
Rise Of The Hoarder

On Christmas day, seemingly overnight, God summoned everyone on Earth, giving every single person a 'Gift' along with a System. These Gifts, synonimous with special abilities granted people powers beyond comprehension. However, with these abilities came tragedy that enveloped the world. The Apocalypse! Jeremy Lewis, a reclusive loner, is mysteriously exempt from this phenomenon and finds himself being the only one without a Gift. God decides to grant him the last Gift available, [Subspace], and forcefully returns him to a world that has become hell. Horrifying monsters now lurk around every corner, and inevitable death awaits. Arming himself with his wits and the Gift he possesses, how will Jeremy survive this cruel new world that he finds himself in? "Everything will go according to plan, and ultimately the path I have started will lead to my victory... these tools will be useful in achieving that!" PLEASE JOIN OUR DISCORD!!!  https://discord.gg/nTP43UEphg ALSO, WE NOW HAVE A SUBREDDIT COMMUNITY. Please join to interact more with other readers and the author! https://www.reddit.com/r/Magecrafspellcraft?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share This is to provide better services to you readers, and for a more direct conversation between me as an author, and you as readers. Plus, there are Original Character Designs of the novel characters in the communities. So, please... Hop on the Discord and Subreddit train! Follow me on Instagram: the_magecrafter You're all welcome!

Magecrafter · ファンタジー
464 Chs


"Ah, there's so much now." I smiled, looking at the large amount of Demon Cores I possessed.

After passing out for a short while to regain my strength, I woke up to the same empty ground floor which had been devastated by the desperate battle I experienced not so long ago.

Observing the items in my [Subspace] once again, I couldn't control the smile that slowly formed on my face.

To think that I would progress this much in merely a couple of days.

It had been a few weeks since I returned to the world, and I had grown so much from the scared little brat I was.

"But, there's still more…"

I looked at the entrance a small distance from where I sat, already feeling the nostalgic sensation of freedom course through me.


"No, not yet… I'm not done yet!"

I couldn't be in too much of a rush! The outside world was definitely more dangerous than I could predict and with only my experience in the Sacred Hall to rely on, I had to be extremely cautious. Besides, days had passed since I was last there, so I didn't know how much had changed.

There would be so much to do, and I wouldn't have time to procure many materials and any necessities I would need.

Which was why I had to make sure everything was set before I left.

After looking at my Status Window, I was now aware of new things that I didn't know in the past.

For example, my (G) Karma Points had increased. My Karma Points had also increased. However, my (G) Factor has reduced from its usual '90', to '70'.

There were still a lot of mysteries concerning the (G) parts of my Status, but I was slowly learning.

"First things first!" I said, excitedly jumping on my feet.

I had successfully cleared this building, but that didn't mean I had exploited this place to its limits!

"I'll search every single room in here, look for anything that can be remotely useful to me, and take them all! Raw materials, weapons, equipment, utilities… Everything here is mine!"

It was only natural, after all, I defeated the Boss Monster myself.

There were probably still a few Demons roaming the hallways, and since I started my journey from the third floor, I never got to see the monsters on the higher ones. I suppose this was an opportunity.

However, after experiencing the hell of fighting more dangerous monsters, I highly doubt that the ones left would pose much of a threat to me.

"Still, I won't let my guard down!"

Looking at the dreary stairs ahead of me, I walked toward them with anticipation, abandoning the exit for the time being. After all, I could leave whenever I wanted!

There was so much waiting for me above. I'd make the best of everything there! With that, I ascended the stairs in a flash.

"Let's go grind some more!"

[Several Days Later]

Raising my trembling hands, I pushed the badly damaged doors slightly, causing them to creak and make way for me to pass through.

The wide space was more than enough to accommodate my frame as I advanced.

A rush of air swept in as I stepped my foot outside the walls of the building that entrapped me, welcoming my exhausted self into the outside world.

I could have chosen to rest after my unending days of searching, training, discovery, and so much more. But, the excitement of the world beyond intrigued me. So much so that I finally gave in to the temptation and exposed myself to the rest of the world for the first time in seemingly forever.

My eyes stung, but I opened them anyway, taking in the devastating state of everything around me.

"So… This is my new reality…" I muttered.

Most would tremble and falter in response to the sight I received, but not me!

Suddenly, I started to chuckle. I tried to stop myself in futility as it only grew more.

"Kekekekekekeke" I cackled.

My body throbbed as I shook uncontrollably, unable to stop myself.

Amidst this chaos and destruction, the world going to hell, I couldn't help myself, I couldn't cage in the boundless sensations of thrill that consumed me from the inside.

"Kuahahahahahaha!!!" I laughed even more, my voice rising even higher, filling my immediate vicinity.

My blood-mired face had a satisfied look, and I could tell that my eyes gleamed in delight. My heart raced with excitement, pounding at a thrilling pace.

I had never felt so alive.

"Ah, this sight is… so beautiful!"

For a brief moment, though the fear and panic remained, I took in the pain and suffering experienced by the countless others who lived in this era and I couldn't help but feel pleased.

Knowing that everyone was miserable, living in such discomfort, made me happy. My fantasies had finally materialized… The world finally experienced the same terror I felt every day.

Looking back now, I suppose It was right… I was a pathetic loser who was worth nothing but to be trampled on.

But, that all changed when the 'Miracle' occurred. The Hell only I saw became a reality to everyone else. And, in order to survive in such a harsh world, everyone desperately strived.

The only one who could actually feel at home in such a world filled with destruction, carnage, and malice… was me.

After all…

"This is just another day to me… Hell!"

With my Gift, and my experience… I decided to survive in this new world… Not just that, I would make my paradise in this purgatory, and stand at the very top.

It was now my turn to possess everything… I didn't care about anyone else, they were disposable for all I cared.

Such was my new fate… The fate of the Hoarder

Calling this new, sublime feeling satisfactory would be an understatement.

I felt ecstatic!

"Finally, judgment day has come!"


"Huff… Huff…" A voice croaked in the darkness.

Blood filled the ground, and a man stood by himself as he glared at the final foe he would face.

The rest of his opponents were dead, killed by the contraption he had in his hand.

Raising the object, he tightly gripped it as if his life depended on it, which it did.

"I won't die here! I won't die here! I won't die here!" He kept mumbling to himself, saying the mantra that had ensured his survival for so long.

He pointed the only weapon he had on him and glared at the last Demon, who returned the same expression. The monster had already been wounded by a few shots already fired by him.

It would soon die!

"Guruuukkk…." It made a final attempt of struggle.

It didn't want to go down alone, at the very least.


Leaping from the ground, it launched toward the trembling young man, aiming to tear his head off. However…




Three shots were fired in succession, riddling holes in the body of the beast, nearly killing it.

"Die! Die! Die!" The man screamed madly accompanying each shot fired, grinning maniacally at the monster who was already down.

Blood oozed from the dying beast as the end of its life neared.

The man slowly walked, limping as he approached the monster. He kept his hand on the trigger of his gun and had his eyes transfixed on the Demon.

Finally a few centimeters from it, he pointed his weapon at its head.


With one final shot, he killed it. Blood splattered out, and in a few moments, the demon turned to dust.

"Haaa… This is the last one…" He said to himself in relief.

Looking above him, he saw the large hole in the ceiling which was his only escape from the place he was currently in.

"How long has it been? I have no idea… But…"

He had not forgotten. There was only one thing that kept him alive and sane in a pit of hell such as this. The thought of revenge and rage that continued to consume him served as his sustenance.

"Jeremy Lewis… I'm coming for you!"

This Is the End Of Volume 1!

Please anticipate the beginning of the next Volume. Once we begin, I promise to be stable with the releases. One chapter every day. Thanks for reading, and I hope you all enjoyed the start of Jeremy's new adventure!

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