
Rise of Monster : Beasts

[WPC DEC & JAN 2023 [Fantasy] Entry!] Show love and support with Power Stones and by adding to your collection!!! --------------------- Newt Salamander, torn away from his dangerous life on Earth, arrives in the enchanting realm of Etria, a place where humans live alongside mythical beings, wielding potent magic and mastering combat. Born into the esteemed Salamander family, Newt seems destined for greatness. However, tragedy strikes as a sudden and brutal attack leaves his family shattered. Fueled by an overwhelming grief and an unquenchable thirst for revenge, Newt embarks on a relentless journey of self-discovery. Through tireless training, Newt hones his skills, delving into the depths of his magical potential. Now, Newt must navigate a world brimming with mythical creatures and the echoes of a power that transcends the boundaries between life and legend. --------------------- Born into the esteemed Wood Family, Ryan's destiny appears grand, yet a childhood encounter with Newt shatters his aspirations, marking him an outcast among his peers. The news of Newt's demise leaves Ryan grappling with the dilemma of an unfulfilled revenge, fueling his determination to become one of the strongest in his rank through relentless training. Hope seems to be on Ryan's side as he forges a new life, free from the shadows of the past. However, the very nemesis he despised, Newt, mysteriously returns to life, casting a looming threat over Ryan's newfound happiness. The stakes are high, and the once-outcast Ryan finds himself at the center of a battle that could determine the fate of not only his own life but also the lives of those he holds dear. --------------------- You might be questioning now. Is Ryan the protagonist or is it Newt? The response is straightforward. In our individual narratives, we play the hero role. However, in someone else's tale, we might be cast as the villain. From your viewpoint, you're the hero of your own story, but what if the antagonist narrated that story? Would you still be the hero in that version? ---------------------- This novel is full of Adventure, Mystery, Cruelty and Passion. ---------------------- WPC 2023 Entry! Please show your support if you enjoy the story! How can you show your support? Gift Power Stone! 100=1 bonus chapter

ASH_MK · ファンタジー
103 Chs

Newt Salamander

The dimly lit room buzzed with anticipation as I addressed the gathering of potential investors, scientists, and curious onlookers. I had spent sleepless nights preparing for this moment, and now, with a mix of excitement and nerves, I made the announcement.

"As you can see, Neverlink has undergone rigorous testing and has been successfully implemented."

I gestured toward the large screen behind me, signaling the beginning of the demonstration. The projector hummed to life, casting an otherworldly glow across the room.

"For all of you, this is a glimpse into the capabilities of Neverlink," I declared, turning on the projector and taking a seat at the front.

The room hushed as the video began to play, revealing an elderly man calmly injected with a syringe. The audience, a blend of scientists, potential buyers, and curious minds, watched in rapt attention.

The Old Man, as he came to be known in the video, offered a serene smile before nonchalantly leaping off a helicopter. Gasps rippled through the audience.

I marveled at the outcome, unable to suppress my pride. 'I cannot believe I made it possible.'

The video continued, capturing the Old Man landing gracefully, untouched by the fall. The audience erupted into a mix of whispers and awe.

'I've achieved the pinnacle of evolution,' I thought, my mind racing with possibilities.

The excitement escalated as the Old Man encountered a military group drawn by the thunderous landing. The room braced for a surprise.


The perspective shifted, and the audience saw through the eyes of the Old Man. He moved with lightning speed, rendering the military defenseless. The tension in the room heightened.

The Old Man effortlessly incapacitated the military personnel, leaving them helpless in the face of his superhuman abilities. Laughter echoed through the room.

I rose from my chair, seizing the opportunity to explain the marvel before them. "Neverlink not only eliminates pain but accelerates the body's antibodies, essentially enabling rapid regeneration."

Chatter erupted in the audience, and I continued, "This is just one of its remarkable features."

The video unfolded further as the Old Man faced a bid war among potential buyers. The stakes soared, reaching astronomical figures.

"30 Billion!" a voice declared, capturing the attention of everyone present.

All eyes turned to the bidder, and recognition dawned as I whispered internally, 'Oman Az Khabul.'

The notorious Don had entered the scene, adding a thrilling layer to the unfolding drama. My heart raced, sensing the magnitude of the situation.

"Pardon the interruption," I interjected, attempting to maintain control. "Presently, Neverlink is not for sale."

The room buzzed with speculation and excitement.

"With Neverlink, the potential to alter the course of nations with just a handful of soldiers is within reach," I proclaimed, gauging the reactions.

"Yeah, my sentiments exactly," chimed in another voice.

I directed my attention toward the source and beheld her – a woman with long legs, perfect curves, and ample breasts, stationed near the exit.

The tension lingered, but before anyone could respond, a mysterious woman entered the room. She exuded confidence, her presence commanding attention.

She stood near the exit as bidding continued. A sudden realization struck me, and I fumbled to grasp the situation unfolding.

'Is that...'

The room tensed as every gun was aimed at her, bodyguards standing vigilant.

'I need to escape.' Panic surged within me, and I hastily retrieved Neverlink, injecting it into my hand.

Gunfire erupted, but the unexpected occurred. The audience members bled from their noses and fell one by one, incapacitated by an unseen force.

Taking advantage of the chaos, I fled through the back door. Yet, she stood there, blocking my escape.

"Your invention is impressive," she remarked, her tone unsettling.

"We can share the profits if you like," I offered hastily.

"Conducting experiments across multiple states and causing the deaths of billions just to create a subpar project – what a colossal waste of time."

'Subpar? My project.' Anger surged within me.

'Impossible.' She intercepted my hand before I could land a blow, negating the impact.

"I advised you to simply accept your fate."

She delivered a punch to my stomach, prompting me to stagger back. The pain was subdued, courtesy of Neverlink healing my injuries.

"Regeneration, eh? That's not within our database."

"Share with me the method of amplifying antibodies for regeneration."

"Then, perhaps, I can conclude your existence without inflicting pain."

She regarded me with emotionless eyes.

'Fucking Bitch.' I cursed internally but refrained from vocalizing it.

'She possesses considerable strength, but my secrets... just wait, grant me 10 years.'

'I will surpass her in strength,' I contemplated inwardly.

"Then the key to regeneration or enhancing antibodies is in my laboratory, so leave me in peace."


In an instant, she materialized behind me, leaving me with a sense of defeat.

"As I mentioned, your demise will be painless."

I pivoted to find her clutching a crimson heart – my own.

"Damn it," I cursed, hurrying to her legs and gripping them tightly.


'I survived, even after triggering my own explosion.'

The mysterious woman, unharmed, stood within a protective shield. My single remaining eye watched her, defiant despite my shattered body.

"Fascinating," she commented, crushing my remaining eye.


I crumpled to the ground, darkness closing in as she uttered words I could no longer comprehend.

The inky darkness surrounded me, an unsettling void that seemed to defy the very concept of existence.

'Is this the embrace of nothingness?'

'How am I contemplating my existence when there's no trace of a functioning brain?'

'I can't sense anything.'

Then, as if breaking through the dense shadows, a soft glow emerged, casting a surreal light that left me disoriented.

'I strained my eyes to discern shapes through the luminosity, and that's when I saw her – a woman embracing me.'

"Is that...?"

"My baby boy." A middle-aged figure materialized in the room, gazing at me with a mix of curiosity and tenderness.

'Why the peculiar scrutiny?'

"Wahh." I attempted to articulate my thoughts, but all that escaped my mouth was the cry of a newborn.

"He seems like a bright child."

'Child.' I surveyed my diminutive form and was astonished to find that I had transformed into an infant.

'What?' I am an Infant.

"Just as we discussed earlier, if it's a boy, he shall bear the name Newt," the woman embracing me announced.

The woman who held me in her arms radiated an ethereal beauty, her features a harmonious blend of grace and charm. Cascading waves of chestnut hair framed her face, falling in gentle waves around her shoulders. Her eyes, a shade of deep emerald, held a warmth that contrasted with the curiosity dancing within them. Smooth, flawless skin seemed to glow with a natural radiance, and a subtle, kind smile adorned her lips.

"Newt Salamander," the man declared, cradling me in his arms with an unmistakable glow of joy.

Beside her stood the middle-aged man, my presumed father, who possessed a rugged handsomeness that spoke of experience and wisdom. His salt-and-pepper hair was neatly groomed, framing a face that bore the marks of a life well-lived. Laugh lines crinkled around his eyes, revealing a depth of character and a penchant for joy. His eyes, a comforting shade of hazel, held a mix of pride and affection as he gazed at the newborn in his arms.