

His body was completely covered in the swirling chaotic aura. 

It looked as if he was covered in black and purple flames. 

"What is this!" Tommaso took a step back. 

"For what you did to my family, for what you did to Adacus and Vex... Tommaso of the Valhalla clan, I swear. I will crush you!" 

"His aura... It has two layers?" 

"This is the power of those that achieved the second layer... Dual aura!" 

A black aura coated his legs and hands. Purple aura wings stretching out of his back and purple aura flaring around him. 

Ace was nothing short of a monster in this form.

"Let's do this thing."

"Chimerer?" Maggie said weekly turning to Kaz. 

"He's pronouncing it wrong," Conroy adds.

"I guess it's a wordplay." Kaz retorts. 

They gazed at their captain's new form. 

"I used to think that Sir Ace's powers came from his shadow relic. Boy, how wrong was I."