
Rise of the rejected son in law

Charlie was an orphan and a pauper, He was told by his fnace that her father had set a contracted marriage between her and a billionaire CEO. So he prosposes to her and then the times come for her to introduce her fiancé, Charlie to her father but her father rejected him because he was poor. But Charlie wasn't poor, he was the son of a billionaire but he didn't know it... Wait till he finds out

Precious_Onyema_5894 · 都市
5 Chs

Rejected by my father in law

Charlie was a miner in a diamond mine called The place of small stones in English.

He had been working in the diamond mine for three years and half.

Before he got a job in the mine, he worked as a waiter at a fast food restaurant.

When he had gotten a job at the place of small stones, he thought that his life would change for the better but it didn't, it remained almost the same.

But Charlie hadn't always been poor, he was very wealthy, he lived in a mansion and he attended one of the most expensive schools... But a tragedy took away all of the wealth.

When Charlie was just ten years old, his wealthy parents had died in a car crash but he wasn't in the car with them that day, his parents were going out on a trip and he was at home with his baby sitter.

The state had claimed most of his parent's property, then his Father's siblings claimed the remaining and left Charlie In an orphanage.

At the age of Eleven Charlie was taken to a foster home, he had been put in the hands of a single middle aged woman named Lila.

His foster mum, Lila, owned a fast food restaurant across the street and Charlie had been working there ever since he got fostered by Lila. He started working as a hand and then he got promoted to wash the dishes and finally he got promoted to being a waiter but he was never paid. Not even once. Now Charlie was twenty one and he knew that he needed to start earning money for himself. It was necessary that he should have money

When he complained to Lila about the situation she threatened to fire him, so he resigned instead and went in search for a job, that was when he got a job at the place of small stones.

After he found a job, Lila was angry so she told him that he should move out of her apartment because he was no longer needed in her house. He didn't have any where to go and he was going to get paid at the end of the month by his employer in The place of small stones.

He begged her for him to stay for a month or even less than a month, so that he could gather enough money to look for a newer apartment.

She didn't listen and she chased him out.

Charlie didn't have anywhere to go.

Luckily he had a friend that also worked with him as a waiter in Lila's fast food restaurant, he stayed with his friend for three months and after he got payed, he gave some of the money to his friend for letting him stay in his house.

From the money he was getting paid in the place of small stones, he rented a small apartment far away from Lila's home.

It was evening. He was walking back home from the diamond mine where he worked.

As he was approaching his house he saw Henrietta standing in front of the gate of the apartment where he lived.

He had met Henrietta one day he was coming home from work, she had hit him with her car and she had driven him to the hospital. After he had fully recovered, she had taken care of him and along the way they had fallen in love.

But the problem was that Henrietta was wealthy and he was a pauper.

She was the daughter of one of the richest men in the country and she was the only heir. But to Henrietta it wasn't a problem, she loves him more than she loves herself.

She was waiting for him at the gate and she was constantly turning to see if he was coming, when she saw him coming towards her she ran to him and gave him a hug.

" Hey handsome, I missed you. " She said with a smile that showed her pearly white teeth.

" Hey beautiful, how are you doing?. " He asked her.

" I'm good. How was work. "

" Not bad. Come in. " Charlie said opening the gate for her to walk into the building.

" Babe, you know that the gate is always open, I could give you the key to the house but still you choose to stand outside, I always tell you that you should take the key and wait for me but you're so stubborn. "

" Don't worry, I like to watch you coming home from work. "

She said and Charlie laughed.

" I have news. " she said with a small frown.

" What is it?. " Charlie asked her.

" It's my dad. " She told him.

" What about your dad?. " He asked her taking her hand.

" I didn't want to tell you this at the beginning because I didn't want you to get worried but I had to tell you now. I didn't know it would get this serious. Something happened some months ago. "

" What happened, how many months ago. "

" A couple of months. "

" How many?. "

" Two months ago. "

" What happened?. "

" There is a guy, Flavio. He's a childhood friend of mine and he's also a family friend... He asked for my hand in marriage…but I didn't agree, so he told my dad about it and now my dad is about to sign a contracted marriage between the both of us. "

When Charlie heard this he froze. He didn't know what to say or do.

"Charlie, come on say something." Henrietta urged him to speak.

"What should I say?." He said with a sad face. "Something, anything. We need a solution. "

" I can't come against your dad, he's like the richest man in the whole country, what do you think he'll do to me. "

" Nothing, as long as we love each other, don't you love me?. "

" I do, I love you. "

" Then show it to him, show him that you love me and he'll change his mind about making me get married to Flavio. "

" How am I going to do that?. " Charlie asked her.

" I don't know, I've been thinking but I haven't come up with a solution yet. "

" Why don't we get married?. "Charlie asked her.

Then she froze.

" Henrietta, don't you like the idea?. " He asked her.

" I do, I love it. " she screamed and jumped from the couch. " I love you. " She said to Charlie.

" I love you too. But do you think your father would accept me?. "

" Of course, he would accept you. Why wouldn't he?. "

" Because I'm not the kind of man he wants his daughter to get married to, look at me Henrietta, I'm a worker in a mine and I don't even earn up to the amount your father wants his son in law to earn, the amount he gets paid every second, I can't earn it in a month."

" But Charlie, I don't care about that. " Henrietta said to him. She had tears gathering at the corner of her eyes already.

Charlie saw the tears and it made him sad.

" Henrietta, baby, I know you don't care about that but your dad, he cares. I want to give you a good life, far away from here, I want to own a big diamond mine just like the one I work in. I want to drive around in big fancy cars, I want to wear expensive luxury clothes, I want you to be beside me, every step of the way, I want you to taste my success too, I want that for the both of us. I want to buy you a diamond ring, I want our wedding to be the best in the whole country, I want our networth to be heart warming and impressive."

"I don't mind wearing a cheap ring, as long as it's from you." She told him.

" I don't want you to wear a cheap ring. " He said to her.

" If you wait longer, I would have no other choice than to get married to Flavio, my dad would make me, I don't want him, I want you, why don't we just get engaged and we'll just build our success together. "

Charlie had gotten a ring for her with most of his salary that he had been saving and one evening he set up a date and he proposed to her.

"We're having a family event. You're family now, you have to come, my parents want to meet their son in law, you can't keep them waiting."

"Henrietta, I don't want to keep them waiting, I just want the end of the month to come so I'll get paid."


"I don't have a proper suit, I want to buy one."

" But my dad, he had already set the date for the event and it's in three days time, you can't miss it. " Henrietta said with a frown.

" What should I do?. " Charlie asked her

"I have an idea." She said to him.

"What's that?." He asked her.

" I could get you a suit. " She told him.

" No, I don't want you to get a suit for me. " Charlie said.

" Come on, it's just one time. "

" Henrietta, it's not proper. " Charlie said to her.

"There's nothing wrong with buying a suit for my fiancé." She said to Charlie.

She had bought a suit for Charlie and she had also sent a driver to his house to pick him up and bring him to her family's home.

Charlie arrived at the family's event a little bit late because they got caught up in traffic. By the time he got there, they were plenty of wealthy men and women already at the family event. Charlie thought that it was only a family event and not so many people would be there but he was wrong, there were a multitude of people there in the mansion.

And their dressing were oppressing. Charlie looked at each and every one of them, diamonds shinning on their wrists, hanging on their ear rings, golden collins, shinny shoes, they were arriving in their expensive cars and they were all smiling... Charlie felt very inferior and he wondered if he could go back home but he couldn't, he was Henrietta's fiancé, she said that he was family now, he needed to be there with her, no matter the oppression from the other people.

He didn't like feeling small around other people, he wondered when he would own as much as these people, he wondered when he would be able to afford such clothings. He entered into the hall and he searched the crowd for Henrietta.

He caught sight of her and he started to walk towards her but she hadn't seen him yet, she was surrounded by her friends that he hadn't met before.

Everywhere he turned to there was golden artifacts, expensive paintings hanging on the wall, expensive wine and champagne in tall glasses.

Finally he got to where Henrietta was standing in the midst of her friends. She turned and she saw him and she ran to hug him as always.

"Hey everybody, this is my finance, Charlie." She said to her friends.

Thankfully he was wearing an expensive suit. So her friends didn't know that Charlie, her fiancé was poor. Nobody knew that she was the one that had gotten the suit for him.

"Your suit looks good on you babe." She said to him.

"Thanks to you." Charlie said with a smile.

" Why are you late, I've been waiting for you for hours. "

" I'm sorry babe, but we got caught up in traffic. " He said to her

"Come on, let's meet my dad."

When Charlie went to meet her dad, he disagraced him in front of everyone. Everyone was watching when he shouted that Charlie was too poor to get married to Henrietta and Charlie was so embarrassed he had to leave and Henrietta was running after him.

"Henrietta, if you leave with him now, forget about coming back here. " Her father shouted to her. But Henrietta didn't listen.

"Come back, please." Henrietta said to him.

" Henrietta, go back, please, I don't want your dad to get angry at you. " He told her.

People were still watching and they were laughing.

" I'm going home with you. "

" That is not a home, my house is not a home, this mansion right here is a home. "

" Charlie, please stop this. " She said to Charlie.

"Your father rejected me, I warned you about this but you said I had nothing to worry about, now I've been embarrassed in front of all these people."

"Please, don't leave me."

But he left without stopping, he left her standing there.