

"This cage of yours won't hold me for long!" He snars at her. 

She smirks. "I know it won't. But it'll hold just enough for me to show you the fruits of my labor!" 

She saw flashes of the training she did in secret when Vorus and Conroy were developing their new techniques while Ace, Kaz, and Reginald were in the East. 

She trained hard not taking a day of rest just so she could prove to her friends and mostly to herself that she's capable enough to stand on par with them.

Tommaso began emitting a powerful aura burst to disrupt the cage. 

"It's only a matter of time." 

"I have just about enough time!" Maggie declares as she raises her hands. 

She began to make certain obscure movements. It almost seemed as if she was dancing. 

A wind current gathered around her. The air was so strong that the spectators had to shield their eyes. 

"She's able to control this much power?" Tommaso was stunned by the showcase from the historian.