
Rise of the Dodo empire

When a blade and a shield meet each other and decide to fight together, that is the moment when something bigger will be born. Follow the story of a fallen blade and the one who is fighting in order to not become like his comrade. ---- Warning: Book dropped. Why? Because I realized that as a writer I felt locked within a cage. For this reason I decided to publish another story. I will publish it after reorganizing my thoughts. ---- I'm sorry for my poor writing quality. Honestly, I suck writing in english but I will try to write at the best of my capabilities and learn from my mistakes. I'm trying to improve the poor writing quality, but knowing myself it will be quite slow and annoying for the readers, please forgive me. I'm also updating the other chapters, I will write at the end of each 'Author's Thoughts' the date of the last update of the chapter. If you have advices, suggestions or criticisms for me, don't hesitate and write a review, chapter comments or whatever you like, thank you! [ You should already know that I'm the worst at choosing names, so forgive me if I use weird names, if anyone have suggestions about names, I would really appreciate it! ]

DNaCat_R · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Descent of the Unknown

[Italy - year 2069]

During a sunny day in the month of June like many others, a family of two parents and a son were preparing to leave the crowded city in order to get to the sea.

The man, who seems to be in his thirties, with robust built, tall, dark hairs, Had an excited expression on his face while talking at the hologram of a friend about something like what they would like to do the next day.

Today was the first day of his holidays with his family, and there would be a lot of free time to do whatever he wanted, actually, they were waiting for the magnetic train to leave the station, in order to start their long-awaited journey toward freedom.

The woman seemed to be in her twenties, with a beautiful face, blue eyes, long dark hair, and average stature of around 1,65 meters, and with a smirk on her face as she looked at her husband while caressing the child in her arms.

The child in her arms was around five years old and looked at the people around him with interest, after all, coming from a wealthy family, it wasn't easy to interact with other people without ties with his family.

That would be the perfect image of a happy family, unluckily for them, the sky seems to thought otherwise as a dark cloud condensed a few kilometers away from them.

A vortex began to form, while a storm that seems to have appeared from thin air formed around it and increased of intensity as it became more and more violent as time passed, all of this happened in a matter of minutes, not too long ago there was a beautiful sunny day, but now only a violent storm and a horrible pressure could be sensed coming from the vortex.

It happened too fast and no one had time to react, the pressure coming from the vortex continued to increase for every second that passed, now it already felt as if an ancient god was staring at them, and the pressure was becoming unbearable, without any other better option, the man hugged his child trying to protect him with his own body, as the woman did the same.

The time seemed to advance in slow motion as they felt every single second as the longest second of their lives, soon, the pressure reached the peak and seemed ready to explode at any instant.

At that moment, a powerful beam of golden light, even stronger than the pressure from the vortex, fell from the sky and pierced right at the center of the vortex.

The time seemed to freeze for an instant, but when it resumed, an unbelievable scene could be seen as the vortex and the storm was forcefully dragged and compacted at the center of the vortex becoming an extremely small golden dot.

The survival instincts of every being in the range of ten kilometers screamed at the same time.

The man began to lose control of his body, despair took over his body as he searched for something that could help him in the current situation, at this moment, he sensed an invisible thread through his body, he had no idea what it was, but he had no other options, so he clung to the thread with his mind, focusing entirely on it and trying to not lose it.

After an intense second where he completely ignored the whatever was happening around him and focused only on this thread, a power burst out of his heart, as if it was the first time in his whole life where his heart could truly beat, however, that lasted only an instant, he was still nothing compared to the being that they felt in the vortex.

At least, now he was able of maintaining the control of his body and hug his son with all of his strength when he looked at the face of his son, however, he felt like the world was breaking apart, he was still alive, but his expression was blank and the gaze was that of an empty shell, his wife was even in worse shape, she was as pale as a ghost, drained of all colors but white.

The man released all of his new power, burning his own heart, even if his son and wife were dead, and he already knew within himself that he couldn't do anything to protect them anymore, he simply couldn't accept it, and burned every bit of life force that remained in him, only to surround the body of his son and protect him from the danger.

When the power that the man was releasing reached the peak, the golden dot exploded, disintegrating everything within two kilometers and sending a horrible wave of uncontrolled power toward the surrounding, fortunately, the man was eight kilometers away from the vortex, so he needed to endure only an extremely little fragment of the power, compared with what was released at the epicenter of the explosion.

Unfortunately, even this little fragment was too much for him and he was overwhelmed by the explosion.

He died protecting the son…

Fortunately, his action helped to reduce the power of the explosion coming toward his son.

When the explosion touched the child, another power erupted from the body of the child, slightly resembling the same that previously was coming from the vortex, however, when the power of the explosion coming for him was deflected by that suddenly burst of power, the child was still with the same blank expression and gaze.

He simply collapsed to the ground at the side of his parents.

A short time later, the absolute silence descended into the area, everything seemed to have stopped, and no noise could be heard.

This silence lasted only for a short time and was interrupted by the sound of a child with a weary breath.

After calming himself down, the senses of the child returned fully functional… especially the pain.

Too much pain coming from every single part of his body, the child couldn't resist more than a few seconds before fainting.

Some minutes later, a shadow appeared above the child, looking at him as if looking at an interesting exotic animal, after watching the kid for a few more seconds, the shadow nodded and took the child with him, disappearing not too long after, leaving behind only a silent scene of death and destruction.

Well, I think that this is the first true chapter of the novel.

Thanks to anyone who decided to waste his/her time reading my novel.

If you let me know what do you think about that chapter or everything else, I would appreciate it a lot.

(I already feel a headache for the next chapters about what name to give to the side characters... )

Updated - 13/8/2020

DNaCat_Rcreators' thoughts