
You Give Me A Fever : Act 3

"Not until you have calmed yourself," Xander told him implacably. "You are acting like a spoiled child, Raphael, not the man I know you to be. When the man decides to make an appearance, I will release you, not before."

"Fuck you!" Raphael continued to struggle, on the verge of hurting himself to gain his freedom, when he noticed two things. One, that Xander was suddenly sporting a very impressive hard-on, heralding the aforementioned fucking. Two, the hands holding his wrists were trembling, as was the rest of the lean, powerful body pressed so unyieldingly into his own.

His own body went still as the trembling seemed to increase. "Xan?" he questioned hesitantly, not liking the shadow of pain he glimpsed in those pale green eyes. Xander banished it immediately, his gaze becoming shuttered, but he knew what he had seen.

What the hell was he doing? Raphael asked himself with a silent groan. Xander had almost died two hours ago. And here he was, attacking him like he wanted to finish the job. "Fucking hell," he moaned miserably, forcing his body to go limp as proof of his sincerity as he found himself apologizing—he never apologized—for the second time in the space of two hours. "I'm sorry, Xan. I didn't mean any of it."

Xander only grunted, those veiled eyes searching his for a long moment, before he found himself free. Xander rolled to his back, a quiet gasp escaping him as his midsection throbbed mercilessly. Raphael winced guiltily at the sound, surreptitiously rubbing his own aching wrists. If he had been anyone else, the bruises that were forming would take weeks to fade. As it was, he'd have to make he wore his gloves around Zacky for the next couple of days, so that his oldest friend didn't completely freak out on him. He didn't think he would survive another lecture on pride and honor and discipline-or rather, the lack there of when it came to his fights with Xander.

Raphael sat up and glanced at his lover, expecting a dark, angry look to be aimed his way. The somewhat ragged smile and extended hand caught him by surprise, and he found himself taking that hand before he had even formed the thought to do so. He found himself tucked against a strong, hard chest, comforted by the very person he'd tried so hard emasculate only minutes before.

He cringed at the thought, and felt Xander's lips brush his forehead in response. "Do you feel better, now?" his lover asked calmly, and Raphael was surprised to realize that he did.

He paused for a few moments before saying, "Yes, I believe I do."

Xander only chuckled, and the dark sound soothed something within him. "Are you very angry with me?" he asked idly, reaching up to wind one silver lock around his fingers.

"No, Raphael, I am not angry with you." Xander smiled into his hair, closing his eyes as contentment filled him. While he knew Raphael well enough to predict his behavior, it never failed to startle him, how quickly the other's mood could change. Raphael was certainly the most unique individual he had ever known, and he had no desire to change him.

"Mmmm." Raphael nuzzled his cheek over his heart before slowly making his way up to his lips. "So, is that invitation still open?"

Xander's answering laugh was muffled by a quick, eager tongue. No, he thought as he pulled Raphael body flush atop his own, he wouldn't trade his fierce kitten for anything. He loved Raphael just as he was, and he would kill anyone who attempted to change him. Starting with Silverald, he thought with sudden, vicious determination.

Raphael shifted, oblivious to his lover's dark thoughts, and placed his knees on either side of Xander's hips. He broke the kiss with obvious reluctance, his auburn head tilted to one side as he considered the man beneath him. Xander's eyes were mere slits of pale silver-green, gleaming from beneath his half-closed lids, those elongated pupils already dilated with arousal. His beautiful, perfect bow lips curved into a soft, yet predatory smile, his hair spread out beneath him like a pale moonlit pool, and Raphael shivered with anticipation of the night to come.

Still, he had to at least attempt to be chivalrous. "Are you sure I won't hurt you?" he asked in a breathless, greedy voice which belied the sentiment.

Xander reached up, his hand sliding around the back of the other man's neck, long fingers threading through the shorter hairs there to pull him close. "I trust you," he murmured, his free hand coming up to smooth over one silken thigh, "and I've wanted to do this again for a very long time."

That hand flexed slightly, and Raphael gasped with pleasure, his eyes fluttering as he fought the urge to close them. While he might be in a dominant position right now, Xander never failed to find a way to remind him of who was stronger. And although he knew that the other man's actions weren't meant to do so, the reminder was usually enough to trigger his own dominant instincts, which made for some interesting nights under the sheets.

Not tonight, though. They were reunited after being apart for nearly a month, and they had to be careful because of Xander's injuries. It would be a challenge, Raphael told himself, brightening visibly at the thought. To keep his self-control while making Xander lose his, and maintaining his dominance in the process. Something he had wanted to do for a very long time.

The slow, wicked smile that lit up Raphael's face was enough to tell Xander exactly where his thoughts had gone. He could only return the smile, smirking just a bit in open challenge. If Raphael wanted to break his iron-clad control, he was more than welcome to try.

The part of his psyche that had been trained since birth to be a leader balked at the thought, but he paid it no heed. He wanted Raphael to succeed. A part of him was curious as to what it was like to lose all control with someone he truly trusted, and not while controlled by an alien being. He also wanted them to be on more equal footing in their relationship, so that Raphael would feel secure, and would be unable—unwilling—to walk away as he had once before.

"All you had to do was ask," Raphael murmured silkily, lashes dropping and lifting in one long, sensual blink. "I would have been more than happy to oblige you."

Xander's smile held an odd combination of sadness and embarrassment as he replied, "I've never known how."

Raphael's smile gentled at that. Sometimes, he forgot that Xander hadn't been raised normally, and didn't always know how to express himself. "From now on, tell me what you want. Just come right out and say it, and I'll do my best to make it happen. For now," the redhead leaned down, hovering temptingly above him, those unforgettable azure eyes glittering with heat, "...don't try to help. Just lie back and let me do all the work."

Xander's answering chuckle was lost as Raphael covered his mouth with his, and the world began to burn around them.