
Rise of the Dark Days

Morder · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Chapter 2: Challenges and Allies

The sun had barely risen over the empire as Akai awoke with a sense of anticipation. The events of the previous day, from his chance encounter with the blue-haired boy Enkaius to his rigorous training with Strydon, were still fresh in his mind. Today, he knew, would bring new challenges and opportunities as he embarked on his journey towards the academy.

Akai quickly dressed and made his way downstairs, where the clanging of metal against metal signaled his grandfather's early start in the forge. As he entered, his grandfather looked up and smiled, his face illuminated by the flickering forge fires.

"Ready for another day of training, Akai?" his grandfather asked, his eyes filled with a mix of pride and concern.

Akai nodded, determination etched across his features. "I won't let you down, Grandfather. I'm going to prove that I can succeed, even without a Link."

His grandfather's smile widened, and he handed Akai a freshly forged sword. "That's the spirit, my boy. Remember, a sword is an extension of your will. Now, let's get to work."

The training was intense, pushing Akai to his limits and beyond. Strydon's expertise in combat and Link usage was evident as he guided Akai through various drills and exercises. With each passing hour, Akai could feel himself improving, his technique becoming more refined.

As the day wore on, Akai couldn't help but notice the curious glances from other blacksmiths and apprentices in the forge. They whispered among themselves, wondering why a boy like him was undergoing such rigorous training. But Akai paid them no mind; his focus was solely on his goal.

Hours passed, and Akai's body ached with exhaustion, but he pressed on. He knew that every moment of training brought him closer to his dream of joining the academy. Strydon's relentless instruction pushed him to his limits, but Akai welcomed the challenge.

Finally, as the sun began to dip below the horizon, Strydon called a halt to the day's training. Akai collapsed to the ground, drenched in sweat and gasping for breath. Strydon offered a hand and helped him up.

"You're coming along nicely, Akai," Strydon remarked. "But remember, the road ahead is long and filled with challenges. You'll need more than just strength to succeed."

Akai nodded, his determination unwavering. "I know, Strydon. I'll do whatever it takes to become a true swordsman and mage to prove I don't need a link to be special."

With the remainder of the day stretching ahead, Akai decided to retire to his room to research some of the applicants he had encountered during his training. He knew that understanding his potential competition would be crucial for success in the academy exams.

In his room, by the soft glow of a candle, Akai poured over scrolls and papers, each containing information about the applicants. One name caught his eye—Enkaius, the blue-haired boy with the power to control lightning at a devastating level of volts.

Akai couldn't help but feel a mixture of curiosity and determination. Enkaius had left a strong impression on him, and he couldn't deny the rivalry forming in his heart. He made a mental note to keep an eye on Enkaius during the exams, knowing that their clash would be nothing short of electrifying.

As the night deepened, Akai continued his research, gathering insights into the various strengths and weaknesses of his potential rivals. He knew that preparation was key, and he was determined to be ready for whatever challenges the academy exams would present.

With a sense of purpose and a room filled with scrolls, Akai spent the night meticulously studying and planning for the road ahead. As he finally laid down to rest, his mind was filled with thoughts of the challenges and allies that awaited him in the days to come, and he welcomed them with open arms, ready to prove his worth in the face of Enkaius' electrifying abilities.

As Akai delved deeper into his research on the academy applicants, another name piqued his interest—Thuprian. This applicant possessed a Link that granted control over nature, particularly the manipulation of wood and plant life.

Intrigued by the possibilities, Akai focused his attention on Thuprian's profile. He learned that Thuprian hailed from a village nestled in a dense forest, where his affinity for nature had blossomed. Rumors spoke of Thuprian's ability to command towering trees as if they were extensions of himself, creating formidable barriers and launching wooden projectiles with precision.

Akai couldn't help but admire Thuprian's unique Link, recognizing the versatility it could offer in various situations. He made a mental note to approach Thuprian during the upcoming academy exams, considering the potential alliance they could form.

With Thuprian's profile absorbed into his growing knowledge, Akai continued his research late into the night, seeking to understand the diverse talents and abilities of his fellow applicants. Each name represented a potential challenge or ally, and Akai was determined to be well-prepared for any encounter in the trials ahead.

As Akai continued his meticulous research into the academy applicants, one particular name stood out—Emmikalia, the sister of Enkaius. Her Link was a fascinating one, granting her the power of crystal-like manipulation.

Emmikalia's profile described her as someone who could shape and control crystalline structures with precision, crafting intricate shapes and using them both defensively and offensively. It was a unique ability that intrigued Akai, as he had never encountered someone with such a Link before.

He couldn't help but wonder about the dynamics between Emmikalia and her brother Enkaius, both possessing remarkable and distinct Links. As he read further into her profile, he noted her determination and strong sense of purpose, traits that he respected.

With Emmikalia's name etched into his memory, Akai closed the scroll containing her information. He knew that their paths would likely cross during the academy exams, and he looked forward to witnessing the extent of her crystal-like abilities firsthand.

As the night wore on, Akai finally decided to conclude his research for the evening, his mind now filled with knowledge of the diverse talents and abilities of his fellow applicants. He knew that the challenges and allies he would encounter in the days to come would be as diverse as the Links they wielded, and he was ready to face them head-on.

After reading the rest of the more interesting applicant popped up, Akai's discovery about his family had rocked him to his core. The revelation that his family was still alive and that he had been kept in the dark about it left him in a whirlwind of emotions—anger, shock, and betrayal.

Without a second thought, he rushed to his grandfather's office, the words tumbling out of him in a torrent of anger and disbelief. He demanded answers, his voice quivering with raw emotion, wanting to know why he had been kept in the dark about his family's existence, especially after what had transpired with Akito.

His grandfather's expression turned sorrowful as he admitted to keeping the truth from Akai. He explained that he had done it to spare his grandson from the despair that such knowledge could bring. It was a decision he had wrestled with, knowing that it would eventually come to light.

"But why, Grandfather?" Akai's voice trembled with emotion, his eyes filled with tears that he had held back for too long. "I deserved to know the truth. My family, they're alive, and I had no idea. After all these years..."

His grandfather walked towards Akai and gently placed a hand on his left shoulder, a gesture that carried both comfort and remorse. "I hope you come to realize why I did it," he said softly, his eyes filled with a mixture of regret and understanding.

But Akai was not ready to forgive. His chest heaved with anger and betrayal, and his words came out as a fierce declaration. "I'm not going to forgive you... even if you're my grandfather."

With those words, Akai turned and slammed the door shut behind him, leaving the sword his grandfather had given him stuck outside the office. The rift between them had grown deeper, and it would take time and understanding to heal the wounds that had been inflicted by the weight of hidden truths.

Akai's grandfather stood by the window, the fading light of day casting long shadows in the room. He held a cherished picture close to his chest, a captured moment of happiness from the past. In the photograph, Akai's father and mother beamed with joy, holding two babies in their arms, with three older siblings surrounding them, all sharing in the warmth of family.

As he gazed at the picture, his fingers brushed over one of the twin babies, a wistful smile playing on his lips. But beneath that smile, there was a profound sadness, and a tear escaped from the corner of his eye. He whispered to the image of his son, "My boy... your son is a striking resemblance to you, why did your promise have to be so deep and heartbreaking..."

The once-happy and energetic night had taken a somber turn, weighed down by the unexpected hurdle in Akai's path. It was a reminder of the sacrifices made and the promises kept, even at the cost of causing pain and heartache.