

I felt out of breath who wouldn't standing in front of beast of legends. Is this my chance can I change my fate

NARUTO_169aries · ゲーム
38 Chs


Meanwhile while Michael was celebrating his good fortune in a part of the city where only the rich among rich stay in a 50 stories building at the very top floor, Five people sat together around a table.

These are the Guildmasters of the Five biggest guilds in America,

God Slaying guild

Red Roses guild

Star Breaker guild

House of Gods guild

Epiphany guild

So what you are trying to say is that those two Mythical players don't belong to your guild's elites or your team of pro players the guild leader for Red Roses guild asked the other Guildmasters in frustration.

Exactly it is what it is right now we can only focus our efforts on finding out who they are, if they want to they will approach us, the reason this meeting was held was to put forward a go all out, we all know the importance of those two,

The Guild Master of Epiphany spake in a learned voice, Very well then use any methods you have at your disposal to make them join your guild that's it right then I'll leave first enjoy the rest of your day The Guild Master of Star breaker said and then left.

Meanwhile in Planetry Evolution headquarters it complete pandemonium.

Josh what did you tell me how could two beginners have gotten Mystical ranked class already HOW!!!

I don't know sir the person addressed as Josh fumbled with computer on front of him as he faced his very angry boss the Head of Game procedures.

When they were programming the game there were only a total of 150,000 Mythical Classes and 50,000 were unique that could only be gotten once and I those were even in the later stages of the game from the information they got from the AI running ARCANE in the beginning only three Mystical ranked classes were made available,

How in the world could two be taken on the first day of the game's release,

We have to take it back from them

As he heard his boss words he immediately said impossible, Gaia the name of the AI that controlled ARCANE has almost become completely independent right now the only thing it relies on is for is power to keep it running,

WHAT THE F**K ARE YOU SAYING JOSH, this time his voice was sky high, as the other people working in the office shuddered as they thought about what was in store for them they secretly cursed those two players.

Sister sister, I screamed as I rushed into the hospital, I was livid as soon as I had come out of the pod I had received a message from the hospital that my sister was in critical condition, I immediately to the hospital.

Where is she where is she, as soon as I rushed into her ward in the hospital security personnel grabbed me and tackled me to the floor, you're sister condition.is grave you need to be calm a doctor said to me as I was slowly brought off the floor, but first the surgery we are about to perform on her is very expensive and would require a minimum deposit of 500,000 GDs of you can't pay it we understand your situation and we won't hold against you the bills you owe us before, you can leave and we will send your sisters body to the mortuary or....

Do it I shouted out and then I took out my watch.amd sent 2,000,000 GDs into the hospital's account and I broke down entirely, Please~sob~sob Please save my sister, I don't want to lose her~ sob~sob.

I don't know whether he was moved by my tears ohh the money that entered their account but his demeanor and tone immediately changed.

It's okay sir please guards take him to the waiting room, your sister will be giving cream of the crop treatment you don't have to worry, our best doctors are already with her, I will go and join them now and will report back to you as soon as there Is any news.

And in a very professional manner he walked out of the ward, sir please follow us the security team said as they left the ward to,. although I wanted to follow the doctor to meet my sister I knew I had to be strong for her sake.

Meanwhile in surgery room 69.

Where the hell am I, my head hurts like hell, speaking of hell is this hell I never expected to go to heaven after all the lives I took, soon I was able to open my eyes wait my eyes what the hell wasn't I dead I remembered very well my last moments before my death I was set up in my last assassination mission that's right I was an assassin that went by the name Black Phantom, my name was enough to put fear into the the minds of the greatest politicians, I had killed more than 3000 people before I was killed in a setup I was riddled with bullet holes and left with no way to survive how the hell am I here wait did I transmigrate, the realization hit me like a bomb at the same time countless memories of a small girl flooded my mind memories that were mine and at the same time weren't mine the memories of the former owner of this body a 14 year old girl who had been in a coma since she was 2 the cause was an accident which killed both of her parents, only her brother survived and he has been taking care of her since then. I could still feel her soul in this body although it wasn't strong at the moment, and I could feel her last wish she doesn't want her brother to know she's dead she didn't want him to know while he was out there fighting for her she gave up on him she knew it would destroy him, but why was I a serial killer given a second chance at life I wasn't good I didn't die while doing good hell I die while trying to kill someone why do I deserve it why couldn't this girl survive and just live happily with her brother was I supposed to pretend to be her..... WHY hello I was a man of my own freedom I couldn't play baby sister for someone, I layed and soon as senses started coming back to my body I could see the doctors around me.

What is the report she's alive but her body is too weak she won't leave for long three days at the maximum the same doctor who had come to meet Michael said, Sir this is a good time to talk to Planetry Evolution about the black project of it's a success we will be able to make more breakthroughs in the area of the mind, should I call Daneel a nurse said,

Don't bother I'm going to meet him myself again the doctor from before said and left.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

NARUTO_169ariescreators' thoughts