the went home and and this dark night was about to get darker.


About 20 minutes ago at Kristen house

Everywhere seem peaceful and quiet and calm. The lights where few except some which where off

At this moment me in different colors of clothes where walking leisurely towards the house.

they all had one thing in common and that was the blue bandana that covered their faces like masks

At the front was the bald Don who whore a casual T- shirt and shorts. He had a cigarette in his mouth and he walked with nonchalant steps

Upon reaching the front door, two out of the ten men came and kicked the door with force


Susan sprang out of her seat with an scared face;she had an uneasy feeling, something that could cause bad things

harry also stood up he made a hush sign to Susan then he reached out into a hidden compartment and brought out a 'Glock' pistol.

He moved silently towards the living room from the stairs as he was a trained cop who was experienced in stuff like this.Susan took whatever she could use as a weapon.

"ohh Susan come down here and greet your daddy"

Don said with a vicious grin on his face

"this won't end well for the both of us Don, I advise you go back and I will act like this never happened"

Harry tried to reason with Don

"ohh come one harry shut up! am not here for you...boys kill him"



Suddenly gunshots rang in the air as the henchmen shot at the stairs where harry was who also returned their fire occasionally but it was getting tougher on him as he was running out of bullets while the enemy was closing in on his location

"I surrender!!!"

Harry shouted after having lost hope

"cease fire!! boys!" Don shouted

When the gunshot ended harry was seen coming down the stairs slowly he looked around looking for a possible escape route for Susan and Debby before saying

"Take all you want Don and leave us alone "

"oh will we take alright" Don said

"Boys get that wh*re down here also bring the baby wh*re too"

Don ordered.


the me rushed upstairs and came down with Susan who was in a night gown she tried resisting but it was no use against the power of men. Debby was also brought down.Three of them were brought before and knelt before him.

Don walked towards Susan. He looked at her up and down like a wolf looking at a small cute lamb ready to be eaten

he signaled his men and they took Susan to another part of the living room but before going he said to his men

"Torture them slowly I want to hear there screams"



"NOOOO m*therf*cker come and face me and leave them out of this"

The boys Ignored their screams and proceeded to torture them with their screams echoing through the neighborhood

Don meanwhile smiled while looking at Susan who was in tears and then said

"ohh am sorry for this interlude now let's begin and forget the pain for I am going to make it go away"

He the proceeded to strip her while she scream as he violated and molested her with a smile on his face which was full of intoxication

For the next minutes screams echoed through the neighborhood before dieing down


Kristen and Mark walked towards the house and Kristen could not help but feel an increasing sense of crisis he could not shake off. when he reached his house he found the neighborhood awfully quiet

And when he opened the door, a shiver moved down his spine as he stood rooted their as the scene in front of him turned his world upside down same with Mark beside him

He saw his dad beaten and battered with blood over his body which was tied around a table withe multiple cuts and bruises all over his body

His sister on the ground naked with white fluids over her underaged body as bruises where also all over her body and she was passed out as she lost consciousness.

And worst of all was his mother who and expression which was a mixture of anger,hate,fury,shame, resentment,guilt and also a hint of pleasure as a d*ck was still impaled in her 'spot' as the owner continued pounding with an expression of enjoyment and intoxication

And when the door was opened all the individuals who where in the room except those that where passed out,looked in that direction.

Don seeing the the real target of the job get here he could not help but grin, releasing a load of white substance over Susan's body he wore his shorts before turning to the stunned Kristen then said

ok this chapter may be a little bit...oh who am I kidding I was full blown dark and am sorry of posting without any prior warning and I just wanted to say I will 'try' to write less chapters like this but this chapter was necessary for sending the MC down the EVIL PATH....And last of all THANK YOU FOR READING

sin_godcreators' thoughts