

…“Why haven’t you made any progress,” a gruff voice came from under a tall figure in a cloak. “We are trying, but the place is more secured than we thought,” a young, slim man stated, the unmasked fear written all over his face said more than his panicked voice. “AAAHHH!!,” a heart wrenching scream tore out from his mouth before his hands raised reflexively to pull out the dagger in his chest, but he was too late. He fell down, twitching vigorously as black fumes came out of his mouth, his screams slowly dimming down. The fumes gathered together to form a dark skull floating over his still convulsing body. A hand reached out from within the cloak, and clasped the skull. With a resounding snap, it was crushed into dust which slowly dissipated. The body stopped moving instantly, and the skin started to decay at a speed visible to the eye. In no time, all that remained was a skeleton with dark smoke coming out of it, and only a little amount of skin attached to it. A small puddle of blood was formed beneath the body, and the stench pervaded the dimly lit room. The man in the cloak raised his head to look at the few men gathered in the room. They looked like men of war, hardened by countless battles. One of them stepped forward. He had a large sword across his back, and his eyes were expressionless looking at the man in the cloak. “We are still in progress, but now we have some leads, and that might help us get it faster. It might be with the family we killed. Some clues point that the girl’s still alive, and that might be good depending on where she is, and the people she knows. She can’t be strong at such an age, and will have to depend on those around her.” The man in the cloak stayed still, for some time before turning around “don’t disappoint me,” he said and walked out, leaving the door open. Right after the man left, the man with the broadsword smiled mischievously. “His body started to transform, taking the form of an attractive, young male. “Send a message to our friends. Tell them the gears are shifting in our favor,” he said. His green eyes flashed dangerously.

ChisanaTensai · ファンタジー
43 Chs


Aramith stood up and pulled the dagger out of his hand with a loud grunt. Blood dripped from his injured palm which he clenched tightly. 

"Are you the one who hurt Lia?" he asked

He noticed the other two had disappeared and in their place were three other people who looked like their underlings. All three of them rushed to attack him, but he disappeared before them, rushing towards the one who threw the dagger. he stood still, unfazed as Aramith approached him with his uninjured hand raised to punch him. The three who had been ignored by Aramith were worried, but looking at the unperturbed look, they felt slightly better.

The man looked at the ignorant boy. The boy sure impressed him with his speed but had no idea there was a shield set up before him. This shield was powerful and could only be broken by someone at a higher rank. 

The boy was now acting with anger, failing to think rationally. Perfect.

 He smirked as Aramith jumped, his little fist, aimed for his face got close enough, but all traces of that smirk evaporated when with a shattering sound, Aramith's fist destroyed the shield and connected with his face. His nose broke as he was thrown back onto the floor so fast he didn't know when he ended there. He was sure his skull had been cracked somewhere. Before Aramith landed, he threw the dagger with an even more shocking force. 

Bone cracked as the dagger entered his shoulder and pinned him to the floor. A scream of agony escaped his throat as he reached to grab and pull it out but felt his heart sink as his palm cut. The blade was sticking out, the handle was the part that passed through his shoulder.

That devil!

He turned just in time to see one man rushing towards him with a sword aimed at his heart. He sidestepped the attack and struck the sword in the middle, breaking it into two. He kicked the broken end at the man.

He quickly let go of the sword and tried blocking with his bare hands. It cut his palm, and he felt relieved when it didn't make its way into his chest, but he realized he'd messed up bad when he didn't hear the other half fall to the ground.

Aramith expressionessly struck the back of his head and he died instantly with a deep gash on the back of his head. He fell forward on the other piece he caught and it appeared through his back. 

Aramith screamed in pain as something pierced through his thigh. It was an arrowhead connected to a chain. It was pulled back and he went on one knee as some flesh tore off with the barbed edges of the arrowhead.

He stood up, but leaned on one leg as he looked at the other one. The third person was nowhere to be found.

He held a three-foot-long staff with the chain retracting into it. The man swung it at him and it shot out at him, but he refused to dodge it. He grabbed it with one hand, frowning. Holding the chain tightly, he shot towards his attacker, but at the last moment, the man infused some energy into his feet and moved aside to let Aramith pass, then he tried to quickly wind the chain around Aramith. 

Aramith had already predicted this move and was behind him in the blink of an eye. He quickly pushed the arrowhead into the man's back and kicked the man hard so he spun to the floor. He fell face first but quickly turned so he lay on his back. This made the arrowhead push further into his back, causing him to grunt.

"Never leave your back to your enemy," Aramith remembered the words Gebreth taught him as he saw the man do the same.

Without giving him a chance, he quickly grabbed a piece of the chain and yanked it hard. It came out of the man's back with some flesh attached to it. The man arched his back in agony and Aramith quickly jumped onto the man's chest. Bones snapped and he coughed out blood. Aramith screamed as he stomped on the man's face. The man tried to plead as the endless parade of attacks pounded him on the ground. He tried blocking but broke one arm. Soon enough, he was limp, unable to move an inch. 

Aramith suddenly screamed out loud and smashed the man's chest with both fists, ending him instantly.

"You are supposed to come with us. Obey, or regret it," A voice commanded. It belonged to the one he'd pinned down. He had managed to get to his feet and had a few people with him. His left arm was limp, but with his attribute being earth, he covered it with some rocks to make it useable.

Aramith's head hung low, he raised his clenched fists covered in blood and looked at them. He unclenched, then clenched them, then unclenched them as blood dripped to the floor. The night wind blew on them, making them feel cold.

"Blood," he whispered. "That's all it is, blood. There's nothing more, Only blood! It all ends in blood!" He raised his head to the sky and shouted

The onlookers felt chills. This was no boy, a demon would be the best description. He was only at the bronze gate, so how was he able to do all that so easily? The man he had just killed was at the silver gate, the second step. How???

What startled them more was the fact that all his injuries seemed to be healed. Which attribute was he using? Most of them concluded that he was a damned, but as a damned, he should have a true form when he turns into a beast. What kind of beast is within him that has so much strength, speed, and regenerative ability?

Little did they know that this night would forever be burned into the cornea of their corpses. 

They split up with some of them leaping onto buildings with bows and arrows. They aimed, about five of them in total. The four on the ground were to fight him head-on. The ranged attackers all raised their bows and aimed at Aramith, their arrows lighting fire. They were all fire attribute users. They released their arrows at the same time in a coordinated attack. The arrows were getting close when all of a sudden, the flames on their arrows burned a bright blue, turning their arrows to ash. This startled everyone.

One of the five fell from the building he stood on, smacking on the floor lifelessly with an arrow pierced through his skull.

Two more dropped dead before they realized something was wrong. Before the last two could change their location, the same blue flame engulfed them, burning them to death.

The attack caught them off guard and Aramith claimed the life of one man near him before they could move. Realizing the sudden turn of events, one of them blew a surge of wind at Aramith. This kept Him in one place and the other shot lightning at him. This was going to get him, but just then, the lightning split into two and missed him. Something shot from Aramith's hand, killing the man. Only the wind user and the first man whose shoulder Aramith had pierced remained. The wind user increased his output, but Aramigh disappeared and was about to strike him as well when rocks came from different directions to seal him in one place. 

Sweat could be seen on their foreheads, but they were far from resting. Black mist started to seep out from tiny cracks in the ball of rock sealing him in. The rock suddenly burst open and he moved like lightning, stopping behind them as they dropped dead. They didn't even know how they died.

Aramith stood still, unmoving as he looked around. He found Lia and started to walk to her, but a figure made it there before him and picked her up, taking her a few steps away from him. Aramith stopped in his tracks.

"Don't come closer. You're not in your right mind," Mozrael said to him. She moved further away from him. 

Aramith shook his head as if to clear something. He blinked several times, then looked at Mozrael again. 

"Mozrael?" He asked.

" Please, keep your distance. You might lose control again. Aramith still took a step forward, however, a loud boom drew his attention. It was the first two he saw. We're not done, boy. The first one said as he shot at Aramith. He threw a punch and Aramith crossed his arms before him to block them. A loud boom rang out as the hit threw him onto the wall of a nearby house.

Mozrael moved further away from the scene with Lia in her arms. 

"Mozrael," Lia said weakly. Mozrael stopped and gently put Lia down. She took out a glass vial of something that looked like water. Lia said nothing as Mozrael made her drink it. 

 After drinking it, Lia felt slightly better and was able to sit up. She was still weak.

"Where is Aramith?" She asked.

"Fighting," Mozrael replied shortly.

Lia frowned. "You need to get some help, " She told Mozrael

"I can't. It's too risky." Mozrael told her.

"We might lose him again," Lia persisted. This made Mozrae's heart burn for a second.

"I'll stop him myself." 

"No. That's even worse. What if you lose yourself as well? "

"I won't, Lia. I have to transform."

"But you don't have full control of yourself yet." Lia was more worried now.

"Lia, there are ways to control him, but right now we have run out of options. There might be people looking for us who might end up heading this way, but by the time they get here, it might be too late. The only choice we have is for me to beat some sense into him. When he's too weak to fight, he can calm down, 'Mozrael explains.

Lia shook her head. "I can't let you do that, I can use my power to"

"No. You're too weak. It could put you in a terrible state."

Their talk ended when the second man came before them. He left his muscular partner to deal with Aramith, knowing that one person would be enough to deal with that brat.

"I don't like hurting girls, but since you saw us, I need to kill you two," He smiled as he made his way to the two. Mozrael got up and stepped protectively in front of Lia. Lia grabbed her foot weakly. 

"Don't transform. Please..." she begged.

Mozrael only gave a smile as she went forward to face the threat.