
Rise of the Dino King (Yu-Gi-Oh)

MC wakes up from sleep in the world of Yugioh in a body not his own, without any cards, in a world where the Life itself is dictated by a game he hasn’t played since he was a child…

Link_Kokiri_Fan · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

When and Where Am I

"Have I been ROB'ed?"

As soon as I said that, I was suddenly aware that… I wasn't sure which timeline exactly was I in.

While William used to main a Battleguard Deck, which is an older type Monster Deck, he has played against both Synchro and XYZ Monsters, which is a relief since those were my bread-and-butter back home.

But I also don't have any memories of him watching an Accel Duel…. nor of any other academies aside from the Four Duel Academies created by Seto Kaiba.

Does that mean I am in an AU of the GX timeline? And if so, is it an AU of the Anime or the Manga?


'Get your head in the game William!' After slapping your forehead to gather your wandering, slightly panicking, thoughts, you started to focus on what really mattered.

"I need to get some cards. No matter which timeline or AU I am in, one thing doesn't change, Duel Monsters is what rules in this world. Money. Power. Fame. Women. All of this and more can be gained, just for playing a card game!" You tell yourself, trying to pep talk yourself up into actually DOING something.

"First, I need to buy some cards. Battleguard King didn't only take the deck he was in, but devoured all of William's card collection too. I'm guessing to power itself up or something."

"Fortunately, I am now RICH thanks to William being smart with his money and having been a Champion Fighter and Duelist for years. Now if I his memories, mine now I guess, are true, then there is a new shipment of cards arriving at Daniel's Card Shop today at 7am."

Idly walking back into the bedroom while you were thinking, you noticed the digital clock on the nightstand next to your bed, and on its face in bright numbers, said 6am.

'Hmm, I better move fast, in my old world all the card shops were packed before they even opened when new cards were released and I NEED these cards to have a leg up. They should be the Jurrac series.'

'A solid Meta with a simple yet effective play style all things told. BUT if I can find a Duel Spirit amongst them, and manage to bond with it, then it's power and playability will improve exponentially.'

'And if Yugioh was anything to go by, just by bonding to a Monster Spirit and making it your Ka will grant me some power as well, with the more you bond to, and the more powerful they are, the greater the benefits I get.'

With a plan of action set, I got dressed in the first set of cloths I could find, which seemed to be a sleeveless blue and white exercise shirt with red lines on it, blue jogging pants, 2x bicep bands for some reason, and a pair of white sneakers and socks for comfort…. and to show off my new body. I mean, if you've got it, might as well enjoy flaunting it right?

After admiring myself in the large standing mirror in the bedroom, I gathered up my phone, wireless earphones, wallet, personal custom duel disk, a black and red colored gauntlet with silver lining that looks like a dragon wing when deployed and as a sick ass gauntlet when in sealed mode, and my house keys before heading to the card shop.

While running on my way to the card shop, I further confirmed that this wasn't the world of 5D's or Zexal since there weren't any Duel Runners nor were there teens walking around with those Solid Vision Eye Pieces either, which is a relief, it's looking more and more like I am in an AU of GX.

Finally, after over an hour of running, which, amazingly enough I didn't even break a sweat nor was I even slightly out of breath 'this body is amazing!' I had arrived at Daniel's Card Shop, thankfully without anybody waiting outside already, meaning I would have first pick of the cards. Nice!

"Now I just need to wait until 8am for them to open… good thing i brought my phone."