
The Star Eater


"I'll be on my way then." August was escorting Leonidas to his cruiser. 

It was a Silver colored cruiser with the head of a lion in its front and the logo of the BSA on both sides. 

"So, this is the Silver Mane." August said to himself. 

"Have you heard of the Flag Masters summit being held in two weeks?" Asked Leonidas as they paused in front of the cruiser.

"Unfortunately," Said August sounding annoyed. "All the Flag Masters have to present including the Grand Flag Master. That old coot barely shows his face." 

"So I've heard. I've never met him in person haha, I'll be looking forward to seeing the Blind Death. I'm not too excited about the other Flag Masters. Most of them still haven't accepted me as one of their own." 

"I wonder Why's that." 

"That sarcastic attitude of yours won't land you a woman."