

DUKE_BOI · ファンタジー
4 Chs


After the long and tough fight Aster came at top 1 of the rank and for being a top ranker he get reward as promised.

A Kings size room in the academy's best dormitory wilchok with other high ranking students with a maid of his choice and access to special room for skill improvement many other things.

"So what I gonna do with that much things? Even a freaking maid of my choice!!!!!." Aster said with wierd excitement in his heart. A beautiful lady with long black hair, sexy figure with brown eyes said to him "Mr. DOJI. Nice to meet you. My name is Divya. I am here to guide you to your dormitory and help you to get your reward. Please feel free to ask anything you want. "

Aster just standing and staring on her body like freak for some time before answering her questions "Ahh! Thanks and please tell me

about this Academy"

"With pleasure." She said while adjusting her glasses."So here are 3 major faculties. War, Alchemy, Research faculties. Each of them hold a special role in the academy."

As they walking in the dormitory to the assigned room for Aster. There are carvings and many beautiful drawings of time of The Great War. "So, why these drawings were made?" He said with amusement. "These drawings." As she pointing out. "They drawn to make other students remember that the war brings glory but at what cost and in honor for all fallens in the battle field to be remembered what they did for the Empire."

As she answering Aster notice her eyes were filled with tear. "I think I said something wrong. Fuckkkkkk!" He thought what would happen to him after this.

"S-Sorry Ms.Divya. I..." As he started to say something Divya replied "We have more time to waste let's go"

As they both reached to the Aster's assigned room. She said to him," As you can see this place is quite big , so you might get a roommate and be ready to go to academy after take some rest."

As they are discussing about the rules and regulations a loud noise is heard which is the the academy's school bell. Aster thinking that about Bell's sound which is similar to the sound of a war horn.

"Its time for you to get ready to go to academy. And Bye" As leaving the place she to Aster. In the academy, are talking about the top ranker who got first position by winning a single match. As they saying that some criticise him because he became the no.1 by winning a single match and some are defending by that he defeated the blood noble.

On the way to the school everyone seeing Aster and again talking about him. He is bow getting embarrassed about this and that moment is getting awkward. Someone come to save the day, who is none other than Sai. Who is going towards Aster with a serious expression which is enough for making Aster to piss in pants. As Aster is about reply he said thanks to him and the reason is that he finally got a rival to compete with. Everyone around them gossiping about this situation with amusement or with disappointment that there is no fighting.

Sai grab the hand of Aster and him to follow him for something very important. As running Sai see time on the clock in his hand and "We have no more fucking time so, run as fast as you can." As he said that both running and enter a big gate which other is arena. Some people seeing them and Aster thinking that what's going on here. As Sai was about to answer a man wearing a glasses speak louder than any girl scream after seeing a cockroach.

He said that everyone here are going to be choosen by faculties teacher. As he said that the teachers started from lowest rank. Picking them by their performance in the fight. As they come to Sai, War and Alchemy faculty teachers choose him. As soon as they both bout to say something he said, He will choose War faculty. And for Aster also War take him because of his potential.

As the selection complete all students go to their respective classes and what coincidence Sai and Aster are same class A.

Everyone talks about their jobs and power as this going someone come to class he was their home teacher and he says,"Good morning Class! I am your homeroom teacher and my subject is world history and magic. My name is Hardik Uzumaki. And Today's topic is 'First conflict'."

He explained that 200 years ago. There is a lake name of 'Lake of Eden' which has the power to ascend someone to stage of God who take the first sip and after that whole lake become poisonous for everything who drink after the first sip.

To become god, Lucifer the brightest light make an Hell Demon Alliance in which all monarch of hell has participated. Aster ask ask a question,"Sir, if a sip of that lake turn is into god so why there is a whole alliance for it because there no guardian or defence mechanism and why hell? Not people of this world try this?"

Teacher reply with a smile that Goddess Eden is the chief goddess of Astray. And the lake is form by the tears and the blood of her which dropped after the God born Apocalypse. Due to this this world still has sympathy for eachother not like in hell where everyone tries to kill each other for fun. And this today lecture is over.

As the teacher about to the Sai ask a question,"Sir, what is the 'God born Apocalypse'?". Teacher reply "I don't know. This event is the oldest or the most mysterious than any other event even the 'Great Demon War' and I don't want any more questions okay."

As Aster thinking about this, the system window shows infront of him.

[Your first main quest reward is about to come.]

"Wait! What?!.... My reward. What is it?" Aster said in startled look.

[Your has come.... Appraising eyes and your stats now rising by 10 points each.]

{45 intelligence, 200 strength, 250 speed, 190 durability, 100 mana, and 180 agility]

"Cool~ My stats are pretty good. Now I think I can take any quest.", Aster said in enjoyment and smile on the face.

[Your next quest is... Get fang.]

[Info:- Get the fang of the brown ape's leader.]

[Reward:- A lucky draw coupon and a miracle potion of curse cleaner.]

"Now.... Fuck! What I was thinking about taking any quest." He said with sadness and disparity in his face." Fine let's go and hunt that shit down".

To Be Continue....