

"Pfft. I'm not here to lend a hand, this is your fight. Just don't die before I get the chance to wipe the floor with your face... We shall meet in 2 weeks when the tournament starts."

Rex folded his arms as he looked at Coby who was manning the steering.

"Get us out of here, we have a crypt to clear." 

"Roger that!" 

And so, the Red ark flew at lightspeed leaving the Aegises to themselves. 

"Sir Ace, are you alright?" 

"Yeah, I am now thanks to you guys." He looked at. The unconscious Kaz and Ernie whom he was holding. "Help me out with these two." 

Conroy and Vorus moved quickly to help lay the two unconscious men on the ground. 

Ace sat on the ground as he let out a huge sigh. Just a moment ago, he was about to watch as his friends get beheaded by his brothers. 

Speaking of which. 

"You brought reinforcements?" 

They quickly turned in the direction of Reed's voice.