
Rise of Lexi

Lexi a 24 year old has been keeping up with her husband's character for a long while until he finally tries to kill her While Chris Morgan a ruthless billionaire sees her and saves her from the clutches of death and decides to make the fair skinned Lexi his own What will become of Lexi will she agree to Chris request Read on

leeyarhwrites · 都市
10 Chs

Business proposal

"yes yes of course" Morris replied grinning from ear to ear

" I want some of your company shares mr Morris you have 10 shareholders and have 65% of the shares that means 35%is shared between the rest of the shareholders" Chris said sipping his coffee

" Wow Mr Morgan you have done your research but unfortunately I'm not willing to sell my shares not even 1% of them"Morris replied the gleam in his eyes dimming a little but still maintaining the smile on his face 


" Yes sir"

" How much is 1% of Mr Yue's share worth" he asked calmly

"As at now sir about 686,000 Yaun sir" Ryan fang replied immediately

Morris face twitched a little hearing that, this didn't go unnoticed by Chris

" Mr Yue what if I buy 1% of your share one million Yaun"

His eyes widened at the amount of gain he would get if he sold his shares but why does he want them

" Mr Morgan why do you want my company shares so bad" 

" I just like the name of the company" he replied taking another sop of the coffee in front of him

" Hahaha" Morris burst into awkward laughter thinking he was joking


" Do you perhaps take me for a joke Mr Yue" the degree of the room plummeted

" No no I dare not I thought you were making a joke" Morris replied shivering slightly

" My boss doesn't joke" Ryan replied

" Of course but I can only afford to sell to you 5% of my shares mr Morgan" he replied gaining his composure




"Alright mr Morgan 7% it is" he replied grinning

"Please sign here and here" Mr fang gave him a document to sign 

" Oh you have it prepared already" he muttered

" You might have to read it through right" Chris asked swirling the cup in his hands

" Yes "he replied scanning the document just looking for the money

"I'll send my assistant to collect the document in two days"

" I'll bring it to you tomorrow Mr Morgan" he said happily after finding the amount 7 million Yaun written at the bottom page

" Oh no need to stress yourself Ryan will collect it tomorrow" he said

"Okay Mr Morgan" 

" Good day"

" Thank you thank you"Morris said bowing repeatedly and walking him out of his office as he stepped out he saw two hefty men at his door post following Chris 

" Wow,I need bodyguards like that too I'm in money" he muttered and said thank you before going back to his office to meet a half naked Alice on the table

"Aliceeeee, come here"

Sounds could be heard after that....

In Chris's car

"Ryan how many shares for we have now"

"40% sir"he replied

"We should have 42%, who's left out"

"The remaining two percent is hanging somewhere in the company sir as he is trying to transfer it to his new wife sir"he replied adjusting his glasses

"Okay, we will meet his wife later or Lexi will meet her" he said grinning

" Sir are we going to see your new wife " Ryan asked noticing they were going in another direction different drom the house direction

" Yes you need to meet my wifeyy" he replied chuckling

30 minutes later they arrived at a secluded area and walked to Daniel's house

" Daniel" Ryan shouted out

" That's me" a voice sounded from inside he peeped through the house hole and opened the door

" Ryannn" he squealed like a 14 year old

"Hmhm" Chris cleared his throat to show he was there and Daniel let go of Ryan's neck immediately

"Boss I'm sorry he jumped on me before I could react" Ryan quickly apologized before Chris made a cut on his salary

" Where's Lexi" Chris said changing the topic

" Oh she's inside she can walk a little now but it's painful for her so she's on a wheelchair" Daniel explained

Chris sighed and entered the apartment

" Wifeyy" he shouted from the sitting room

Lexi recognized the voice and blushed terribly at the impact 'why is he calling me wifeyy does he want to die' she thought angrily

"Young Madam" Ryan greeted bowing

" Me" Lexi replied

" Of course Lexi who else will he greet like that" Chris said signalling Daniel to bring some grapes over

" Mr Morgan" she said and looked up only to see his gaze dark

" Call me Chris or hubby like you called me the other day" he said

" Ch.. Chris..who is he" she said referring to Ryan

" Introduce yourself"

" I'm Ryan fang Mr Chris's secretary nice to meet you miss Lexi"Ryan said bowing again

"Ohh" she said and got a good look at his face how on earth are there such handsome men before she got married to Morris she used to think that she was lucky getting married to someone that goodlooking but in the midst of these men Morris was very ugly

" Nice to meet you too Mr Ryan"

" Call him Ryan" Chris ordered

" But I'm going to work as your assistant so....."

" Personal assistant and wife so call him Ryan" he said

" Okay boss" she replied and giggled lightly when she saw his face darken

"The grapes" Daniel said handing them over to Chris

And Lexi noticed his long and slender ginger peeling them and she imagined those hands on her lips but smacked herself to control her thinking a suffocating silence spread over the room till the telecom rang Daniel picked it up

" Hello" 

" Oh ..o..ok.. I'll deliver your message to him..hm..and he hung up

" Boss" 

"Speak"Chris said he brought his head closer to Chris ear as if to whisper

" Say it out"

" They found the car that was following you some minutes ago they are waiting for your orders" Daniel said

" Torture and kill" he said nonchalantly and looked up to see Lexi eating her porridge calmly

Didn't she hear me or is she fidgeting I must make her know the kind osn I am before she gets married to me 

" When is she going to start walking" he asked Daniel

Lexi immediately raised her face up to meet Daniels as if he could fix her leg

" About two weeks she should be able to walk" he said shrugging

" Reallllyyyyyyy" Lexi asked happily

"Yes in two weeks you should be able to walk using crutches" Daniel replied

The smile disappeared from everyone faces at that point in time and the room dropped by several degrees

" You fool" Ryan said as he. Gave him a. Light knock

" Cru...crutches" Lexi asked dejectedly her hopes were raised were really high

" Daniel" Chris said his voice echoing in the room and causing everyone to shiver

" Boss" he said almost crying

" When will she be able to walk" he repeated his question

"In one month sir" he replied again

" Okay now get out and do a hundred kowtow's Ryan supervise him" he added

"Aren't you going to plead for him"Chris asked when they left

" No he did something wrong why should I plead for him" Lexi said shrugging and turning back to her porridge

" I heard you were a soft hearted woman" he asked again

" I'm not I just couldn't touch Morris so as not to give grandfather a heart attack" she said shrugging again

" Good my world is filled with dangers and if they know you are my wife they will try to kill you kidnap you rape you and many more" he said staring at her

" I'm ready for this" I said to Chris with determination in my eyes

" Why did boss punish me he should punish miss Lexi she's the one that interrupted me" Daniel said crying

" Just do the kowtows and let's go inside it's freezing out here

" I don't need to do it just tell boss I did it" he said with pleading eyes" no absolutely not I won't lie to boss what if he finds out I won't risk my salary" Ryan said

" I hate you" Daniel said and started kowtowing