
Chapter 53: New Arrivals

Rosario arrived back at their main encampment with the trail of hundreds following behind at a really slow pace. At this point it had already gotten pretty dark out, but instead of stopping he had made everyone keep moving until they reached the plateau.

Rosario left Tormund to make sure everyone settled in, a majority of the new residents would be seeping under the Sun. He assigned four guards for the cavern and keeping people away from the summoning gate. They would rotate shifts for the night with two guarding at a time.

For the next three days, Rosario was bogged down with complaint after complaint from the newcomers. His people were overwhelmed with keeping them in order and getting them to work for the food, water, and protection they were being provided. Rosario had already made an announcement that after one week anyone who didn't feel like working and helping build the budding city would be asked to leave.

Both Amanda and Naomi had begun helping him keep the newcomers in line even though both of them were new themselves. Rosario had apologized to Amanda for destroying her Gate as he hadn't realized the importance of possibly having her be a Vassal for him. She had told him that there was no reason to apologize as if she had to go to that cavern in the mine to use her gate she would have to face the terrible memories she had wanted to get rid of. Even so he promised if he found another Gate and relieved the owner of their burden of life she would be the first to be offered ownership in return for vassalage. She had agreed, but somewhat reluctantly.

It was on the third day around noon when one of the scouting parties Rosario had farming essence crystals, came rushing back into the slowly growing village. They found Rosario working with Sigurd on planning where the castle should go.

"My Lord!" Saluting to Rosario the three clan members Give their report when Rosario turns to give them his full attention.

"There are two parties of humans that have come to find us. One says his name is Brodie and he is requesting to speak to the Lord. Says he is from somewhere called Scotland. He has twenty other people with him." Rosario motioned for the scout to continue as he paused in his report. "Most of the men are wearing skirts."

His half statement half question had Rosario chuckling even though it was a serious situation.

"They are called Kilts; it is part of their people's tradition from our world. Did they say what they wanted."

"He asked to speak with you as he says that he and his people were run out of their village by Vampires."

Rosario Grunted as he processed that information. "And the other."

"The other is another man claiming to be from your world. He says his name is Donnie and he is from a place called Georgia. He has about thirty-two people following him, apparently he also was attacked by Vampires and had to flee his village."

"Alright well lets not make them wait, lead the way."

Following his three warriors the four of them made their way down the incline leading to the plateau, at the bottom where the trail met forest Rosario found two groups of people somewhat mingling together. At a glance Rosario could see that there were those who were dressed in the kilts Scottish and Irishmen used back on earth. The other group he found looked more like a Native American tribe.

The leaders were pointed out too him by his men and he began making his way over to them. As he approached the crowd of people quieted down quickly as they watched the imposing figure move towards them.

As Rosario arrived in front of the leaders his deep voice was loud and clear enough for everyone mingling around to hear.

"My name is Rosario; I am the leader of this village. How can I help you."

The two men stared at him with wide eyes, neither answering him. After around a minute of silence Rosario cleared his throat bringing both men out of their stupor.

"Uh excuse me where are my manners my name is Bro…"

"Are you really human? I don't remember any humans being soooo….big?"

Brodie shot Donnie an annoyed look for interrupting him, but as he had the same question on his mind he stayed quiet.

"I was a human; I am not anymore if that answers your question. If you need more proof I lived in New York and the year was twenty, twenty-five when we all got knocked out and woke up in some nice white rooms."

"Who won the Superbowl this year?"

"Of course, my favorite team. The Chiefs, getting the first threepeat ever."

"Pft bandwagoner."

Clearing his throat Brodie spoke up.

"Well now that, that is out of the way I believe I speak for both Donnie and I when I say we have both come here for help and protection. We saw the massive columns of smoke the other day and made our way there. When we arrived, we found a burned down village. At first we were about to go the opposite way of where your people had so obviously walked, but as we were preparing to leave a man named Soto came out of the woods with a few others. He told us about what happened at the village and that yes you were the one to burn it down, but you had also been the one to save the residents. He suggested we find you and treat with you."

Before Rosario could answer a voice came out from behind the gathered groups from the woods. Out walked four warriors wearing the Spartan-like armor of Rosarios clan. It was Andromina, Naomi, Julie, and Amanda. Rosario had known they had been out harvesting essence for use with he blueprints, he just didn't realize they would return at this time. With their entrance he was as the two groups in front of him tensed up and began looking around the woods more.

Naomi had been the one to talk. "Soto was right to send you here, he is my advisor and knows the Morlux clans' power firsthand. I myself just became a Vassal to Rosario, his vision of the future and how he treats those who work hard and deserve it have only solidified my decision."

Amanda, though shy, spoke up. "He found me captured in a mine, the Goblins were using my portal to summon more of them and had me chained to the wall. He and his people freed all of us from the Goblins and gave us a home where we can grow strong and be safe."

"Thank you for your kind words, but I feel like allowing our visitors to come see our village will give them some insight into what we are looking to build here. Of course, I cannot allow fifty people who follow other leaders to just waltz into my village currently. Each of you can pick four others to accompany you while I expect the rest to stay here until our return. Is this amenable?"

Nodding both men motioned to four of their followers and gave some orders to others. Rosario glanced at the three warriors who had come and gotten him and gave them orders to watch over the remaining forty or so people. They were to protect them, but also watch them as if they were the enemy also.

Once everyone was settling in Rosario turned and began making his way back to the camp with the small entourage trailing him. As they walked Rosario asked about what had been on his mind the past few minutes.

"So, tell me about these Vampires, and should I be expecting them at my door soon enough?"