
Rise of the Soul Guardians

In the early year 2004 the earth had changed. magic came to life but so did their nightmares. Demons and creatures of evil came from the ground up until a group of people came with them called Soul Guardians. these warriors proved their strength in defeating demons and saving humanity. our protagonist Koji Stanton was a homeless child trying his best to survive in such a cruel world. Fortunately his luck changed for the better or worse Koji became a soul guardian. but now he must train more soul guardians like himself.

MFZEID · ファンタジー
19 Chs

S1 Ep.11

(Strong language is used in this chapter. Kids and younger audiences are not recommended to read this chapter without a guardian present. You have been warned.)

Madam Bo was still too happy at being able to use techniques she couldn't use before until she heard a student in the hall talking.

"Did you hear about the new Technique Master? Some say that it's master Koji."

"Really? Although I'm not surprised. His skills are beyond reason."

Madam Bo's happiness quickly faded as she had just learned that the students had spread the word.

'This is bad.'

Just then Madam Bo received a call on her phone from Earl.

"Hi Earl what can I-"

"I wish to meet this new Technique Master. It's master Koji right? My daughter just finished telling me."

The cat was officially out of the bag but Madam Bo had hope.

"I'm sure those are just some rumours made from some students. I would have-"

Earl was quick to interrupt as he was watching a video of the gymnasium as madam Bo had the teachers recognize Koji's skills.

"There's already a video on the school's social media page."

Madam Bo wanted to tare those who posted the video in half but showed restraint while she was on the phone.

"I did appoint master Koji as the Technique Master with good reason. I cannot say more."

Earl had heard from his daughter Cinthia that Koji was both talented and very strong beyond measure but he began to think of how strong he really is.

Some Soul guardians apply the teach at a school like Wakana so that they can learn advanced techniques so achieving the position of Technique Master was the embodiment of that dream.

Even Earl himself was a potential applicant for the position but had to lead the family as the elders had declared Earl to be the family head.

So Earl knew very well that achieving this position wasn't something to be given away easily.

"I will arrive at the school grounds later this evening to meet him. Good day Sally."

Earls approach to the matter was rather unusual before Madam Bo realized it wasn't Earls wish for the sudden visit and that it was the elders.

'Those snakes… I'll need to inform Zuang to keep a close eye on Koji is those Elders set their sights on Koji.'

Madam Bo knew the Solomon Elders to be either persuasive or ruthless to get what they want.

But then again after seeing what Koji can do and how much he as had a impact over the last few weeks madam Bo had confidence in Koji.

And her confidence was to be expected as Koji, Rossin and a handful of Guardians entered the New York Dungeon to find themselves outside of a castle.

"Master Koji due to this being your first dungeon experience I must ask you to only join in the battle if necessary."

Koji nodded in agreement as this was the first time he entered a dungeon so he didn't know what to expect before more Death Knights and some zombies appeared.

"Defensive positions!"

Everyone closed any gaps in what Koji could only say was a wall of shields. But it wasn't enough as the multiple Death Knights easily broken through the wall and as Koji was about to cast a shield technique Rossin stepped in with his dagger like Hotoji.

"Zamiaru, burn them to ash."

All it took was one cut from Rossin's Zamiaru for the death knights to burn to ash so it didn't take long before the outer gate was clear of undead.

After witnessing Rossin's Zamiaru Koji was amazed before he thought about what Hatasho was capable of.

Rossin noticed Koji's stare and naturally thought Koji was amazed given his attention seeking attitude.

"Amazing huh? My Zamiaru it able to regulate its temperature at will all while enhancing my fire techniques."

Koji wanted to ask more about Zamiaru but stopped himself as it might be rude to ask about another guardians Hotoji.

However Koji was caught off guard in his amazement as he felt a blade pierce his chest with an old and gritty voice as the blade was twisted.

""The old gods are not dead""

Rossin eyes widened as the creature disappeared and Koji fell to the ground lifeless.


Rossin tried every healing technique he possibly knew but it was no good and closed Koji's eyes for him to rest.

Or so he thought as Rossin noticed Koji's wound was healing while Hatasho seemed to be transferring its Soul Essence into Koji.

Moments later Koji rose to his feet but something was off as Koji got on all fours like a wild animal before he started smelling the air.

""Ahh it is so refreshing to breathe fresh air again after thousands of years""

Rossin immediately stepped away as the beast like Koji Looked at him.

""Seems like humanity has advanced in culture.you there, human. I will expect you to take care of my vessel.""

Rossin was confused until Koji had fallen to the ground once again only to wake as if nothing happened.

"Huh? What happened? Did I fall asleep in a dungeon? I'm sorry for my clumsiness. Did you manage to clear the dungeon?"

Many were confused about what they had just witnessed including Rossin.

But they had no time to ask as they were still in a dungeon and the monsters were still alive as the city was crawling with zombies at every corner.

After seeing the enemy Koji had the sudden urge for violence as he descended upon the undead with no quarter to give.

Rossin felt like he was seeing himself in his younger days as Koji destroyed the undead in seconds without using a single technique.

'Seems I've underestimated the boy. Does he even know each of those zombies are B-Rank?'

Mutated Zombies were slightly different than the normal brain eaters as they didn't die if you damaged the brain.

But what makes mutated zombies so terrifying is their scratch and bite. Anyone who is scratched or not suffer from a virus that makes you think your friends are your enemies.

Koji had watched few zombie horror movies but knew we'll not to let them bite or scratch you unless you wish to join them.

I'm a matter of minutes the outer part of the castle was cleared of any undead but Koji was still full of energy which was odd to Rossin as zombies were just empty reanimated corpses with no soul.

'How does the boy have so much energy?'

Rossin took a closer look at Hatasho with his Soul eyes and found it didn't just absorb the essence from the creature's it kills but also from the lingering energy trails in the air.

It not only absorbs essence from those it kills but also from whatever it senses? It was truly terrifying to Rossin to see as this meant Hatasho could absorb someone's aura and give it to Koji.

This ability alone had the potential to take Koji far but on top of his skills in techniques?

He could unbeatable but that would be an issue for another day as they reached the castle gates and opened it to see an empty throne room.

"Everyone be on your guard. Koji stay behind me."

Koji did as Rossin asked before he started to feel a powerful Aura only to see it was a suit of armour that wore a crown sitting on the throne.

""Who dares wake me? Who dares wake the king? Who dares to-""

"Zamiaru! Turn flesh and bone to ash! First wave: Supernova!"

Rossin did not wait and started his attack before a metal gauntlet reached out and grabbed Rossin's neck.

""Insects dare to enter my kingdom? Die!"

Koji without hesitation blocked the undead kings blade before it impaled Rossin.

"This isn't a home! It's a tomb! Flashstep!"

Koji had grabbed Rossin's shoulder and used a short range teleport technique to clear some distance.

"Are you alright? I'm sorry I intervened."

Rossin smiled as he prepared himself for another attack.

"I'm fine thank you now let's kill this son of a bitch."

The undead king however laughed as more skeletons rose from the ground.

""You will die and join my army! KILL THEM ALL!""

Just as Rossin was about to use another technique Koji sealed all of the skeletons inside of a invisible box.

"Go! I'll hold them back!"

""You think you can hold my army back? HA! don't make me laugh!""

Koji was linked to the barrier that held the skeletons back and as well as made some clones to aid Rossin in fighting the undead king.

But the king had an ace as it's already formidable aura had increased exponentially.

""Jorta Quie Hoj, Bend to my will! Shinka!""

The dagger in the undead kings hand had somehow changed into a battle axe the size of a car.

Koji was in shock before Rossin to did something unexpected.

"Let those who worship evil burn in the light. Shinka!"

The entire castle had begun to shake as Rossin's daggers had transformed into two longsword made of fire.

Koji was in bewilderment as Rossin and the undead king clashed weapons at speed too fast for the eye to see.

The seemed to be on equal footing but not for long as the fire in Rossin's flames began to burn smaller little by little.

'I need to do something. Soul Link!'

Koji had made a soul link to Rossin and started supplying more then enough essence as the flames were reignited and were blazing hotter then they were before.

Now Rossin had the upper hand while the undead King was desperately struggling.

""No! I will not fall! Come to me my children!""

The skeletons inside of Koji's barrier decomposed in seconds but their remnant essence fragments were still trapped inside.

Koji could see all that essence and felt hungry before he condensed the barrier into a size smaller then a pill before he swallowed it.

Koji felt his essence replenish itself before he felt his body recovering physically.

It no longer looked like Koji was starving or was malnourished and instead looked at peaked physical condition.

""What did you do!""

Koji cut the soul Link as Rossin had more than enough essence to spare before they stood side by side staring at the undead King.

"Shall we?"

Koji smiled and focus only a portion of his current essence into Hatasho before cutting one of the undead kings legs off while Rossin cut off an arm.

Rossin was smiling and yet still kinda freaked out by Koji's unexplained rejuvenation but was happy regardless.

"In celebration of your first dungeon I will let you finish it Koji."

Koji nodded as he brought his Hatasho over his head for one final strike as he hear the undead king plead for its life.

""Spare me! Please! You can take my crown!""

However the final plead fell on deaf ears as Koji split the king to two.

They had completed the dungeon and were safe. But their were questions in Rossin's mind that need to be answered.

'How did Koji survive? Who was speaking through Koji? Questions better to ask later.'

As Koji sat down he started to receive praise from all of the guardians but like always Koji thought them to be snakes with their silver tongues.

"How do we get out? I promised the headmaster I would be back at school grounds by the end of the day."

Rossin and the others were reminded that Koji was still learning and were once again amazed by Koji's strength and skill.

Rossin pointed at the gate past where the melted throne was to a gate similar to the one they had entered.

"We just pass through there but we should look around for any relics."

Koji remembered one of the common lessons taught about items infused with essence.

Relics were objects imbued with power the effects of a relic were unknown but they were without a doubt powerful.

Such as a magic mirror to reflect any damage or curse back to the caster or a pair of boots that allows increased movement.

The possibilities were endless but these relics could only be found inside of a dungeon.

However Koji had no interest in relics as he had left ahead of Rossin and the others.

'I don't need any relics and if I did then I can ask the soul hunter society to give me one for compensation.'

Yet again Koji thought he didn't contribute enough effort and assistance as he thought he did as the captain was shaking in his boots at what they were going to give Koji.

'What can we offer that will match his contribution, money? No that's stupid. I'll have to inform headquarters about this and let them decide.'

Meanwhile Koji had just stepped onto school grounds using a disguise technique to hide his essence and change his look to blend in with the crowd as there was hundreds of news reporters and journalists covering every entrance.

Koji naturally thought someone of great importance had come to visit the school until a fellow student spoke to another.

"Did you hear Madam Bo Announced Master Koji as the Technique Master Archivist."

Koji felt a vein bulging as he used a cloaking technique to slip past the reporters.

'I never said I would be the technique master! She forced my hand.'

To Koji fame was worthless and so was money as all that mattered to him was his peace and quiet.

But now there would be a lot more people who looked to meet him even thought Koji did not know the significance of the technique master archivist position.

Koji couldn't even enter his room as Earl himself blocked the way along with Cinthia beside him.

'What does that idiot want now… let's get this over with.'

Koji had released his cloaking and disguise technique as he walk towards his room before he was greeted by Earl with a smile.

"You must be master Koji. Greetings I am Earl Solomon. May I have a moment of your time?"

Given past conversations with Cinthia Koji had thought Cinthia's father was about to ask Koji to marry his daughter which was already impossible to happen.

"I'm not marrying anyone so don't bother asking. If you don't mind I want to get some sleep as I just came back from clearing a dungeon."

Both Earl and Cinthia were surprised.

Earl didn't mention anything about marriage let alone was given a chance to speak and Cinthia was surprised to hear that Koji cleared a dungeon.

'That explains why he wasn't on campus. He must've been receiving offers from the other families but who?'

Earl had guessed one of the other legacy families had reached out to Koji before them with was a reasonable assumption. But Cinthia was more curious on how Koji went off of school grounds for less then a day and somehow comes back after clearing a dungeon as well as what it was like.

'I wonder what monsters he fought. Dragons? Immortals? Undead? Orcs?'

Koji however was too tired and entered his room before locking the door behind him and placed a barrier to stop people from so much as touching the doorknob.