
Lin Feng

In the bustling city of Beijing everyone is going on about their lives and no one had taken notice of the young man lying in the alley, this young man that looks to be around 17 to 18 was once called "Young master Lin" of Lin clan but now even after having nothing left instead of feeling dread by nearing death's door his eyes are clear with a conviction burning within them scenes of the past were constantly playing themselves in his mind.

He was from one of the oldest and wealthiest families in Beijing, The Lin clan and he was the clan head's only child. So he was the default heir of the 'empire' but unlike normal arrogant or conceited young masters of big families. Lin Feng was a modest boy that was well loved and had the good impressions of multiple people and any praise he received was by through his talent and hard work.

But sadly Lin Feng's life of contentment didn't last long a few weeks after his 13th birthday his parents, the current clan head as well as his wife died in a plane crash, if the shock of his parents death wasn't enough his uncles took control of the clan a day after his parent's death, his so called 'Brothers' and 'Sisters' started taking his things not even leaving a house for him to live in! and what came after that was the start of his tragedy at first he was just being ignored by his clan but then even the servants started ignoring him if that wasn't enough after a year his "family" started to think of him as a servant of the clan and if he ignored orders he would even be stripped of eating and drinking privileges but even then he did not forget his about self respect or character and even moved out of the clan.

When Lin Feng was nearing his 18th birthday he was getting ready to take back control of his clan and show his so called "Family and Friends" who the true head of the Clan was, but only a week before his birthday and for his plan to take place a group of black-clothed masked people assaulted him and took him in a black car because of being gagged he couldn't say anything or scream when one of the assailants took out a suppressor pistol and shot him in the abdomen it was a wound that would ensure that he dies unless he got immediate treatment but would keep him alive long enough for him to fall into despair as the car stopped and he was thrown in the dark alley at the middle of the night even then he could hear the assailants still ridiculing him of how 'he shouldn't have been born as an heir' 'shouldn't think of being king' and other words and curses, he did not except the elders who once called him the "Perfect Heir" to fall so deep.

Who would he find in the night when he could barely move? and by the time someone found him he would be a cold corpse but contrary to expectations he did not despair but a flame burned in his eyes and that is how the current scenario happened.

"You greedy pigs did nothing to help when my dad built the Lin clan to it's current heights but when the assets of the clan increased and the business was flourishing you suddenly wanted your share!!"

"If that wasn't enough instead of mourning for the man that gave you such a life you instead wanted the entire clan for yourselves!"

"But you aren't FULL YET!!!! you're having me killed because you don't want any problems"

As the thoughts went through his mind and his anger rose Lin Feng caught sight of a shiny object a few meters away from him he uses the little strength in his body to move towards the object even though the pain in his abdomen was killing him he still went through and grabbed the object which was a locket adorned with a beautiful blue gem that looked like a sapphire or lapis lazuli but wasn't at the same time perhaps more beautiful since if you look closely you would be able to see a beautiful nebula in the gem, Lin Feng remembered this was a present his mother had given him on his 13th birthday before the tragedy occurred even now he clearly remembers her words.

"Feng'er this chain was a present my grandmother gave me, it's purpose is to help the wearer when he has either lost sight of his path or if he ever needs help but now i am giving this to you so you can find a path suitable for you and always stay happy and safe no matter when or where you are"

The name of the stone was

"Guide Stone"

says Lin Feng when his clan abandoned him he stayed strong, when he was bullied by his cousins and friends he did not cry out, when the attackers kept hitting him he gritted his teeth even when he was shot he only groaned once but upon remembering his mother's gentle gaze the strong Young master Lin finally shed tears.

" 'sob' it's not fair....fate is not fair! 'sob' 'sob' "

"Mom, Dad i failed you! because i'm weak! i wasn't able to take back your heritage"

"Mom....Dad.....i really miss you..."

With tears and blood mixing together Lin Feng screams in his mind with the same burning conviction only stronger in his eyes, which sounded more like a 'Declaration'.

"I swear! that if there truly is a next life then i will not allow myself to LOSE ANYTHING EVER AGAIN!"

with a final silent declaration Lin Feng's finally body gives in and he slowly closes his eyes never to open them again but before completely closing them he thinks he saw a a tiny azure blue light but has not the strength to investigate it.

The pendant in Lin Feng arm near his chest starts glowing even brighter until it illuminates his entire body before floating and finally emitting strange blue flames and disappearing.

Leaving only a cold and lonely corpse lying in it's own blood.

Just the first chapter, chapters will get longer in the future so satiate your hunger with this for now

P.S chapter 2 is coming soon

OrionClay18062000creators' thoughts