
Blades of Tears

Eight years ago, during the bloody war of the Order of the Scarlet Shadow, against the Shadow that betrayed their clan, other ninjas decided to join the rebels in the deep forest. They believe that they are the ones who were blessed by their god, and someday will lead the ninja world.

Also during this time, a child was born in the middle of the chaos. His parents decided to name him Hayabusa, after the name of his great grandfather. They decided to go far away from the mainland and live there peacefully.

After four years of living in the deep mountains, Hayabusa's father suffered an incurable disease that lead him to death. At a very young age, Hayabusa is already aware of everything that is happening. Before his father died, he always thought him to become strong and wise in order to survive the world. While his mother thought him to be virtuous and disciplined in any circumstances.

A year later, on a cloudy day, his mother leave to get some food in the forest.

"Stay here Hayabusa and wait for me. Be careful, I'll be back immediately."

Hayabusa wait for hours, worried and hungry.

The hours become days of waiting, but still his mother didn't return to their home.

Hayabusa grab his belongings and a map from a table. He started walking away from the woods, didn't worry about the danger he will face, just to find someone who could help him find his mother.

Three hours of walking, covered with sweat and tears, Hayabusa sees a cheerful young girl, with an umbrella, walking in opposite direction. He quickly run towards the young girl, using the energy left on his body.


The young girl was shocked on Hayabusa's appearance. Exhausted and weak.

"W...Who are you?! Do you need help?!!"

Hayabusa nodded his head.

"Common and follow me!" The young girl responded with worries on her words.

Hayabusa followed the stranger immediately.

The young girl brings him to her parent's house at the top of a hill, which is near to the mainland. The house looks sacred and prestige.

As he look from the top, he was surprised that the mainland has no trace of war, as his parents told him.

"By the way, my name is Kagura. My parents can help you. Come inside!" The young girl said.

Hayabusa introduces himself to everyone and tell them his story. Kagura's parents give him food and clean clothes.

"Let the authorities do their job." Kagura's father said, when Hayabusa insisted that he wants to help the authorities in finding his mother. "It is very dangerous for you as a kid to go in the forest." Switching his eyes to Kagura. "Including you."

Kagura suddenly embarrassed.

"You can stay here as long as your mother is missing" Kagura's mother asserted.

For three years, there were no any reports that his mother was found. During these years, Hayabusa secretly trains himself to be stronger and smarter. He was running up and down the hill, early in the morning and reading books he borrowed from Kagura, at late night. Kagura is aware about it, but decides not to tell to her parents, because she knew they won't allow it.

Hayabusa and Kagura becomes childhood friends, but Kagura's admiration for Hayabusa is more than this.

One foggy night, while Kagura is in a deep sleep, Hayabusa secretly went to the dark forest, hoping his mother was in their house. But upon returning, its still empty and quiet.

He started walking around the forest, hoping for a miracle to come. Many hours have passed, Hayabusa is already tired, but his hope was still present.

Suddenly, he saw a shadow approaching towards him. Through its appearance, it is not a human!

Hayabusa immediately run as fast as he can. He slip in to a mud, but continue to run. The terrifying shadow was too fast! As he looks back, it scratches him, that causes him to stumble. A second strike was incoming, but he was able to dodge it! The shadow disappear and started striking Hayabusa consecutively.

The wounded young boy decided to fight the ferocious shadow. When the shadow becomes visible again, he immediately grab a stone and a twig on the ground. With full strength, he throws the stone to it, but it just makes the shadow more desperate to kill him!

Even though Hayabusa is weak and scared, he didn't move to his place and look directly with fierceness in his eyes, to the savage shadow.

He is ready to fight, whatever it takes!

Suddenly, four ninjas appear!

They strike the shadow immediately, but it vanishes to the dark, before the blade even touches its target.

The exhausted young boy loss his consciousness, and didn't know what happens after.

Before reading this novel, please read the story of Hayabusa in official MLBB page. Thank you!

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