
Rise of the God of Sin

He, once known as the God of Temptation and Pleasure, was betrayed and banished from his own universe, exiled to a lower dimension. But what he did not foresee was the transformation of Lilith, the ego of his divinity. Upon being cast into this lower universe, Lilith evolved and became something even more powerful. Now, he is about to ascend once again, no longer as the God of Temptation and Pleasure, but as the God of Sin!

Tozoku · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

Chapter 2: Taboos and Temptation

Looking at her more closely, sensuality latent flowed from her. She seemed to be in a different class of sensuality. If Mahiru, his girlfriend, was all physical, with an angelic face, above-average butt and breasts, even the way she spoke... Chitose was different.

She was energetic, very cheerful most of the day, giving the impression that nothing could make her sad. Although she was not as endowed, with a body full of curves, she was still quite attractive in her own way, especially with the wind blowing through her short, scarlet red hair, bringing the sweet smell of her feminine perfume to Amane.

After being silent for a while, Chitose opened the pack and took out a cigarette for him.

Her hands were tiny and her nails were a simple wine red to match her lipstick. She took a cigarette for herself and put it in her mouth.

When Amane saw her trying to light it, but the wind wouldn't allow it, he asked, "Can I?"

Without waiting for her to respond, Amane covered the flame with his hands. When he did, her short red hair touched his hand.

Chitose inhaled deeply, lighting her cigarette, and Amane did the same with his.

"So, did you have fun at the wine tasting?" Amane asked.

"Yes, I love wine." She finished as if there was nothing more to say or hear from him.

Silence resumed. And then, out of nowhere, she spoke.

"What did Mahiru mean when she said you were an ass idiot?" She asked, without smiling, but genuinely serious.

Amane smiled. There were things that couldn't simply be handed over, they needed to be prolonged and wait for the right moment to be said.

"Ah, she was drunk." Amane pretended to say, seeming to hesitate, "It's just because... well, I don't know how to say this, it's kind of personal..."

"What?" She smiled.

"I feel weird telling you."


"Because... I don't know. Do you really want to know? Promise you won't tell anyone then."

"I promise."

"Don't laugh at me, but when we're having sex, Mahiru and I, sometimes I ask if she'll let me... you know, put it in her ass. I feel weird talking to you about sex, you know, you're my friend's girlfriend and all." Amane looked away, pretending to be embarrassed.

Amane heard the sound of something being swallowed.

Looking at Chitose, who caressed the cigarette for a while, soon extinguished it.

Her look and pose seemed sexy with her sitting there, with her white, shiny legs crossed and the wind blowing through her hair, a cigarette dangling dangerously from her fingertips.

"She doesn't let you do that?" She asked with a deep inhalation. Amane could smell the wine and cigarette on her breath as she spoke very close to his face.

"No. Unfortunately not."

"It's funny you say that."


"Oh, no. I would never know." She smiled secretly to herself.

"You can't tell me? I just admitted something personal to you." Amane said in a playful tone.

"I can't tell you because, for one thing, I'm a girl and, for another, I'm your best friend's girlfriend. You'll look at me differently if I tell you."

"I won't. Do you see me differently after I told you about my desire for anal sex with Mahiru?"

She looked him up and down, "Yes."

"You want to? You should say no. What's different then?"

"I know you want to have anal sex now. It's a very taboo subject. I'll tell you: we both have the same problem. I'd like to try it, but Ikkun doesn't want to." She seemed very shy now, and Amane saw her face turn rosy.

"That's a shame for him. I love it. It's the best thing in the world."

"You've done it before?"

"Yes." Amane said, thinking of the goddesses...

"You have? Really?"

"Yes, really."

"With whom?"

"Who she was, I can't reveal, as I promised to keep it secret."


"Because she's a friend's girlfriend, she was just curious about it, but her boyfriend didn't want to, so one thing led to another and she fulfilled my desire for anal sex and I fulfilled hers."

Even hearing this, she did not show disgust; she even seemed more excited to ask.

"How was it? Did it hurt her? Did she like it?" Suddenly, she looked away. She got very excited and must have realized it herself.

"It was erotic. I don't believe there's anything like it. The girl I did it with liked it, she said it was the definition of being fucked. She said there are sensations to be felt there that are totally different from a vagina. I'm surprised you're interested in this; I thought most girls weren't into it."

"I'd like to try it. I saw it in a porn once and the girl seemed to like it a lot. I have friends who did it and liked it. I don't know, it kind of stuck in my head. It really excites me when I watch pornography, the anal scenes. And now..." She stopped talking and suddenly seemed like she was about to get up and run away from him, or return to her silence.

"What?" Amane seemed intrigued.

"I've read these erotic books and they contain anal. Things happen in these books that I can never do with Ikkun. God, I can't believe I'm telling you this... I just want to know what it's like to be fucked there. I mean, I know it must hurt a little, but I'd like to feel it, I'd like to experience it while I'm young... I can't, not with Ikkun, I won't break up with him, I want to stay with him forever, so I guess I'll never know."

Inside, Amane was smiling, but on the outside, he controlled himself.

"Don't tell Ikkun I told you this." She finally said.


"You're in love with Mahiru, right? I can tell. She loves you a lot."

"Yes, I love her."

"I love Ikkun too."

"I can tell, you guys are so glued together it's annoying." Amane laughed.

She laughed nervously.

Soon, she seemed to have difficulty speaking: "I would never cheat on Ikkun. I..." She took a deep drag on the cigarette and shook off its ash. "You would never do anything to hurt him, right? Or Mahiru."

"What are you saying?"

"You don't know? You want me to say it then? Well, I might as well; I was the one who brought it up. Maybe, together, you could help me with my problem, I could help you. Secretly, though. No one could ever find out."

"You mean that we have sex?" Amane asked, feigning surprise.

[Master, you were quick, nano ja~!] Lilith's excited voice echoed in his mind.

Amane scolded her: ["Be quiet for now, Lilith."]

[Okay, no ja~]

After that, she went silent again.

Meanwhile, Chitose spoke nervously, haltingly: "No... Not sex. Could you help me see if I like... in the butt. I don't want to cheat on Ikkun just to experiment, but I'm very curious. Out of all the guys I know... you are the most trustworthy... I know you'd never tell because we're friends... You're Ikkun's best friend and... besides, you're not ugly. Do you think I'm a bad person?"

She put her hands on her face: "I feel bad saying this, almost like a slut. I'm sorry, I should never have—"

"No. I'll do it. It will be a pleasure." Amane realized that if he delayed any longer, she would lose the courage.

"I know I don't have a butt like Mahiru's... maybe you don't need to put your penis inside me, maybe just a finger."

"I can help you. I'm glad you don't look like Mahiru. Something different would be good for me."

"I just don't want to seem like a whore - I'm not. I've only been with Ikkun."

"No, there's nothing wrong with us doing this. I completely understand you."

She nodded, lit her cigarette again, and smoked. They sat in silence, listening to the rustling of the leaves on the ground around them and the cars passing on the road ahead.

"You wouldn't tell Ikkun?" Her voice was almost a whisper, and she wasn't looking at him.

"Tell him what? I won't tell him that you said you want to try anal sex."

"It wouldn't be cheating, right? Sex is cheating, I think. Having feelings is cheating. It would just be for experimentation, so that we both can get what we're not getting with our partners." She held his hand with hers, trembling: "You can't let anyone know. You have to promise."

"I promise." Amane agreed.

Extending his hand, Amane took her hand - it was cold, soft, and delicate. Her instinct was to pull away, but then she relaxed and looked toward where Amane's car was parked. He rubbed her fingers with his thumb.

"You seem nervous. If you feel uncomfortable holding my hand, how could we..."

"I know. Give me a minute."

Before going further, Amane called Lilith, requesting her to spend all the sin points on his penis, increasing its size from 12 cm to 23 cm. Something not far from what he had before.

Although they say size doesn't matter, being too small makes it difficult to please a partner.

With that done, Amane placed his hand on her thigh and squeezed gently. With the hand he was holding, he took her hand and placed it over his jeans, right where his erection was bulging.

It was as if she had touched a hot stove and pulled back upon feeling his dick.

"Feel it?" Amane asked.

She nodded. Her fingers pressed against it and felt its contour. There is nothing in the world like the touch of a woman's hands as she inspects your dick for the first time, measuring it, testing it, marveling at it.

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