
Rise of the Celestial Asura Clan

Rosario was forced into the collective with all other humans from planet Earth and other races from the Milky Way Galaxy. Having been dropped into a crater on a massive planet and given some resources to survive, Rosario has to take what he has been given and turn it into a prosperous Empire. Follow Rosarios journey as he learns to be a leader to his people and an even better warrior. From the ashes of two civilizations the mighty Celestial Asura Clan arises.

PrimordialGio · ファンタジー
56 Chs

Chapter 34: Evolved

Julie watched as Rosarios body twitched occasionally, as she stood holding his head above water she started feeling the water begin moving. At first she thought that something might be in the water with the two of them, but after a couple seconds of panic she realized the water wasn't flowing around them but just her. The flow of the water was ending at Rosarios body, and it looked like his body was absorbing the water. Calming down and remembering that the point in coming into the cave was to use the pool as a possible natural treasure.

It was another 30 minutes until Rosario stopped absorbing the water around them, only a few minutes later his eyes fluttered open.

Rosarios consciousness came back slowly, he struggled to open his eyes but finally got them fully opened. He was staring up at the ceiling and could feel a pair of hands underneath his head holding it out of the water. He swung his body back underneath himself and stood up in the water. Taking a deep breath Rosario had to take a few moments to compose himself as he felt the raw power coursing through himself.

His heart thundered in his chest as it powered his new powerful body. Smiling under his wrap Rosario turned to look at Julie.

"Its your turn, absorb the essence in the crystal and begin I will be sure you do not drown."

Nodding her head Julie grabbed the crystal from where she had put it on the shore and began absorbing it. Once she reached the limit she too lost consciousness.

Rosario watched the pained expression cross Julies face and had a fleeting thought. 'Oh good, I'm not the only one that passed out with this.'

Gently holder the back of her head so other face was out of the water Rosario decided to read the messages he had received and check his new stats.

[First Evolution Successful]

[+50% to all stats]

[New evolutionary trait unlocked.]

[Natural Treasure used]

[Second evolutionary trait unlocked.]

[Trait 1: You are now able to materialize a second pair of arms from your shoulder blades, these arms can be seen like others but will look incorporeal. There is no mana or essence requirement to materialize the arms, they are a part of your very being. The arms will be able to function like normal arms but the Celestial Asura they are apart of will be able to "de-materialize them at will.] 

Rosario was so shocked he accidentally dropped Julie's head below the water, quickly grabbing her and bringing her above water again Rosario made sure she was okay before looking back at his messages.

His excitement about just the first trait was palpable, it literally radiated off of him. Just thinking about the possibilities that opened up with this ability made him giddy.

Thinking that the first one was already great so the second should be just as good Rosario read the second evolutionary trait he received.

[Trait 2: You can use your blood to create other Celestial Asuras. The blood must be freely given and has to be consumed within 10 minutes. This is an ability only the Primal can wield.]

Looking at the second trait Rosario was a bit disappointed at first, he already had the pool that could help others evolve into Celestial Asuras, why would he need the ability a second time. Pondering on it, Rosario realized that his initial reaction was wrong.

Yes he has the pool, but how does he know the pool can indefinitely produce the water to change someone? He doesn't! Not to mention if he keeps using the pool he will run out of a natural treasure to use when evolving.

He also wanted to travel the world, if he was constantly monitoring the pool and hovering by it he would never be able to leave. Of course, he didn't have to be around for someone to use the pool, but he had always been a worrier, the type of person to do it himself because he knew he would do it right.

He knew one day he would leave this planet; his goal was to traverse the galaxies just like the cyborg who dumped him on this planet. He couldn't take the pool with him so if he ever met anyone on his adventures that ever wanted to become a Celestial Asura he wouldn't need to send them back to this city. 

Satisfied with his two evolutions Rosario saw the next messages that had come up.

[Mana Heart successfully awakened, your body can now be a holding vessel for mana, train it to be able to retain more.]

Rosario could feel an energy that was foreign to him pumping throughout his body, he imagined it was his mana being distributed through his mana veins.

The next to look over were his new stats.

[Name: Rosario Morlux

Title: Squire (11/1,000), Primordial

Race: Primordial Celestial Asura

Evo 1

Level 0 (0/1000)

Blessed Primordial of the Abyss I (0/10)

Mana: 100 (1 Open Acupoint)

Constitution: 165

Strength: 163

Agility: 165

Dexterity: 160

Mind Capacity: 144

Mind Processing: 145

Passive Abilities: Blessed Primordial of the Abyss I, One with the Void

Traits: 4 armed Asura, Father of Celestial Asuras


Light(Beginner II)

Dark(Beginner VI)

Void(Student III)

Chaos(Novice I)

Life(Beginner II)

Death(Beginner VII)]

It looked like when his stats increased by 50% any that had been odd numbers were rounded down, that was a disappointment but now he knew not to have an odd stat count when he went to evolve again.

He saw that he now had 100 mana and had assumedly 1 acupoint open, whatever that is. He was familiar with acupuncture and what acupoints were, but not in this context. He would definitely pull Tormund aside later and make him explain it.

Rosario saw there was no increase in his proficiencies which he somewhat had expected as he hadn't been able to use mana. Since he couldn't use mana there would be no reason for him to evolve those proficiencies, the whole point of evolving was to have better survival.

Rosario came out of his thoughts as Julies eyes had just popped open. She was laying still in the water however her eyes were rapidly taking everything in.

Finally, she brought her body under her so Rosario didn't have to support her head anymore. As she righted herself she mumbled.

"You could have told me it was going to be that painful."

"Where is the fun in that?"

Glaring at him as she rubbed her temples. Julie let him know how her evolution went.

"I got 2 traits from the evolution, apparently this is a really good treasure."

"Do you mind telling me what you got? If you don't want to say you don't have too."

"Its fine, it says I got feathered wings and heightened senses. I can literally hear your heartbeat right now loud and clear. I might need a few minutes to get used to the sensory overload.

Nodding Rosario agreed, lets move onto shore, once you can function without wincing in pain at my voice we will see what our new traits will look like. We might need Havresh to update some of the armor.

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