
Rise Of The Demon Goddess

The first thing to destroy the endless veil of darkness and nothingness was Fire. The destructive heat from it gave Love and Life its existence. The warmness of love and burning flames of life. The two forces, Destruction with Love and Life, interacted, created, and evolved. Amid their evolution and unbalanced existence, Law and Mediocrity emerged to balance the extremes in the middle of the fiery stars. Thus came the world to exist. A world, so submissive to its past. From the Stone Age to the great Age of Darkness. Then the Age of Gods which was soon followed by decades of plague. Next, the Age in which Gods waged war on each other, and then, the ages that came after. Being one of such Goddesses of the world, she had seen all but not all that had yet to come. Carrying unmeasurable vast wishes and regrets, now in her weakest state, she didn’t have any choice but to live for a growing seed in her womb. Even though she was stripped of her title as the “Goddess of Love and Life”. Baring her new title that she didn’t dislike for thousands of years, Annabella the “Demon Queen”, endeavored to survive and to give the power necessary for her child to live. -------- Probably updates Every Wednesday **Probably** ┐('~`;)┌

N4No · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Chapter 2: Battle of Gods II P2

 Nishky POV

[All right then.] Albert said. [Shall we discuss the situation?]

This time, to my surprise no one objected. Even that knight.

I nodded and Albert started explaining.

In short, the bridge fell into the enemies' hands before it could be destroyed and now is covered by the enemies' thick barrier. Mostly placed back of the line or attached to under the bridge.

On the bridge, countless mages are firing all kinds of attack spells without any delays and that's odd. Most of the enemies' swordsmen are standing back and there weren't any signs of elite mages until now which is odd too.

[I never knew we had this amount of mages. Even this strong to cast simultaneously!] I exclaimed.

Hearing what I said, Albert frowned. His barely opened eyes got more closed than before.

[And not to mention] I continued. [The plan in castle battles is always to infiltrate the castle with elite mages and do some damage before the siege starts or even a month before the army even makes a move.]

[Maybe because they knew you were here, they changed the plan?] A knight said. From the sound, that knight was a woman.

[Maybe but Ian is not like this.]

Albert stared at me urging me to continue.

[How can I say this…? Hmm… he's the type who crushes you with the same plan even if you know it.]

[I see.]

[So, maybe… I think... there is a possibility that he is not even in charge of this siege.]

[Hmm… How?]

[May~be with me leaving the "Savior Gods", has made an impact, and because of that the king and church's higher-ups have lost trust in the others.] I stopped. [It's a hunch though.]

[Indeed, but not far from reality.] Albert said.

{But they are Gods? How can Ian be cool about it?}

A soldier rushed towards Albert.

[Sir!] He exclaimed as he bowed.

[Go ahead.]

[People… no…! enemy mages are… are collapsing!]

----- /Change of POV/

[What!?] Without knowing himself, Nishky exclaimed.

They all walked up the wall. Countless mages in milky coats were standing there casting spells. On their chest was the symbol of a rose petal colored in four different colors on a silver shield. The middle of the petals were black and the upper petal was white. The right petal was colored blue and the left one was colored red.

It was the flag of the "Rose Empire". One of the largest empires to the west of the continent and these mountain ranges were in the north, a few weeks beyond their borders.

After looking closely, Nishky and Albert saw people who were passed out on the ground.

{Are they alive or dead!?} Nishky thought.

[There is no end to their madness. To think they'd cast magic until they die.] A knight said. [It is utmost madness!]

Humans are a race inferior to other races in all terms; except one. They have the power to struggle and they have the power to think and come up with ways to end their struggling which helped them survive many times. Using that power, they have won many battles and have established a large powerful empire on blood. And it's not something limited to this world.

As they were watching, another volley of attack spells were shot towards the barrier. With that, four people fainted as if their life was drained from their bodies.


Far behind the bridge, there was a newly made camp on the road. There were in total of sixty-five tents in different sizes. On a particular place, which was a high ground, a larger tent was placed. There were three small ones surrounding it.

A soldier ran from the top of that high ground to one of the smaller tents.

[Look at them. All fucked up.] Ian said while hearing the commotion in the smaller tent.

He wasn't angry or anything. Things were going to be as he planned.

[That's what they wanted.] Yato said while dropping his shoulders.

[Any minutes now.] He smiled, twistedly. [They come here begging us to do something.]

[But Bishop, our followers are wavering!] A young priest exclaimed but respectfully.

Two other two priests standing beside the boy nodded with cold sweats running down their foreheads.

The bishop was sitting on a chair decorated with gold and beautiful carvings on the handles. The back and the seating were made from red silk. Soft and cozy. There was a silver cup on the wooden table in front of him filled with wine and a bottle of glass beside it. And on the ground was a luxurious red carpet.

The bishop himself was wearing white omophorion from high-quality thread and cotton. There were threads from gold sewn to even more decorate the garment.

Bishop's wrinkled face twisted as he looked at the boy with his dead black eyes.

[We continue as it is.] He said.

[But…] The young priest tried to object but was stopped by the bishop's hand.

[The powers of GODS are with us. With faith and the power bestowed to us, we will bring down that wicked demon's barrier.]

The bishop stared at the young priest's eyes. The boy was young with yellow-blond hair and brown eyes. His facial hair had just started growing.

{He must be a God's devotee from childhood.] The bishop concluded.

[Our followers have harnessed the powers of GODS. Do you doubt them? Or do you doubt my authority and judgment?]

Cold sweat ran down the boy's face. He indeed couldn't disagree with a bishop. But the Gods' followers' lives were at stake.


[I am not wrong! They are dying for nothing! Gods are with us! Let us use their powers! Not what we have borrowed! That's not enough! Please hear me!! Sir...!]

[Geez! What's with that guy!?] Yato stared at the boy getting dragged by soldiers from the bishop's tent.

Ian smirked.

{All of my plans are going as I wanted. May you be a good use for me.}

[They are getting cornered.]


[Be ready. I want you to destroy that wall.]

Yato hit his fists together. He was fired up.

[Finally.] He said.

[Not now, dumbass.] Ian said as he grabbed Yato from his collar.


Yato looked back at him with question marks all over his face.

[I said, be ready. Not that head inside.]

[Oh~… Okay. I got it.]

With a look that said I doubt, Ian let go of his collar.


After talking for a while, Albert left Nishky and went to the first district wall with the knights.

[I will come back after the inspection.] Albert said and bowed before leaving.

"dum…dum…dum dum…dadumdum…" 

Sounds of drums echoed in the mountain range. Its source was somewhere behind the bridge.

Nishky who was deep in thought in the middle of the mages casting attack spells heard the sound.

[They are changing their formation.] He said.

Those who were still standing on the bridge stopped casting spells.

[Is it over?] Nishky murmured.

From their backs, they picked a bow. They all had the same type. It was a white wooden bow with string. The only thing different was the yellow stone placed into the woods.

[Is that a magic stone?] Nishky asked himself.

They didn't arm the bows with arrows but they just pulled the strings.

The drums' rhythm changed.

A yellow light started glowing from all of the bows. In the darkness, they lighted the whole bridge with blinding yellow light. Then, they released the strings.

The sound of arrow-like beams tearing the air echoed in his ears. Blood splattered, screams joined in, and the sound of bodies hitting the solid ground followed after.

Nishky looked to his left in disbelief, where many mages had been standing just a moment ago. Now, only a few remained and even fewer were remaining unharmed.

"dum dum… dudum dum"

The ear-piecing sounds echoed again. With that more mages were dropping.

The yellow-golden beams were piercing through the barrier and killing anyone on their way.

[Take cover!] Nishky shouted and sat behind the wall.

From there, he looked down at the soldiers standing behind the gate. They were getting slaughtered too.

[Get under the wall!] He shouted. [Those who can, cast defensive barriers around themselves and people around them.]

It wasn't working. They were too confused to get what Nishky was saying or they didn't care about him and weren't listening to him.

Between them, A few soldiers were doing as he said, but the arrows falling from the sky penetrated their barriers with ease, like a knife cutting through butter.

[Tch.] Nishky clicked his tongue. He was pissed.

[[Sir Nishky.]]

A voice rang in Nishky's head. As soon as it did, his head started to hurt as if it was going to explode. He put his hand on his mouth because he felt like throwing up.

[[I know it's unpleasant feeling but please bear with it.]]

[[What the f…uck…]]

[[What is the situation there?]]

{Is it telepathy!?} Nishky thought.

[[Yes, it is. And everything you think I'll notice so please refrain from some thoughts.]]

{Oh man! I'm gonna throw up…!}

Before puking, somehow, Nishky managed to inform the voice in his head what was happening.

[[Fall back then. I'll relay this order to the men. You sir, try getting to the first district.]]

Before he could reply, the feeling and the pain in his head vanished.

{Did he end it?}

After gasping for some air he stood and covered behind the wall. As soon as the next volley ended, Nishky started running.

From the looks of it, Albert had already ordered the soldiers to fall back via telepathy. The outer wall was only to delay and stop the enemy in the first place. It didn't have enough units to take on that amount of damage.


[I see. So, that's what happened.]

Sasha nodded while tears dropped from her cheeks.

[Don't cry…]

Fred patted her on the head but it wasn't really helpful. Her tears didn't stop but now more were dropping. Then, Sasha began to cry again.

[Why things turned out like this!?] She said and clung to Fred.

[Why we had to run away!?] Fred started to pat her back. [Why people took arms against us!? Weren't we… Wasn't sister the one who stopped that stupid war!?]

Sasha looked at Fred in the eyes. Her eyes were filled with questions and sorrow. But he didn't have anything to say. Or didn't even know where to begin.

[Why…!? Why…!?] Her knees began to shake as power faded away from them.

{I'm not good with these things… Annabella… What should I do?} Fred thought as he silently listened to Sasha's cries.

[Why did Albertina and others do that? Why did they announce us as Demon Gods trying to destroy the world!? Why did they betray us!?] Sasha continued on and on…

{This supposed to be a meeting to determine what we should do about Nishky. Annabella was planning to make him join the army's ranks somewhere near Albert's position. Only I knew of her plan and it was on me to back her up. But…} He looked at the ceiling. {Who knew this would happen?}

Fred took Sasha aside near the still-flouting Annabella.

[You know Sasha… I'm …]

[I know… "Sob" …] Sasha cleaned her tears with her hand. [I know… "Sob"… Thanks.] She said.

Fred smiled wryly. He patted her head for a few minutes until a voice rang in his head.

[[Albert! What is it?]]

[Sasha, I'll be back. I just need to pass on a message.]

Sasha wanted to know what the message was but she didn't say anything so she only nodded.

{To think they can pierce our barriers now. That… Albertina!} Fred sighed.

At the stairs, Fred stood a stair above where the mage seemed to be asleep while sitting. Using familiars makes a deep connection between the user and the summoned or alive familiar. It's both mentally and physically. They share the pain and even in some cases when the bond is strong and the familiar is highly intelligent, they can share thoughts.

With that deep connection when the familiar dies, the pain converts to the user as if he or she is dying. An intense pain.

{No wonder she's sleeping. She's doing so to run from the pain, poor Aurora.}

Slowly, Fred taped her shoulder while apologizing under his breath.

Aurora woke up. When she realized she was sleeping, she jumped up and turned towards Fred.

[I… apolotzie!] She exclaimed and bowed.

{She stuttered!?}

{I stuttered!?}

Aurora's face turned red.

[Ahem…Don't worry. I'll have a job for you. Can you do it?]


[Summon another familiar and scout the bridge.]

[Yes, sir.]

[Report to Sir Albert and he'll tell you what to do next.]

[Yes, sir.]

[Good. But…]


[If you ever felt not right, call back the familiar.]


[That's an order. Directly from me.]

[Yes sir.]

{I really need to see that equipment. Let's see if I can get my hands on them in this battle or not.} Fred thought as he walked back towards the machine on the wall. {If not, I'll have to send some spies to get them for me.}