
Do You Need Help?

He reached the owner. The owner was encouraging others to take as much stones as they want.

Seeing Sil coming to him, the owner smiled inwardly, said, "Boy, do you want to take part in it too? Remember, if you fail to break the amount you take, you will have to return the loot. Now say, how many do you want?"

"I want all of them. ", sil said calmly.

With his current strength . breaking this much stone was nothing.

"Huh," the owner gasped.Surrounding people started to laugh.

"He has gone mad. "

All of a sudden, a young man in the crowd said arrogantly, "What a technique to attract people's attention! Saying is easy, make it happen. "

It was Ace, Son of Kameron, the head of the mage association.

Sil smirked and thought, "It won't be bad ,if I con him too. Right, Meon "

"You have this lady's utmost support ",laughed Meon.

"Then,why don't we make a bet. If I can break all the stone, you wil give me 1000,000 core stones. If I lose, I will give you 1000,000 core stones. " Sil said.


Ace, seeing that he had nothing to lose, he immediately agreed to the bet. After all who could break this much stone.

"I don't need core stones, you just have to kneel down before me and lick my shoes. "

Sil was inwardly smiling at Ace's misfortune but he didn't show it outside. He nodded and made his way to the stones.The owner give him a bag, that looked small but could contain a vast amount of core stones. It's called Dimens bag. He took his stand at a place where people could only see him breaking the stones not how he was breaking them.

He, then, transformed his right hand into that of a wolf. Red light shone in his eyes. Then, he shot out a punch, a stone broke.He waved his hand, a core stone flew out to him. One after another punch shot out, dust cloud was made around him. It also concealed him from those eyes.

He then also transformed his left hand.

In an instant, one fourth of the stone shattered.

Suddenly, the owner had a very bad feeling. Sweat began to pour down from his head. Surrounding people stared at the dust cloud with wide eyes.

Ace had a cold shiver ran through his spine.Granted, he possessed 1000,000 core stones. But if he gave all of them to a complete stranger, his father would surely kill him.

At that moment, Sil had already broken more than half stone. Dust cloud was increasing it's size. He looked at his Dimens bag with a satisfied expression and laughed heartily.

After sometime, he finished breaking all the stones. Then, reverse the transformation, came out of the dust cloud. Behind him was dust. All of the people present had their heart tremble.

"It can't possible. I am dreaming, dreaming.",the owner seemed like he was on the verge of being mad.After all, it was his business.

Sil looked at the owner then at Ace. Ace looked at him with murderous intent, then waved his hand.

A dimens bag flew toward him.

He got 1000,000 core stones from the black stones and another 1000,000 from Ace. The total amount was 2000,000 core stone. It took him little to no efforts to become rich.

Then he turned around and ran off into the distance.

After he was gone, silence reigned in the area. A 50 group of people began to follow him silently.

Their intention weren't good. They waited until Sil was in a desolate place. It was then they made their move.

"Give us whatever you have "One of them said.

Sil coldly snorted and said, "Heaven has doors, but you didn't chose it. Hell has no door but you still burst in. Foolish. Truly foolish. So, My guest, shall we begin?"

He activate the transformation spell. His body grew larger, claws appear sharper than a sword and a wolf face on his chest.

"wha…..at is he? isn't he human? How come he transformed into a beast. "

This time he decided that he wouldn't use his body, but the power of his core.

He slashed in the air. Five red slashes flew out from his five finger and hit five men. They instantly were ripped in two pieces.

Then he began to gather enegy in his chest. Unexpectedly, a tentacle flew out of his body. A red coloured tentacle. It,then strode forward toward those men. They were utterly terrified.

They tried to seeing they stood no chance . But before they could take a step, the red tentacle ran at an incredible speed and penetrated through all of them at once.

Their body began to wither.

He,then proceeded on his path toward the inheritance ground. When he reached the ground, he saw vast amount of people crowded over there. There were tents all over the place. He need to disguise himself as one of the 10 mages of the mage association.For it to be accomplished, he needed to kidnap one.

So, he started searching in the crowd. While he was searching, he found out two people. e they could take a step, the red tentacle ran at an incredible speed and penetrated through all of them at once.

Their body began to wither.

He,then proceeded on his path toward the inheritance ground. When he reached the ground, he saw vast amount of people crowded over there. He need to disguise himself as one of the 10 mages of the mage association.For it to be accomplished, he needed to kidnap one.

So, he started searching in the crowd. While he was searching, he found out two people. They were planning to take advantage of a woman after entering the inheritance ground when there would be none to obstruct them. After discussing their plan, they disperse.

He quickly began to follow the weak one.

When he entered his tent, Sil too entered along with him.

The man suddenly turned back and attacked him. It looked like the man sensed him. With just a wave of his hand, the attack dispersed into thin air.

Sil said with a red light shining in his eyes, " Just tell me, who you are. Who are going with you into the inheritance ground? Then just sit here until the event end. That's the only way for you to live. "

"I am edd. There are nine more people with us. Everyone is stronger than me." said the man trembling.

"Enough.just hide here for the time being. " sil coldly said.

The man nodded repeatedly. Sil took out the blood mask, took a drop of blood from the man to drop it on the mask.

Then wore it. His whole body began to change into that of a man beside him.

When the time came someone came to escort him to the inheritance ground.

He strode forward to the inheritance ground.

When he reach, he saw nine others waiting for him. There was a woman standing among them. She was like a fairy, her skin was pale white as if she had no blood in her body. She looked at him and smiled. Other than her, no one looked at him. It seemed like she was the one Edd and the other man would try to take advantage of.

"All of you don't waste your time. Enter the inheritance ground along with the hunters. As for how much you can get that depends on you. " said loudly an old man.

All of them strode forward toward the portal. Then entered all at once.

When they appeared on the other side, they appeared in a new world.There was forest in front of them. After the forest was a mountain.

All of them was in front of the forest.

"It looks like the destination is the mountain peak. ",Sil said.

Without saying anything everyone started to move. But a particular one had no interest in the inheritance, he began to follow the woman secretly.

"Though I am not a good man, I can't close my eyes in this matter. ",Sil thought. So, he began to follow the man.





"I have lost the path toward the mountain. What should I do now? There isn't anyone nearby. " she murmured anxiously.

Suddenly, she felt someone coming. She turned back to look. A displeased expression.

"You, you followed me here,Sam,right? "she said.

"Yeah, who would want to lose such a wonderful chance, Eloise. " sam laughed.

"You do know who I am. If something happen to me you won't be alive. ", she threatened him.

"If and only if others know. " he shrugged.

Then, both of them heard the sound of footsteps coming toward them. Eloise was looking for hope.But Sam was glaring at her with murderous intent.

A man appeared in front of them.

"tsk, tsk. What a wonderful place. So tell me, Eloise, do you need help?