

…“Why haven’t you made any progress,” a gruff voice came from under a tall figure in a cloak. “We are trying, but the place is more secured than we thought,” a young, slim man stated, the unmasked fear written all over his face said more than his panicked voice. “AAAHHH!!,” a heart wrenching scream tore out from his mouth before his hands raised reflexively to pull out the dagger in his chest, but he was too late. He fell down, twitching vigorously as black fumes came out of his mouth, his screams slowly dimming down. The fumes gathered together to form a dark skull floating over his still convulsing body. A hand reached out from within the cloak, and clasped the skull. With a resounding snap, it was crushed into dust which slowly dissipated. The body stopped moving instantly, and the skin started to decay at a speed visible to the eye. In no time, all that remained was a skeleton with dark smoke coming out of it, and only a little amount of skin attached to it. A small puddle of blood was formed beneath the body, and the stench pervaded the dimly lit room. The man in the cloak raised his head to look at the few men gathered in the room. They looked like men of war, hardened by countless battles. One of them stepped forward. He had a large sword across his back, and his eyes were expressionless looking at the man in the cloak. “We are still in progress, but now we have some leads, and that might help us get it faster. It might be with the family we killed. Some clues point that the girl’s still alive, and that might be good depending on where she is, and the people she knows. She can’t be strong at such an age, and will have to depend on those around her.” The man in the cloak stayed still, for some time before turning around “don’t disappoint me,” he said and walked out, leaving the door open. Right after the man left, the man with the broadsword smiled mischievously. “His body started to transform, taking the form of an attractive, young male. “Send a message to our friends. Tell them the gears are shifting in our favor,” he said. His green eyes flashed dangerously.

ChisanaTensai · ファンタジー
43 Chs


Looking at him again, Mozrael noticed he looked a bit odd. He had a lanky build and seemed to have little strength in his body. 

He looked weak. "Looks can be deceptive," a voice rang in her head.

He approached her with slow, deliberate steps, ignoring the crashing and booms from the battle between his counterpart and Aramith. Mozrael stood her ground, refusing to budge a bit as he approached her with a sinister smile. His face had this subtle attraction to it, but at the same time, he didn't look attractive. One could say he was an interesting person to take note of. With his hands still in his pocket, he came to stand before Mozrael, glanced at Lia, and then looked at Mozrael with bright red eyes. 

"I don't like hurting girls," he said," especially if they have a good face and a nice body that would develop better. The two of you aren't bad-looking, so why don't you come with me and I'll treat you right?" He bent down and made eye contact with Mozrael. She looked at him defiantly, not showing any trace of fear within her. 

"What's with that stubborn look on your face?" He said and reached a hand to touch her face which she swatted away.

"Leave us alone," Mozrael said coldly.

This made the man laugh "Maybe I should make you aware of the position you find yourself in," He moved a hand to strike her, and as his hand was about to make contact with her, she ducked, shifted back, and shot her leg up in a front kick which caught him under his chin. His eyes went wide in disbelief as the kick threw him into the air. He flipped and landed some distance from the two girls. The attack caught him off guard, and the force in that kick wasn't small either. He spat blood on the floor and felt two weak teeth with his tongue.

"Such power," a smirk crept up his face. "I'm interested now. he leapt in Mozrael's direction.

"I'm going to make you submit! You will be begging me soon enough!" He struck a palm to the ground where Mozrael stood. She moved away quickly as an invisible force crushed the ground where she stood.

Just as her feet were touching the floor again, he rushed at her. He slashed at her with his bare hands in quick succession, not letting up even for a second. Mozrael was on the defensive, quickly blocking his attacks. It took her a few seconds to notice the sharp claws on his fingers and the cat ears he had. He was damned, and this was his half-form.

It was getting more and more difficult to shake him off. Wherever she would move, he would be with her, attacking her endlessly. 

A loud boom sounded from where Aramith was fighting the other one. This distracted her only slightly, but that was all he needed to get her. He landed an attack, scratching her from her elbow to her wrist, then giving her a roundhouse kick.

She fell to the floor and he lunged at her. She quickly rolled up onto her feet as his claws planted into the ground with a loud cracking sound.

"STAY STILL!!!" He shouted and went after her again. She backed away, but he was onto her. She was slow to react, his claws were about to get her face. She grabbed his forearm, keeping him at bay, but when it came to brute strength, he was going to easily defeat her.

 His claws kept inching forward and Mozrael struggled to keep them from her face. He almost made contact with her face when blue flames burst from her shoulders. They flowed quickly over her arms, covering from her elbows to her fingertips. The fire burned the man and he pushed Mozrael away, scratching at the burn marks on his arms. 

The flames on her arms took the form of blue gauntlets of fire, blue lights shimmered on her forehead and under her eyes.



An explosion resounded as Aramith crashed into the ground. He dashed to the side as his attacker landed in the same spot. Their fight was getting more and more intense. The man he fought was covered in cuts, but none of those bothered him. He used brute strength to fight, and strong muscles and a looming figure gave him an uperhand. One would expect someone with such a form to be slower, but that wasn't the case here.

Aramith on the other hand held a black sword that emitted dark mist. He looked a bit roughed up. A sudden pain shot through his head and his eyes turned black. Aramith screamed and held his head in pain and the man went after him. black spikes shot out from the ground near Aramith at him. He dodged them, but one sliced him in the chest.

Aramith turned into a black streak as he attacked the man. The battle was getting more heated. 

Being pushed into a corner, the man bit his tongue. His muscles burst outward as he started to morph into a beast. his body stretched and expanded to take the shape of a humongous bear that was 12 feet tall at the shoulders. It roared and attacked Aramith more ferociously. Aramith, whose eyes had lost all luster and were now pitch black fought back with the same force, screaming like an animal.

Noticing the turn of events, Mozrael's attacker did the same and turned into a huge red jaguar. He attacked Mozrael and very soon their battle looked more like a dance between a red and a blue beam of light. 

Mozrael's flames burned brighter and as she fought, the shimmering on her face increased in brightness. Blue scales appeared where the lights were, and her breath was getting faster. She could feel the flames surging through her heart.

She was going to lose this battle if she didn't transform, but she only wanted to do that after defeating this man. Her plan was failing, her opponent was stronger. 

The cat lunged at her and she kept dodging till she'd put some distance between them. It hissed and dashed at her. She didn't dodge this time but also went to meet the attack. When they met, the cat swung a paw at her. She rolled up into a ball, covered in flames as the cat hit her with immense strength. 

Little did it know that she planned it all after studying its attack patterns.

She was shot into the sky with such speed, her figure was lost and she looked no different from a fireball.

The cat looked at her with a satisfied look on its face, but then confusion started to set in when he saw her figure start to change shape. Her small body started to stretch and elongate within the flames. She was becoming bigger and bigger. The transformation she was going through was confusing to watch. It looked like she was turning into a beast like the two did, but the flames made it impossible to know what she was turning into. The flame around her started to enlarge as well till she was covered by a large ball of blue flames.

A large bolt of lightning struck the ball with a resounding blast of thunder. The flames dispersed and from it, a loud, deafening roar from a large dragon could be heard. 

She'd transformed into an elegant-looking Blue dragon. Its scales shimmered turquoise and the wings were a deeper shade with electric blue lining the edges. The length was about 20 feet with a wingspan close to 50 feet. Short spikes lined from the nape to the tail, and a closer look would show that the scales were rather short.

Mozrael gave another deafening roar, then breathed out bright blue flames before shooting downwards. Lightning crackled all over her body as she descended to the ground towards the cat she'd been fighting. She landed on the ground with a loud boom, kicking up dust.

The 'cat' knew he wasn't large anymore and wanted to run away, but Mozrael was fast. She snatched him before he could run off and flew upwards. She climbed so fast they were in the clouds in no time. The cat was cold now and struggled in vain. Mozrael suddenly stooped and looked right into the eyes of the cat with those piercing blue eyes.

"I need answers from you,' Mozrael spoke. The cat hissed at her and then struggled against her, wanting to escape, so Mozrael helped it and let go of it. It plummeted down at an alarming speed, now realizing t's terrible mistake. It struggled mid-air, but was suddenly snatched by Mozrael again. She held it as her powerful wings flapped to keep them in the air. 

"Will you speak now?" She spoke again. The cat transformed into the man and he was scared, more scared than he had ever been in all the fifty-something years he had lived. 

"I'll tell you everything, but please, I beg of you to believe that I know very little!" He pleaded

"Who sent you?" Mozrael asked.

"I can't tell you," he said. 

Mozrael opened her jaws and a bright light shone in her throat. The light increased, and soon enough the blue light of her flames could be seen in her jaws.

'It was our boss!" 

Mozrael shut her jaws.


"We're just mercenaries that live in deserted places. People come to us to hire us for many odd jobs. All I know is that this man came to us and asked us to bring the prince of Vermillion kingdom to him. He offered money more than we had ever received, and even made half the payment in advance. He also provided us with all the resources needed and a plan as well. I was just following orders, I don't know who he is, or where he's from. I swear its the truth!" The man trembled.

Mozrael stared right into his soul. 

"Take me to your leader," She commanded. 

"I-I can't. I don't know where he is. He only speaks to us using these," he said as he took out a small gemstone, a transmission stone for communication.

"Useless, " Mozrael said as she flung him away. He screamed his voice hoarse but was ignored.

Down below, Aramith had managed to defeat his opponent and stared up at the huge blue figure that kept bobbing up and down with every flap of wings.

He held that black sword in his right arm, and mist kept coming out of his left arm. His eyes remained black with no hint of the whites at all. 

"AAAA! JUST DIIIEEEE!!!!!" He shouted, then crouched and shot up in the direction of Mozrael. Dark mist burst from the ground and a whirlwind of darkness engulfed him as he shot forward.

Mozrael prepared herself mentally as she dived down to meet him. She turned into a blue streak covered in lightning as she shot down to meet the quickly approaching black streak.

A tear rolled down Lia's cheeks as she watched them with worry and fear. "Don't do this, Ple..see"